移动电机是EV3的核心。机器人需要移动的能力,因此你需要知道它是如何完成的。请参阅文档 EV3 Firmware Developer Kit 中的第 4.9 部分,以获得与电机相对应的操作的第一印象。几乎所有这些都以相同的两个参数开头:
LAYER:如果组合多个 EV3 brick 作为单个机器,则声明其中一个是主机,最多3个额外 brick 作为主机从机。然后将操作发送到主机,主机将其发送给主机从机。这就是 LAYER 的含义。Layer 0x|00| 是主机,layers 0x|01|,0x|02| 和 0x|03| 是它的可选从机。在没有从机的标准情况下,我们将设置 LAYER = 0x|00|。我们的直接命令代码可以连接多个 EV3 设备。因此,我认为不需要不同的参数 LAYER 值。
NO 或 NOS:电机端口以字母 A,B,C 和 D 标识。在直接命令的层面,你可以通过数字命名它们,A = 0x|01|,B = 0x|02|,C = 0x|04| 和 D = 0x|08|。如果你将这些数字写为二进制表示,则 A = 0b 0000 0001,B = 0b 0000 0010,C = 0b 0000 0100 和 C = 0b 0000 1000,你看,后半个字节可以解释为一系列的四个标志。你可以组合这些标志。如果你处理端口 A 和 C 的电机操作,则设置 NOS = 0x|05| 或 0b 0000 0101。如果参数名称为 NO,则只能处理单个电机端口。NOS是说,你可以处理一个或多个端口。
---------------------------------------------- \len \cnt \ty\hd \op\la\no\power\op\la\no\ ---------------------------------------------- 0x|0D:00|2A:00|80|00:00|A4|00|0F|81:64|A6|00|0F| ---------------------------------------------- \13 \42 \no\0,0 \O \0 \a \100 \O \0 \a \ \ \ \ \ \u \ \l \ \u \ \l \ \ \ \ \ \t \ \l \ \t \ \l \ \ \ \ \ \p \ \ \ \p \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \u \ \ \ \u \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \t \ \ \ \t \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \_ \ \ \ \_ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \P \ \ \ \S \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \o \ \ \ \t \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \w \ \ \ \a \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \e \ \ \ \r \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \r \ \ \ \t \ \ \ ----------------------------------------------
---------------------------------- \len \cnt \ty\hd \op\la\no\br\ ---------------------------------- 0x|09:00|2A:00|00|00:00|A3|00|0F|00| ---------------------------------- \9 \42 \re\0,0 \O \0 \a \no\ \ \ \ \ \u \ \l \ \ \ \ \ \ \t \ \l \ \ \ \ \ \ \p \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \u \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \t \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \_ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \S \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \t \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \o \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \p \ \ \ \ ----------------------------------
opOutput_Power = 0x|A4|,参数是
- POWER:指定输出功率 [-100 – 100 %](负值意味着相反的方向)
opOutput_Start = 0x|A6|,参数是
opOutput_Stop = 0x|A3|,参数是
- BRAKE:指定制动级别 [0:浮动,1:制动]。这不是被动制动器,其中电动机固定在其位置上。它是一个主动的,电机试图回到原来的位置,这需要能量!
opOutput_Polarity = 0x|A7|,参数是
POLARITY:指定极性 [-1, 0, 1]
- -1:电机将向后运行
- 0:电机将反方向运行
- -1:电机将向前运行
opOutput_Speed = 0x|A5|,参数是
- SPEED:指定输出速度 [-100 – 100 %](负值意味着相反的方向)
- http://robotsquare.com/2015/10/06/explor3r-building-instructions
- http://robotsquare.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/45544_educator.pdf
- http://www.lego.com/en-gb/mindstorms/build-a-robot/track3r
- http://www.lego.com/en-gb/mindstorms/build-a-robot/robodoz3r
但一个简单的也将满足我们的需求。将右侧电机连接到端口 A,将左侧电机连接到端口 D,并发送以下直接命令:
