0X0 前言
0x1 Android4.0以前
public static int listPackageNativeBinariesLI(ZipFile zipFile, List> nativeFiles) throws ZipException, IOException { String cpuAbi = Build.CPU_ABI; int result = listPackageSharedLibsForAbiLI(zipFile, cpuAbi, nativeFiles); /* * Some architectures are capable of supporting several CPU ABIs * for example, 'armeabi-v7a' also supports 'armeabi' native code * this is indicated by the definition of the ro.product.cpu.abi2 * system property. * * only scan the package twice in case of ABI mismatch */ if (result == PACKAGE_INSTALL_NATIVE_ABI_MISMATCH) { final String cpuAbi2 = SystemProperties.get("ro.product.cpu.abi2", null); if (cpuAbi2 != null) { result = listPackageSharedLibsForAbiLI(zipFile, cpuAbi2, nativeFiles); } if (result == PACKAGE_INSTALL_NATIVE_ABI_MISMATCH) { Slog.w(TAG, "Native ABI mismatch from package file"); return PackageManager.INSTALL_FAILED_INVALID_APK; } if (result == PACKAGE_INSTALL_NATIVE_FOUND_LIBRARIES) { cpuAbi = cpuAbi2; } } /* * Debuggable packages may have gdbserver embedded, so add it to * the list to the list of items to be extracted (as lib/gdbserver) * into the application's native library directory later. */ if (result == PACKAGE_INSTALL_NATIVE_FOUND_LIBRARIES) { listPackageGdbServerLI(zipFile, cpuAbi, nativeFiles); } return PackageManager.INSTALL_SUCCEEDED; }复制代码
/* * Find all files of the form lib//lib.so in the .apk * and add them to a list to be installed later. * * NOTE: this method may throw an IOException if the library cannot * be copied to its final destination, e.g. if there isn't enough * room left on the data partition, or a ZipException if the package * file is malformed. */ private static int listPackageSharedLibsForAbiLI(ZipFile zipFile, String cpuAbi, List> libEntries) throws IOException, ZipException { final int cpuAbiLen = cpuAbi.length(); boolean hasNativeLibraries = false; boolean installedNativeLibraries = false; if (DEBUG_NATIVE) { Slog.d(TAG, "Checking " + zipFile.getName() + " for shared libraries of CPU ABI type " + cpuAbi); } Enumeration entries = zipFile.entries(); while (entries.hasMoreElements()) { ZipEntry entry = entries.nextElement(); // skip directories if (entry.isDirectory()) { continue; } String entryName = entry.getName(); /* * Check that the entry looks like lib//lib.so * here, but don't check the ABI just yet. * * - must be sufficiently long * - must end with LIB_SUFFIX, i.e. ".so" * - must start with APK_LIB, i.e. "lib/" */ if (entryName.length() < MIN_ENTRY_LENGTH || !entryName.endsWith(LIB_SUFFIX) || !entryName.startsWith(APK_LIB)) { continue; } // file name must start with LIB_PREFIX, i.e. "lib" int lastSlash = entryName.lastIndexOf('/'); if (lastSlash < 0 || !entryName.regionMatches(lastSlash + 1, LIB_PREFIX, 0, LIB_PREFIX_LENGTH)) { continue; } hasNativeLibraries = true; // check the cpuAbi now, between lib/ and /lib.so if (lastSlash != APK_LIB_LENGTH + cpuAbiLen || !entryName.regionMatches(APK_LIB_LENGTH, cpuAbi, 0, cpuAbiLen)) continue; /* * Extract the library file name, ensure it doesn't contain * weird characters. we're guaranteed here that it doesn't contain * a directory separator though. */ String libFileName = entryName.substring(lastSlash+1); if (!FileUtils.isFilenameSafe(new File(libFileName))) { continue; } installedNativeLibraries = true; if (DEBUG_NATIVE) { Log.d(TAG, "Caching shared lib " + entry.getName()); } libEntries.add(Pair.create(entry, libFileName)); } if (!hasNativeLibraries) return PACKAGE_INSTALL_NATIVE_NO_LIBRARIES; if (!installedNativeLibraries) return PACKAGE_INSTALL_NATIVE_ABI_MISMATCH; return PACKAGE_INSTALL_NATIVE_FOUND_LIBRARIES; }复制代码
