内容简介:在这一章节里,我们将实现一个简单的神经网络架构,将 2 维的输入向量映射成二进制输出值。我们的神经网络有 2 个输入神经元,含 6 个隐藏神经元隐藏层及 1 个输出神经元。我们将通过层之间的权重矩阵来表示神经网络结构。在下面的例子中,输入层和隐藏层之间的权重矩阵将被表示为W我们的训练集由 m = 750 个样本组成。因此,我们的矩阵维度如下:
编辑推荐: |
本文来自于网络,文章详细介绍了使用 Python 实现机器学习算法的损失函数、反向传播过程等相关知识。 |
在这一章节里,我们将实现一个简单的神经网络架构,将 2 维的输入向量映射成二进制输出值。我们的神经网络有 2 个输入神经元,含 6 个隐藏神经元隐藏层及 1 个输出神经元。
我们将通过层之间的权重矩阵来表示神经网络结构。在下面的例子中,输入层和隐藏层之间的权重矩阵将被表示为W h ,隐藏层和输出层之间的权重矩阵为W o 。除了连接神经元的权重向量外,每个隐藏和输出的神经元都会有一个大小为 1 的偏置量。
我们的训练集由 m = 750 个样本组成。因此,我们的矩阵维度如下:
训练集维度: X = (750,2)
目标维度: Y = (750,1)
W h 维度:(m,nhidden) = (2,6)
b h 维度:(bias vector):(1,nhidden) = (1,6)
W o 维度: (nhidden,noutput)= (6,1)
b o 维度:(bias vector):(1,noutput) = (1,1)
我们使用与 Logistic 回归算法相同的损失函数:
1. 初始化参数(即权重量和偏差量)
2. 重复以下过程,直到收敛:
A h 表示对所有训练样本激活隐层单元的矩阵
O h 表示对所有训练样本输出隐层单位的矩阵
隐层神经元将使用 tanh 函数作为其激活函数:
输出层神经元将使用 sigmoid 函数作为激活函数:
In [3]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.datasets import make_circles
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
% matplotlib inline
In [4]:
X, y = make_circles(n_samples=1000, factor=0.5, noise=.1)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,6))
plt.scatter(X[:,0], X[:,1], c=y)
plt.xlim([-1.5, 1.5])
plt.ylim([-1.5, 1.5])
plt.xlabel("First feature")
plt.ylabel("Second feature")
In [5]:
# reshape targets to get column vector with shape (n_samples, 1)
y_true = y[:, np.newaxis]
# Split the data into a training and test set
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y_true)
print(f'Shape X_train: {X_train.shape}')
print(f'Shape y_train: {y_train.shape}')
print(f'Shape X_test: {X_test.shape}')
print(f'Shape y_test: {y_test.shape}')
Shape X_train: (750, 2)
Shape y_train: (750, 1)
Shape X_test: (250, 2)
Shape y_test: (250, 1)
Neural Network Class
class NeuralNet():
def __init__(self, n_inputs, n_outputs, n_hidden):
self.n_inputs = n_inputs
self.n_outputs = n_outputs
self.hidden = n_hidden
# Initialize weight matrices and bias vectors
self.W_h = np.random.randn(self.n_inputs, self.hidden)
self.b_h = np.zeros((1, self.hidden))
self.W_o = np.random.randn(self.hidden, self.n_outputs)
self.b_o = np.zeros((1, self.n_outputs))
def sigmoid(self, a):
return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-a))
def forward_pass(self, X):
Propagates the given input X forward through the net.
A_h: matrix with activations of all hidden neurons for all input examples
O_h: matrix with outputs of all hidden neurons for all input examples
A_o: matrix with activations of all output neurons for all input examples
O_o: matrix with outputs of all output neurons for all input examples
# Compute activations and outputs of hidden units
A_h = np.dot(X, self.W_h) + self.b_h
O_h = np.tanh(A_h)
# Compute activations and outputs of output units
A_o = np.dot(O_h, self.W_o) + self.b_o
O_o = self.sigmoid(A_o)
outputs = {
"A_h": A_h,
"A_o": A_o,
"O_h": O_h,
"O_o": O_o,
return outputs
def cost(self, y_true, y_predict, n_samples):
Computes and returns the cost over all examples
# same cost function as in logistic regression
cost = (- 1 / n_samples) * np.sum(y_true * np.log(y_predict) + (1 - y_true) * (np.log(1 - y_predict)))
cost = np.squeeze(cost)
assert isinstance(cost, float)
return cost
def backward_pass(self, X, Y, n_samples, outputs):
Propagates the errors backward through the net.