------------------------------------------- \len \cnt \ty\hd \op\la\no\sp\op\la\no\ ------------------------------------------- 0x|0C:00|2A:00|80|00:00|A5|00|09|3D|A6|00|09| ------------------------------------------- \12 \42 \no\0,0 \O \0 \A \-3\O \0 \A \ \ \ \ \ \u \ \+ \ \u \ \+ \ \ \ \ \ \t \ \D \ \t \ \D \ \ \ \ \ \p \ \ \ \p \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \u \ \ \ \u \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \t \ \ \ \t \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \_ \ \ \ \_ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \S \ \ \ \S \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \p \ \ \ \t \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \e \ \ \ \a \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \e \ \ \ \r \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \d \ \ \ \t \ \ \ -------------------------------------------
现在是编写实际应用程序的时候了。使用遥控 EV3 车辆给你的朋友或孩子留下深刻印象。我们从一个简单的遥控器开始,并使用键盘箭头键来改变速度和方向。首先将新操作添加到 EV3 类,然后编写远程控制程序。像往常一样,我已经以 python 3 完成了它:
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import curses import ev3 def move(speed: int, turn: int)->None: global myEV3, stdscr stdscr.addstr(5, 0, 'speed: {}, turn: {} '.format(speed, turn)) if turn > 0: speed_right = speed speed_left = round(speed * (1 - turn / 100)) else: speed_right = round(speed * (1 + turn / 100)) speed_left = speed ops = b''.join([ ev3.opOutput_Speed, ev3.LCX(0), # LAYER ev3.LCX(ev3.PORT_A), # NOS ev3.LCX(speed_right), # SPEED ev3.opOutput_Speed, ev3.LCX(0), # LAYER ev3.LCX(ev3.PORT_D), # NOS ev3.LCX(speed_left), # SPEED ev3.opOutput_Start, ev3.LCX(0), # LAYER ev3.LCX(ev3.PORT_A + ev3.PORT_D) # NOS ]) myEV3.send_direct_cmd(ops) def stop()->None: global myEV3, stdscr stdscr.addstr(5, 0, 'vehicle stopped ') ops = b''.join([ ev3.opOutput_Stop, ev3.LCX(0), # LAYER ev3.LCX(ev3.PORT_A + ev3.PORT_D), # NOS ev3.LCX(0) # BRAKE ]) myEV3.send_direct_cmd(ops) def react(c): global speed, turn if c in [ord('q'), 27, ord('p')]: stop() return elif c == curses.KEY_LEFT: turn += 5 turn = min(turn, 200) elif c == curses.KEY_RIGHT: turn -= 5 turn = max(turn, -200) elif c == curses.KEY_UP: speed += 5 speed = min(speed, 100) elif c == curses.KEY_DOWN: speed -= 5 speed = max(speed, -100) move(speed, turn) def main(window)->None: global stdscr stdscr = window stdscr.clear() # print introduction stdscr.refresh() stdscr.addstr(0, 0, 'Use Arrows to navigate your EV3-vehicle') stdscr.addstr(1, 0, 'Pause your vehicle with key <p>') stdscr.addstr(2, 0, 'Terminate with key <q>') while True: c = stdscr.getch() if c in [ord('q'), 27]: react(c) break elif c in [ord('p'), curses.KEY_RIGHT, curses.KEY_LEFT, curses.KEY_UP, curses.KEY_DOWN]: react(c) speed = 0 turn = 0 myEV3 = ev3.EV3(protocol=ev3.BLUETOOTH, host='00:16:53:42:2B:99') stdscr = None # ops = opOutput_Polarity + b'\x00' + LCX(PORT_A + PORT_D) + LCX(-1) # myEV3.send_direct_cmd(ops) curses.wrapper(main)
来实现键盘事件的事件处理程序。 -
。 -
)。 -
打破循环。 -
定义了更快轮子的速度。 -
定义方向。值 0 表示直行,正值表示左转,负值表示右转。转弯的绝对值大意味着转弯的半径小。最大值+200 和最小值 -200 意味着在原地盘旋。在下一课中,我们将回到驱动转弯的这个定义。 -
我在第 5 步改变了
。这似乎是精确度和反应速度之间的良好折衷。 - 也许,你的车辆结构需要改变两个车轮的极性。这由注释掉的代码完成。
- 右轮连接到端口 A,左侧连接到端口 D。
- 对于低速,由于四舍五入到整数值,转弯半径的精度变得更差。
该设计概念的另一个积极方面是直接命令的执行时间短。它们不耗时。电机的运动持续很长时间,但是当电机获得新参数时,直接命令已经执行完成。控制立即返回,程序是自由的,以执行下一个任务。资源 EV3 设备未被阻塞,它可用于下一个直接命令。
你已经看到了如何编码远程控制的中断过程。中心部分是一个请求关键事件的循环。如果相关的按键事件发生,则调用一个函数,该函数更改运动的参数并向 EV3 设备发送直接命令。
当我们在 c’’(上一课)中玩三合一时,我们避免了中断。我们有一个固定的所有音调时间表。我们的意见是,每次中断都会扰乱计划,需要加以防范。在绘制三角形时,我们已经讨论了两种时序选择,通过直接命令或本地程序。也可以使用本地程序中的调度并使用中断来播放三元组。这是获得正确时序的替代方法:
