内容简介:版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,未经博主允许不得转载。 https://blog.csdn.net/kongxx/article/details/83409435
版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,未经博主允许不得转载。 https://blog.csdn.net/kongxx/article/details/83409435
配置 Hive Connector
- etc/catalog/hive.properties
connector.name=hive-hadoop2 hive.metastore.uri=thrift://<hive_metastore_ip>:9083 hive.config.resources=/opt/presto-server-0.211/etc/cluster/core-site.xml,/opt/presto-server-0.211/etc/cluster/hdfs-site.xml
其中 hive.metastore.uri 可以从 hive-site.xml 文件中获取。
hdfs 配置文件
从 hdfs 的环境中复制 core-site.xml 和 hdfs-site.xml 文件到 presto 的 etc/cluster 目录下。
启动 Prestore
分别在两个节点上重新启动 Presto 服务。
在 Hive 中创建数据库、数据表和数据
$ hive # 创建数据库 hive> create schema test; # 查询数据库 hive> show databases; +---------------------+ | database_name | +---------------------+ | default | | information_schema | | sys | | test | +---------------------+ # 显示数据库中的表 hive> show tables from test; +-----------+ | tab_name | +-----------+ +-----------+ # 创建数据表 hive> CREATE TABLE test.users(id int, username string, password string) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ','; ... # 插入数据 hive> insert into table test.users values (1, 'user1', 'password1'), (2, 'user2', 'password2'), (3, 'user3', 'password3'); ... # 查询数据 hive> select * from test.users; +-----------+-----------------+-----------------+ | users.id | users.username | users.password | +-----------+-----------------+-----------------+ | 1 | user1 | password1 | | 2 | user2 | password2 | | 3 | user3 | password3 | +-----------+-----------------+-----------------+
通过 Presto 查询数据
# 启动 presto 命令行 $ ./presto --server bd1:8080 --catalog hive --schema test # 查询数据库 presto:test> show schemas from hive; Schema -------------------- default information_schema sys test (4 rows) # 查询数据表 presto:test> show tables from hive.test; Table -------- users users2 (2 rows) # 查询数据 presto:test> select * from hive.test.users; id | username | password ----+----------+---------- (0 rows)
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Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C
Lincoln Stein、Doug MacEachern / O'Reilly Media, Inc. / 1999-03 / USD 39.95
Apache is the most popular Web server on the Internet because it is free, reliable, and extensible. The availability of the source code and the modular design of Apache makes it possible to extend Web......一起来看看 《Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C》 这本书的介绍吧!
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