0x2 Android 4.0-Android 4.0.3
static install_status_titerateOverNativeFiles(JNIEnv *env, jstring javaFilePath, jstring javaCpuAbi, jstring javaCpuAbi2, iterFunc callFunc, void* callArg) { ScopedUtfChars filePath(env, javaFilePath); ScopedUtfChars cpuAbi(env, javaCpuAbi); ScopedUtfChars cpuAbi2(env, javaCpuAbi2); ZipFileRO zipFile; if (zipFile.open(filePath.c_str()) != NO_ERROR) { LOGI("Couldn't open APK %s\n", filePath.c_str()); return INSTALL_FAILED_INVALID_APK; } const int N = zipFile.getNumEntries(); char fileName[PATH_MAX]; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { const ZipEntryRO entry = zipFile.findEntryByIndex(i); if (entry == NULL) { continue; } // Make sure this entry has a filename. if (zipFile.getEntryFileName(entry, fileName, sizeof(fileName))) { continue; } // Make sure we're in the lib directory of the ZIP. if (strncmp(fileName, APK_LIB, APK_LIB_LEN)) { continue; } // Make sure the filename is at least to the minimum library name size. const size_t fileNameLen = strlen(fileName); static const size_t minLength = APK_LIB_LEN + 2 + LIB_PREFIX_LEN + 1 + LIB_SUFFIX_LEN; if (fileNameLen < minLength) { continue; } const char* lastSlash = strrchr(fileName, '/'); LOG_ASSERT(lastSlash != NULL, "last slash was null somehow for %s\n", fileName); // Check to make sure the CPU ABI of this file is one we support. const char* cpuAbiOffset = fileName + APK_LIB_LEN; const size_t cpuAbiRegionSize = lastSlash - cpuAbiOffset; LOGV("Comparing ABIs %s and %s versus %s\n", cpuAbi.c_str(), cpuAbi2.c_str(), cpuAbiOffset); if (cpuAbi.size() == cpuAbiRegionSize && *(cpuAbiOffset + cpuAbi.size()) == '/' && !strncmp(cpuAbiOffset, cpuAbi.c_str(), cpuAbiRegionSize)) { LOGV("Using ABI %s\n", cpuAbi.c_str()); } else if (cpuAbi2.size() == cpuAbiRegionSize && *(cpuAbiOffset + cpuAbi2.size()) == '/' && !strncmp(cpuAbiOffset, cpuAbi2.c_str(), cpuAbiRegionSize)) { LOGV("Using ABI %s\n", cpuAbi2.c_str()); } else { LOGV("abi didn't match anything: %s (end at %zd)\n", cpuAbiOffset, cpuAbiRegionSize); continue; } // If this is a .so file, check to see if we need to copy it. if ((!strncmp(fileName + fileNameLen - LIB_SUFFIX_LEN, LIB_SUFFIX, LIB_SUFFIX_LEN) && !strncmp(lastSlash, LIB_PREFIX, LIB_PREFIX_LEN) && isFilenameSafe(lastSlash + 1)) || !strncmp(lastSlash + 1, GDBSERVER, GDBSERVER_LEN)) { install_status_t ret = callFunc(env, callArg, &zipFile, entry, lastSlash + 1); if (ret != INSTALL_SUCCEEDED) { LOGV("Failure for entry %s", lastSlash + 1); return ret; } } } return INSTALL_SUCCEEDED; }复制代码
/* * Simple string hash function for non-null-terminated strings. *//*static*/ unsigned int ZipFileRO::computeHash(const char* str, int len) { unsigned int hash = 0; while (len--) hash = hash * 31 + *str++; return hash; }/* * Add a new entry to the hash table. */void ZipFileRO::addToHash(const char* str, int strLen, unsigned int hash) { int ent = hash & (mHashTableSize-1); /* * We over-allocate the table, so we're guaranteed to find an empty slot. */ while (mHashTable[ent].name != NULL) ent = (ent + 1) & (mHashTableSize-1); mHashTable[ent].name = str; mHashTable[ent].nameLen = strLen; }复制代码
0x3 Android 4.0.4以后
