[root@amb01 ~]# tar zxvf binutils-2.27.tar.gz [root@amb01 ~]# cd binutils-2.27 [root@amb01 binutils-2.27]# make [root@amb01 binutils-2.27]# make install [root@amb01 ~]# tar -zxvf go1.4-bootstrap-20171003.tar.gz [root@amb01 ~]# cd go/src [root@amb01 src]# ./make.bash [root@amb01 ~]# mv ~/go ~/go1.4 [root@amb01 ~]# export GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=~/go1.4 [root@amb01 ~]# tar zxvf go-go1.10.3.tar.gz [root@amb01 ~]# cd go-go1.10.3/src [root@amb01 src]# ./all.bash [root@amb01 ~]# mv ~/go-go1.10.3 /usr/local/go [root@amb01 ~]# mkdir /home/go [root@amb01 ~]# vi /etc/profile export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin export GOPATH=/home/go [root@amb01 ~]# go version go version go1.10.3 linux/amd64 https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql [root@amb01 ~]# unzip mysql-master.zip [root@amb01 ~]# mkdir -p /home/go/src/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql [root@amb01 ~]# cp mysql-master/* /home/go/src/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/ https://github.com/actiontech/actiontech_zabbix_mysql_monitor [root@amb01 ~]# unzip actiontech_zabbix_mysql_monitor-master.zip [root@amb01 ~]# cd actiontech_zabbix_mysql_monitor-master [root@amb01 actiontech_zabbix_mysql_monitor-master]# chmod a+x *.sh [root@amb01 actiontech_zabbix_mysql_monitor-master]# ./build.sh [root@amb01 actiontech_zabbix_mysql_monitor-master]# ./actiontech_mysql_monitor --help Usage of ./actiontech_mysql_monitor: -cache_dir path A path for saving cache. if change, make sure change the wrapper.sh file too. (default "/tmp") -debug_log debuglog If debuglog is a filename, it'll be used. (default: no default) -discovery_port discovery mysqld port discovery mysqld port, print in json format (default: false) -get_qrt_mysql Whether to get response times from MySQL (default: false) -get_qrt_percona Whether to get response times from Percona Server or MariaDB (default true) -heartbeat Whether to use pt-heartbeat table for repl. delay calculation. (default: false) -heartbeat_server_id Server id Server id to associate with a heartbeat. Leave 0 if no preference. (default: 0) -heartbeat_table db.tbl db.tbl. (default "percona.heartbeat") -heartbeat_utc Whether pt-heartbeat is run with --utc option. (default: false) -host MySQL host MySQL host (default "") -innodb Whether to check InnoDB statistics (default true) -items item -items <item,...> Comma-separated list of the items whose data you want (default: no default) -master Whether to check binary logging (default true) -nocache Do not cache results in a file (default: false) -pass MySQL password MySQL password (default: no default) -poll_time polling interval Adjust to match your polling interval.if change, make sure change the wrapper.sh file too. (default 30) -port MySQL port MySQL port (default "3306") -procs Whether to check SHOW PROCESSLIST (default true) -slave Whether to check slave status (default true) -sudo sudo netstat... Use sudo netstat... (default true) -user MySQL username MySQL username (default: no default) -version print version
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《Web2.0策略指南》是有关战略的。书中的示例关注的是Web 2.0的效率,而不是聚焦于技术。你将了解到这样一个事实:创建Web 210业务或将Web 2.0战略整合到现在业务中,意味着创建一个吸引人们前来访问的在线站点,让人们愿意到这里来共享他们的思想、见闻和行动。当人们通过Web走到一起时,结果可能远远大于各部分的和。随着传统的“口碑传诵”助推站点高速成长,客户本身就能够帮助建立站点。 ......一起来看看 《Web2.0策略指南》 这本书的介绍吧!