内容简介:2018 年 10 月 24 日 - 初稿阅读原文 -Grafana -
The open platform for beautiful analytics and monitoring
2018 年 10 月 24 日 - 初稿
阅读原文 - https://wsgzao.github.io/post/grafana/
Grafana - https://grafana.com/
Grafana 安装
No matter where your data is, or what kind of database it lives in, you can bring it together with Grafana. Beautifully.
# install grafana sudo yum install https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/grafana-releases/release/grafana-5.3.1-1.x86_64.rpm # start and enable grafana sudo systemctl start grafana-server sudo systemctl enable grafana-server sudo systemctl status grafana-server # test http://<ip>:3000 admin/admin
InfluxDB 数据源以及曲线图表仪表盘配置
Grafana 默认支持的数据源:Graphite,InfluxDB,OpenTSDB,Prometheus,Elasticsearch,CloudWatch
Grafana 支持同时绑定多套数据源,根据自己需求管理即可,这里以 InfluxDB 为例。
# install influxdb sudo yum localinstall https://dl.influxdata.com/influxdb/releases/influxdb-1.6.4.x86_64.rpm sudo systemctl start influxdb sudo systemctl enable influxdb sudo systemctl status influxdb
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