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import ev3, time my_ev3 = ev3.EV3(protocol=ev3.BLUETOOTH, host='00:16:53:42:2B:99') ops = b''.join([ ev3.opUI_Write, ev3.LED, ev3.LED_RED, ev3.opSound, ev3.TONE, ev3.LCX(1), ev3.LCX(262), ev3.LCX(0) ]) my_ev3.send_direct_cmd(ops) time.sleep(0.5) ops = b''.join([ ev3.opUI_Write, ev3.LED, ev3.LED_GREEN, ev3.opSound, ev3.TONE, ev3.LCX(1), ev3.LCX(330), ev3.LCX(0) ]) my_ev3.send_direct_cmd(ops) time.sleep(0.5) ops = b''.join([ ev3.opUI_Write, ev3.LED, ev3.LED_RED, ev3.opSound, ev3.TONE, ev3.LCX(1), ev3.LCX(392), ev3.LCX(0) ]) my_ev3.send_direct_cmd(ops) time.sleep(0.5) ops = b''.join([ ev3.opUI_Write, ev3.LED, ev3.LED_RED_FLASH, ev3.opSound, ev3.TONE, ev3.LCX(1), ev3.LCX(523), ev3.LCX(0) ]) my_ev3.send_direct_cmd(ops) time.sleep(2) ops = b''.join([ ev3.opUI_Write, ev3.LED, ev3.LED_GREEN, ev3.opSound, ev3.BREAK ]) my_ev3.send_direct_cmd(ops)
此版本还实现了固定的调度,但时间发生在程序中而不是 EV3 设备上(在直接命令中)。同样,这有一定的优势,它不阻塞 EV3 设备。只要我们一次只执行一个任务,阻塞就无关紧要了。如果我们试图结合独立的声音和点击驱动,且并行执行任务,则本地时序和中断是必须的。
如果我们在上面的程序中设置 sync_mode == SYNC,数据流量会增长,但我们不会听到任何差异。值得反思的是,该程序同步运行,因为没有直接命令是耗时的。sync_mode == ASYNC 或 sync_mode == STD 是为异步执行设计的,但我们也可以使用这些设置编写同步执行代码。异步执行仅在直接命令耗时(时间由直接命令完成)且本地程序不等待直接命令结束时。中断有助于避免耗时的直接命令,并且是同步执行。
继承 EV3
到目前为止,我们直接在我们的程序中编写了操作。这需要封装和抽象。我想特化类,一个用于带两个驱动轮的车辆,一个用于音调和音乐等等。设计应该允许它们平并行使用。我的解决方案是大量的 EV3 类的子类,它们都与同一个 EV3 设备通信。这就是说,它们必须共享资源。为了实现这一点,我修改了 EV3 类的构造函数:
| __init__(self, protocol:str=None, host:str=None, ev3_obj=None) | Establish a connection to a LEGO EV3 device | | Keyword Arguments (either protocol and host or ev3_obj): | protocol: None, 'Bluetooth', 'Usb' or 'Wifi' | host: None or mac-address of the LEGO EV3 (f.i. '00:16:53:42:2B:99') | ev3_obj: None or an existing EV3 object (its connections will be used)
class EV3: def __init__(self, protocol: str=None, host: str=None, ev3_obj=None): assert ev3_obj or protocol, \ 'Either protocol or ev3_obj needs to be given' if ev3_obj: assert isinstance(ev3_obj, EV3), \ 'ev3_obj needs to be instance of EV3' self._protocol = ev3_obj._protocol self._device = ev3_obj._device self._socket = ev3_obj._socket elif protocol: assert protocol in [BLUETOOTH, WIFI, USB], \ 'Protocol ' + protocol + 'is not valid' self._protocol = None self._device = None self._socket = None if protocol == BLUETOOTH: assert host, 'Protocol ' + protocol + 'needs host-id' self._connect_bluetooth(host) elif protocol == WIFI: self._connect_wifi() elif protocol == USB: self._connect_usb() self._verbosity = 0 self._sync_mode = STD self._msg_cnt = 41
有两种创建类 EV3 的新实例的方式:
调用构造函数以获取新连接。 -
另一种方法是使用现有的 EV3 对象作为参数
- 这不仅限于连接。对于将来的扩展,我们可以共享任何资源。
。这是 OK 的,但我们使消息计数器_msg_cnt
成为一个类属性:class EV3: _msg_cnt = 41
考虑到这一点,我编写了类 TwoWheelVehicle
class TwoWheelVehicle(ev3.EV3): def __init__( self, protocol: str=None, host: str=None, ev3_obj: ev3.EV3=None ): super().__init__(protocol=protocol, host=host, ev3_obj=ev3_obj) self._polarity = 1 self._port_left = ev3.PORT_D self._port_right = ev3.PORT_A
def move(self, speed: int, turn: int)->None: assert self._sync_mode != ev3.SYNC, "no unlimited operations allowed in sync_mode SYNC" assert isinstance(speed, int), "speed needs to be an integer value" assert -100 <= speed and speed <= 100, "speed needs to be in range [-100 - 100]" assert isinstance(turn, int), "turn needs to be an integer value" assert -200 <= turn and turn <= 200, "turn needs to be in range [-200 - 200]" if self._polarity == -1: speed *= -1 if self._port_left < self._port_right: turn *= -1 if turn > 0: speed_right = speed speed_left = round(speed * (1 - turn / 100)) else: speed_right = round(speed * (1 + turn / 100)) speed_left = speed ops = b''.join([ ev3.opOutput_Speed, ev3.LCX(0), # LAYER ev3.LCX(PORT_A), # NOS ev3.LCX(speed_right), # SPEED ev3.opOutput_Speed, ev3.LCX(0), # LAYER ev3.LCX(PORT_D), # NOS ev3.LCX(speed_left), # SPEED ev3.opOutput_Start, ev3.LCX(0), # LAYER ev3.LCX(PORT_A + PORT_D) # NOS ]) self.send_direct_cmd(ops)
