内容简介:Given a linked list, swap every two adjacent nodes and return its head.Example:Note:
Given a linked list, swap every two adjacent nodes and return its head.
Given <code>1->2->3->4</code>, you should return the list as <code>2->1->4->3</code>.
- Your algorithm should use only constant extra space.
- You may not modify the values in the list's nodes, only nodes itself may be changed.
class Solution { public ListNode swapPairs(ListNode head) { if (head == null || head.next == null) return head; ListNode temp = head.next; head.next = swapPairs(head.next.next); temp.next = head; return temp; } }
class Solution { public ListNode swapPairs(ListNode head) { if (head == null || head.next == null) return head; ListNode fakeHead = new ListNode(0), pre = fakeHead, temp = null; fakeHead.next = head; while (pre.next!=null && pre.next.next!=null) { temp = pre.next.next; pre.next.next = temp.next; temp.next = pre.next; pre.next = temp; pre = temp.next; } return fakeHead.next; } }
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Complete Web Monitoring
Alistair Croll、Sean Power / O'Reilly Media / June 29, 2009 / GBP 39.99
Do you know the true value of your website to your organization? i??Complete Web Monitoringi?? shows you how to integrate several different views of your online business - including analytics, back-en......一起来看看 《Complete Web Monitoring》 这本书的介绍吧!