内容简介:rkt v1.20.0 发布,CoreOS 的容器引擎
rkt v1.20.0 发布了,此版本包含对 rkt 核心的多个更改,使其更符合 Kubernetes 的新容器运行时接口(CRI)。
已推出一个新的实验性应用子命令,允许创建“pod sandbox”并在运行时动态修改它。此功能尚未完全稳定,目前正处于实验的状态。
Bug 修复:
tests/build-and-run-test.sh: fix systemd revision parameter ( #3395 ).
namefetcher: Use ETag in fetchVerifiedURL() ( #3374 ).
rkt/run: validates pod manifest to make sure it contains at least one app ( #3363 ).
rkt/app: multiple bugfixes ( #3405 ).
glide: deduplicate cni entries and update go-systemd ( #3372 ).
stage0: improve list --format behavior and flags ( #3403 ).
pkg/pod: flatten the pod state if-ladders ( #3404 ).
tests: adjust security tests for systemd v232 ( #3401 ).
image: export
type for image list ( #3383 ). -
glide: bump gopsutil to v2.16.10 ( #3400 ).
stage1: update coreos base to alpha 1235.0.0 ( #3388 ).
rkt: Implement distribution points ( #3369 ). This is the implementation of the distribution concept proposed in #2953 .
build: add --with-stage1-systemd-revision option for src build ( #3362 ).
remove isReallyNil() ( #3381 ). This is cleanup PR, removing some reflection based code.
vendor: update appc/spec to 0.8.9 ( #3384 ).
vendor: Remove direct k8s dependency ( #3312 ).
Documentation updates: #3366 , #3376 , #3379 , #3406 , #3410 .
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望本文的内容对大家的学习或者工作能带来一定的帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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牛胜玉 编 / 2011-2 / 9.80元
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