static install_status_titerateOverNativeFiles(JNIEnv *env, jstring javaFilePath, jstring javaCpuAbi, jstring javaCpuAbi2, iterFunc callFunc, void* callArg) { ScopedUtfChars filePath(env, javaFilePath); ScopedUtfChars cpuAbi(env, javaCpuAbi); ScopedUtfChars cpuAbi2(env, javaCpuAbi2); ZipFileRO zipFile; if (zipFile.open(filePath.c_str()) != NO_ERROR) { ALOGI("Couldn't open APK %s\n", filePath.c_str()); return INSTALL_FAILED_INVALID_APK; } const int N = zipFile.getNumEntries(); char fileName[PATH_MAX]; bool hasPrimaryAbi = false; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { const ZipEntryRO entry = zipFile.findEntryByIndex(i); if (entry == NULL) { continue; } // Make sure this entry has a filename. if (zipFile.getEntryFileName(entry, fileName, sizeof(fileName))) { continue; } // Make sure we're in the lib directory of the ZIP. if (strncmp(fileName, APK_LIB, APK_LIB_LEN)) { continue; } // Make sure the filename is at least to the minimum library name size. const size_t fileNameLen = strlen(fileName); static const size_t minLength = APK_LIB_LEN + 2 + LIB_PREFIX_LEN + 1 + LIB_SUFFIX_LEN; if (fileNameLen < minLength) { continue; } const char* lastSlash = strrchr(fileName, '/'); ALOG_ASSERT(lastSlash != NULL, "last slash was null somehow for %s\n", fileName); // Check to make sure the CPU ABI of this file is one we support. const char* cpuAbiOffset = fileName + APK_LIB_LEN; const size_t cpuAbiRegionSize = lastSlash - cpuAbiOffset; ALOGV("Comparing ABIs %s and %s versus %s\n", cpuAbi.c_str(), cpuAbi2.c_str(), cpuAbiOffset); if (cpuAbi.size() == cpuAbiRegionSize && *(cpuAbiOffset + cpuAbi.size()) == '/' && !strncmp(cpuAbiOffset, cpuAbi.c_str(), cpuAbiRegionSize)) { ALOGV("Using primary ABI %s\n", cpuAbi.c_str()); hasPrimaryAbi = true; } else if (cpuAbi2.size() == cpuAbiRegionSize && *(cpuAbiOffset + cpuAbi2.size()) == '/' && !strncmp(cpuAbiOffset, cpuAbi2.c_str(), cpuAbiRegionSize)) { /* * If this library matches both the primary and secondary ABIs, * only use the primary ABI. */ if (hasPrimaryAbi) { ALOGV("Already saw primary ABI, skipping secondary ABI %s\n", cpuAbi2.c_str()); continue; } else { ALOGV("Using secondary ABI %s\n", cpuAbi2.c_str()); } } else { ALOGV("abi didn't match anything: %s (end at %zd)\n", cpuAbiOffset, cpuAbiRegionSize); continue; } // If this is a .so file, check to see if we need to copy it. if ((!strncmp(fileName + fileNameLen - LIB_SUFFIX_LEN, LIB_SUFFIX, LIB_SUFFIX_LEN) && !strncmp(lastSlash, LIB_PREFIX, LIB_PREFIX_LEN) && isFilenameSafe(lastSlash + 1)) || !strncmp(lastSlash + 1, GDBSERVER, GDBSERVER_LEN)) { install_status_t ret = callFunc(env, callArg, &zipFile, entry, lastSlash + 1); if (ret != INSTALL_SUCCEEDED) { ALOGV("Failure for entry %s", lastSlash + 1); return ret; } } } return INSTALL_SUCCEEDED; }复制代码
0x4 64位系统支持
public static int copyNativeBinariesWithOverride(Handle handle, File libraryRoot, String abiOverride) { try { if (handle.multiArch) { // Warn if we've set an abiOverride for multi-lib packages.. // By definition, we need to copy both 32 and 64 bit libraries for // such packages. if (abiOverride != null && !CLEAR_ABI_OVERRIDE.equals(abiOverride)) { Slog.w(TAG, "Ignoring abiOverride for multi arch application."); } int copyRet = PackageManager.NO_NATIVE_LIBRARIES; if (Build.SUPPORTED_32_BIT_ABIS.length > 0) { copyRet = copyNativeBinariesForSupportedAbi(handle, libraryRoot, Build.SUPPORTED_32_BIT_ABIS, true /* use isa specific subdirs */); if (copyRet < 0 && copyRet != PackageManager.NO_NATIVE_LIBRARIES && copyRet != PackageManager.INSTALL_FAILED_NO_MATCHING_ABIS) { Slog.w(TAG, "Failure copying 32 bit native libraries; copyRet=" +copyRet); return copyRet; } } if (Build.SUPPORTED_64_BIT_ABIS.length > 0) { copyRet = copyNativeBinariesForSupportedAbi(handle, libraryRoot, Build.SUPPORTED_64_BIT_ABIS, true /* use isa specific subdirs */); if (copyRet < 0 && copyRet != PackageManager.NO_NATIVE_LIBRARIES && copyRet != PackageManager.INSTALL_FAILED_NO_MATCHING_ABIS) { Slog.w(TAG, "Failure