内容简介:You are given an arrayTwo stringsA
You are given an array A
of strings.
Two strings S
and T
are special-equivalent
if after any number of moves
, S == T.
A move
consists of choosing two indices i
and j
with i % 2 == j % 2
, and swapping S[i]
with S[j]
Now, a
group of special-equivalent strings from A
is a non-empty subset S of A
such that any string not in S is not special-equivalent with any string in S.
Return the number of groups of special-equivalent strings from A
Example 1:
Input: ["a","b","c","a","c","c"] Output: 3 Explanation: 3 groups ["a","a"], ["b"], ["c","c","c"]
Example 2:
Input: ["aa","bb","ab","ba"] Output: 4 Explanation: 4 groups ["aa"], ["bb"], ["ab"], ["ba"]
Example 3:
Input: ["abc","acb","bac","bca","cab","cba"] Output: 3 Explanation: 3 groups ["abc","cba"], ["acb","bca"], ["bac","cab"]
Example 4:
Input: ["abcd","cdab","adcb","cbad"] Output: 1 Explanation: 1 group ["abcd","cdab","adcb","cbad"]
1 <= A.length <= 1000 1 <= A[i].length <= 20 A[i] A[i]
然后,定义一个Special-Equivalent概念,如果有两个字符串S和T,将S串中的奇数位置相互移动若干次或不移动,偶数位置相互移动若干次或不移动之后,可以使两个字符串S和T相等,那么称为S和T是Special Equivalent。
所以,先考虑偶数位。SE(even for string S)和TE(odd for string T)。判断SE和TE能否通过调整各自内部字符的位置达到一致的问题,其实就是判断SE和TE的组成元素是否一致,即 排序 后的字符串是否一样。同理,判断奇数位的组成元素(字符)。
class Solution { public: int numSpecialEquivGroups(vector<string>& A) { map<string, int> a; string es, os; for (auto str : A) { es = os = ""; for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); ++i) { if (i % 2 == 0) es += str[i]; if (i % 2 == 1) os += str[i]; } sort(es.begin(), es.end()); sort(os.begin(), os.end()); a[es + os] += 1; } return a.size(); } };
M 代表数组A的长度
N 代表A数组中最长的字符串的长度
原题: https://leetcode.com/problems/groups-of-special-equivalent-strings/
文章来源: 胡小旭 => [LeetCode]893. Groups of Special-Equivalent Strings
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