dW_h: partial derivatives of loss function w.r.t hidden weights
db_h: partial derivatives of loss function w.r.t hidden bias
dW_o: partial derivatives of loss function w.r.t output weights
db_o: partial derivatives of loss function w.r.t output bias
dA_o = (outputs["O_o"] - Y)
dW_o = (1 / n_samples) * np.dot(outputs["O_h"].T, dA_o)
db_o = (1 / n_samples) * np.sum(dA_o)
dA_h = (np.dot(dA_o, self.W_o.T)) * (1 - np.power(outputs["O_h"], 2))
dW_h = (1 / n_samples) * np.dot(X.T, dA_h)
db_h = (1 / n_samples) * np.sum(dA_h)
gradients = {
"dW_o": dW_o,
"db_o": db_o,
"dW_h": dW_h,
"db_h": db_h,
return gradients
def update_weights(self, gradients, eta):
Updates the model parameters using a fixed learning rate
self.W_o = self.W_o - eta * gradients["dW_o"]
self.W_h = self.W_h - eta * gradients["dW_h"]
self.b_o = self.b_o - eta * gradients["db_o"]
self.b_h = self.b_h - eta * gradients["db_h"]
def train(self, X, y, n_iters=500, eta=0.3):
Trains the neural net on the given input data
n_samples, _ = X.shape
for i in range(n_iters):
outputs = self.forward_pass(X)
cost = self.cost(y, outputs["O_o"], n_samples=n_samples)
gradients = self.backward_pass(X, y, n_samples, outputs)
if i % 100 == 0:
print(f'Cost at iteration {i}: {np.round(cost, 4)}')
self.update_weights(gradients, eta)
def predict(self, X):
Computes and returns network predictions for given dataset
outputs = self.forward_pass(X)
y_pred = [1 if elem >= 0.5 else 0 for elem in outputs["O_o"]]
return np.array(y_pred)[:, np.newaxis]
nn = NeuralNet(n_inputs=2, n_hidden=6, n_outputs=1)
print("Shape of weight matrices and bias vectors:")
print(f'W_h shape: {nn.W_h.shape}')
print(f'b_h shape: {nn.b_h.shape}')
print(f'W_o shape: {nn.W_o.shape}')
print(f'b_o shape: {nn.b_o.shape}')
nn.train(X_train, y_train, n_iters=2000, eta=0.7)
Shape of weight matrices and bias vectors:
W_h shape: (2, 6)
b_h shape: (1, 6)
W_o shape: (6, 1)
b_o shape: (1, 1)
Cost at iteration 0: 1.0872
Cost at iteration 100: 0.2723
Cost at iteration 200: 0.1712
Cost at iteration 300: 0.1386
Cost at iteration 400: 0.1208
Cost at iteration 500: 0.1084
Cost at iteration 600: 0.0986
Cost at iteration 700: 0.0907
Cost at iteration 800: 0.0841
Cost at iteration 900: 0.0785
Cost at iteration 1000: 0.0739
Cost at iteration 1100: 0.0699
Cost at iteration 1200: 0.0665
Cost at iteration 1300: 0.0635
Cost at iteration 1400: 0.061
Cost at iteration 1500: 0.0587
Cost at iteration 1600: 0.0566
Cost at iteration 1700: 0.0547
Cost at iteration 1800: 0.0531
Cost at iteration 1900: 0.0515
n_test_samples, _ = X_test.shape
y_predict = nn.predict(X_test)
print(f"Classification accuracy on test set: {(np.sum(y_predict == y_test)/n_test_samples)*100} %")
Classification accuracy on test set: 98.4 %
X_temp, y_temp = make_circles(n_samples=60000, noise=.5)
y_predict_temp = nn.predict(X_temp)
y_predict_temp = np.ravel(y_predict_temp)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,12))
ax = fig.add_subplot(2,1,1)
plt.scatter(X[:,0], X[:,1], c=y)
plt.xlim([-1.5, 1.5])
plt.ylim([-1.5, 1.5])
plt.xlabel("First feature")
plt.ylabel("Second feature")
plt.title("Training and test set")
ax = fig.add_subplot(2,1,2)
plt.scatter(X_temp[:,0], X_temp[:,1], c=y_predict_temp)
plt.xlim([-1.5, 1.5])
plt.ylim([-1.5, 1.5])
plt.xlabel("First feature")
plt.ylabel("Second feature")
plt.title("Decision boundary")
Out[11]:Text(0.5,1,'Decision boundary')
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奔跑吧 Linux内核
张天飞 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2017-9-1 / CNY 158.00
本书内容基于Linux4.x内核,主要选取了Linux内核中比较基本和常用的内存管理、进程管理、并发与同步,以及中断管理这4个内核模块进行讲述。全书共分为6章,依次介绍了ARM体系结构、Linux内存管理、进程调度管理、并发与同步、中断管理、内核调试技巧等内容。本书的每节内容都是一个Linux内核的话题或者技术点,读者可以根据每小节前的问题进行思考,进而围绕问题进行内核源代码的分析。 本书内......一起来看看 《奔跑吧 Linux内核》 这本书的介绍吧!
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