copying 64 bit native libraries; copyRet=" +copyRet); return copyRet; } } } else { String cpuAbiOverride = null; if (CLEAR_ABI_OVERRIDE.equals(abiOverride)) { cpuAbiOverride = null; } else if (abiOverride != null) { cpuAbiOverride = abiOverride; } String[] abiList = (cpuAbiOverride != null) ? new String[] { cpuAbiOverride } : Build.SUPPORTED_ABIS; if (Build.SUPPORTED_64_BIT_ABIS.length > 0 && cpuAbiOverride == null && hasRenderscriptBitcode(handle)) { abiList = Build.SUPPORTED_32_BIT_ABIS; } int copyRet = copyNativeBinariesForSupportedAbi(handle, libraryRoot, abiList, true /* use isa specific subdirs */); if (copyRet < 0 && copyRet != PackageManager.NO_NATIVE_LIBRARIES) { Slog.w(TAG, "Failure copying native libraries [errorCode=" + copyRet + "]"); return copyRet; } } return PackageManager.INSTALL_SUCCEEDED; } catch (IOException e) { Slog.e(TAG, "Copying native libraries failed", e); return PackageManager.INSTALL_FAILED_INTERNAL_ERROR; } }复制代码
public static int copyNativeBinariesForSupportedAbi(Handle handle, File libraryRoot, String[] abiList, boolean useIsaSubdir) throws IOException { createNativeLibrarySubdir(libraryRoot); /* * If this is an internal application or our nativeLibraryPath points to * the app-lib directory, unpack the libraries if necessary. */ int abi = findSupportedAbi(handle, abiList); if (abi >= 0) { /* * If we have a matching instruction set, construct a subdir under the native * library root that corresponds to this instruction set. */ final String instructionSet = VMRuntime.getInstructionSet(abiList[abi]); final File subDir; if (useIsaSubdir) { final File isaSubdir = new File(libraryRoot, instructionSet); createNativeLibrarySubdir(isaSubdir); subDir = isaSubdir; } else { subDir = libraryRoot; } int copyRet = copyNativeBinaries(handle, subDir, abiList[abi]); if (copyRet != PackageManager.INSTALL_SUCCEEDED) { return copyRet; } } return abi; }复制代码
static int findSupportedAbi(JNIEnv *env, jlong apkHandle, jobjectArray supportedAbisArray) { const int numAbis = env->GetArrayLength(supportedAbisArray); VectorsupportedAbis; for (int i = 0; i < numAbis; ++i) { supportedAbis.add(new ScopedUtfChars(env, (jstring) env->GetObjectArrayElement(supportedAbisArray, i))); } ZipFileRO* zipFile = reinterpret_cast(apkHandle); if (zipFile == NULL) { return INSTALL_FAILED_INVALID_APK; } UniquePtr it(NativeLibrariesIterator::create(zipFile)); if (it.get() == NULL) { return INSTALL_FAILED_INVALID_APK; } ZipEntryRO entry = NULL; char fileName[PATH_MAX]; int status = NO_NATIVE_LIBRARIES; while ((entry = it->next()) != NULL) { // We're currently in the lib/ directory of the APK, so it does have some native // code. We should return INSTALL_FAILED_NO_MATCHING_ABIS if none of the // libraries match. if (status == NO_NATIVE_LIBRARIES) { status = INSTALL_FAILED_NO_MATCHING_ABIS; } const char* fileName = it->currentEntry(); const char* lastSlash = it->lastSlash(); // Check to see if this CPU ABI matches what we are looking for. const char* abiOffset = fileName + APK_LIB_LEN; const size_t abiSize = lastSlash - abiOffset; for (int i = 0; i < numAbis; i++) { const ScopedUtfChars* abi = supportedAbis[i]; if (abi->size() == abiSize && !strncmp(abiOffset, abi->c_str(), abiSize)) { // The entry that comes in first (i.e. with a lower index) has the higher priority. if (((i < status) && (status >= 0)) || (status < 0) ) { status = i; } } } } for (int i = 0; i < numAbis; ++i) { delete supportedAbis[i]; } return status; }复制代码
0x5 建议
0x6 备注
【推荐】 快速上手JS-SDK自动化测试
【推荐】 2017年内容安全十大事件盘点
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