def stop(self, brake: bool=False)->None: assert isinstance(brake, bool), "brake needs to be a boolean value" if brake: br = 1 else: br = 0 ops_stop = b''.join([ ev3.opOutput_Stop, ev3.LCX(0), # LAYER ev3.LCX(self._port_left + self._port_right), # NOS ev3.LCX(br) # BRAKE ]) self.send_direct_cmd(ops)
@property def polarity(self): return self._polarity @polarity.setter def polarity(self, value: int): assert isinstance(value, int), "polarity needs to be of type int" assert value in [1, -1], "allowed polarity values are: -1 or 1" self._polarity = value @property def port_right(self): return self._port_right @port_right.setter def port_right(self, value: int): assert isinstance(value, int), "port needs to be of type int" assert value in [ev3.PORT_A, ev3.PORT_B, ev3.PORT_C, ev3.PORT_D], "value is not an allowed port" self._port_right = value @property def port_left(self): return self._port_left @port_left.setter def port_left(self, value: int): assert isinstance(value, int), "port needs to be of type int" assert value in [ev3.PORT_A, ev3.PORT_B, ev3.PORT_C, ev3.PORT_D], "value is not an allowed port" self._port_left = value
就是这样,我们有了一个新类 TwoWheelVehicle
,它具有这样的 API:
Help on module ev3_vehicle: NAME ev3_vehicle - EV3 vehicle CLASSES ev3.EV3(builtins.object) TwoWheelVehicle class TwoWheelVehicle(ev3.EV3) | ev3.EV3 vehicle with two drived Wheels | | Method resolution order: | TwoWheelVehicle | ev3.EV3 | builtins.object | | Methods defined here: | | __init__(self, protocol:str=None, host:str=None, ev3_obj:ev3.EV3=None) | Establish a connection to a LEGO EV3 device | | Keyword Arguments (either protocol and host or ev3_obj): | protocol | BLUETOOTH == 'Bluetooth' | USB == 'Usb' | WIFI == 'Wifi' | host: mac-address of the LEGO EV3 (f.i. '00:16:53:42:2B:99') | ev3_obj: an existing EV3 object (its connections will be used) | | move(self, speed:int, turn:int) -> None | Start unlimited movement of the vehicle | | Arguments: | speed: speed in percent [-100 - 100] | > 0: forward | < 0: backward | turn: type of turn [-200 - 200] | -200: circle right on place | -100: turn right with unmoved right wheel | 0 : straight | 100: turn left with unmoved left wheel | 200: circle left on place | | stop(self, brake:bool=False) -> None | Stop movement of the vehicle | | Arguments: | brake: flag if activating brake | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Data descriptors defined here: | | polarity | polarity of motor rotation (values: -1, 1, default: 1) | | port_left | port of left wheel (default: PORT_D) | | port_right | port of right wheel (default: PORT_A) | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Methods inherited from ev3.EV3: | | __del__(self) | closes the connection to the LEGO EV3 | | send_direct_cmd(self, ops:bytes, local_mem:int=0, global_mem:int=0) -> bytes | Send a direct command to the LEGO EV3 | | Arguments: | ops: holds netto data only (operations), the following fields are added: | length: 2 bytes, little endian | counter: 2 bytes, little endian | type: 1 byte, DIRECT_COMMAND_REPLY or DIRECT_COMMAND_NO_REPLY | header: 2 bytes, holds sizes of local and global memory | | Keyword Arguments: | local_mem: size of the local memory | global_mem: size of the global memory | | Returns: | sync_mode is STD: reply (if global_mem > 0) or message counter | sync_mode is ASYNC: message counter | sync_mode is SYNC: reply of the LEGO EV3 | | wait_for_reply(self, counter:bytes) -> bytes | Ask the LEGO EV3 for a reply and wait until it is received | | Arguments: | counter: is the message counter of the corresponding send_direct_cmd | | Returns: | reply to the direct command | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Data descriptors inherited from ev3.EV3: | | __dict__ | dictionary for instance variables (if defined) | | __weakref__ | list of weak references to the object (if defined) | | sync_mode | sync mode (standard, asynchronous, synchronous) | | STD: Use DIRECT_COMMAND_REPLY if global_mem > 0, | wait for reply if there is one. | ASYNC: Use DIRECT_COMMAND_REPLY if global_mem > 0, | never wait for reply (it's the task of the calling program). | SYNC: Always use DIRECT_COMMAND_REPLY and wait for reply. | | The general idea is: | ASYNC: Interruption or EV3 device queues direct commands, | control directly comes back. | SYNC: EV3 device is blocked until direct command is finished, | control comes back, when direct command is finished. | STD: NO_REPLY like ASYNC with interruption or EV3 queuing, | REPLY like SYNC, synchronicity of program and EV3 device. | | verbosity | level of verbosity (prints on stdout).
从现在开始,当我们使用两个驱动车轮移动车辆时,我们将使用 ClassWheelVehicle
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import curses import ev3, ev3_vehicle def react(c): global speed, turn, my_vehicle if c in [ord('q'), 27, ord('p')]: my_vehicle.stop() return elif c == curses.KEY_LEFT: turn += 5 turn = min(turn, 200) elif c == curses.KEY_RIGHT: turn -= 5 turn = max(turn, -200) elif c == curses.KEY_UP: speed += 5 speed = min(speed, 100) elif c == curses.KEY_DOWN: speed -= 5 speed = max(speed, -100) stdscr.addstr(5, 0, 'speed: {}, turn: {} '.format(speed, turn)) my_vehicle.move(speed, turn) def main(window)->None: global stdscr stdscr = window stdscr.clear() # print introduction stdscr.refresh() stdscr.addstr(0, 0, 'Use Arrows to navigate your EV3-vehicle') stdscr.addstr(1, 0, 'Pause your vehicle with key <p>') stdscr.addstr(2, 0, 'Terminate with key <q>') while True: c = stdscr.getch() if c in [ord('q'), 27]: react(c) break elif c in [ord('p'), curses.KEY_RIGHT, curses.KEY_LEFT, curses.KEY_UP, curses.KEY_DOWN]: react(c) speed = 0 turn = 0 my_vehicle = ev3_vehicle.TwoWheelVehicle(protocol=ev3.BLUETOOTH, host='00:16:53:42:2B:99') stdscr = None curses.wrapper(main)
如果你下载了 ev3-python3
的模块 ev3_vehicle.py
,你需要以两个额外的参数 radius_wheel
和 tread
调用 TwoWheelVehicle
我希望,你的遥控器工作良好,并使你成为一个技术明星。我们即将结束本课程。浏览文档 EV3 Firmware Developer Kit 告诉您,移动电机存在许多额外的操作。其中大多数是为了精确,同步和平滑的运动。这将是我们下一课的主题。我希望能再次见到你。
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望本文的内容对大家的学习或者工作能带来一定的帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
猜你喜欢:- 设计模式——命令模式(遥控器与灯)
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昝辉Zac / 电子工业出版社 / 2009.1 / 56.00元
本书是作者几年来网络营销实战的总结,与其他网络营销书籍最大不同之处是:只专注于实战,不谈理论。本书分三部分详细介绍了网络营销实用策略和技巧,并分析了大量实战案例。第一部分介绍市场与产品研究,包括用户、市场和竞争对手的调查;产品、目标市场的确定;价格策略;赢利模式等。第二部分讨论以网络营销为导向的网站设计,包括怎样在网站上卖东西、提高转化率,以及网站目标设定等。第三部分研究怎样给网站带来流量,详细讨......一起来看看 《网络营销实战密码》 这本书的介绍吧!