内容简介:游戏中一旦有换装功能,角色可能就会是多个DrawCall了,所以我们可以将部件的贴图动态合并在一张中,本文聊聊PVRTC2bit 和 PVRTC4bit 贴图合并的方法。先看看PVRTC贴图的排列方式。核心方式是Texture2D.GetRawTextureData()获取贴图的原始数据,运行时使用需要开启贴图的Read/Write,如果出于节省内存的考虑,可以在编辑模式下提前提取贴图的原始数据,运行期在合并。
游戏中一旦有换装功能,角色可能就会是多个DrawCall了,所以我们可以将部件的贴图动态合并在一张中,本文聊聊PVRTC2bit 和 PVRTC4bit 贴图合并的方法。先看看PVRTC贴图的排列方式。
using System; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; public class PVRTCombine : MonoBehaviour { public Texture2D texture256; public Texture2D texture128; void Start () { GetComponent<RawImage>().texture = Combine(texture256, texture128);; } Texture2D Combine(Texture2D tex,Texture2D tex1) { int length = 512; byte[] data = null; var blcokBytes = 0; switch (tex.format) { case TextureFormat.PVRTC_RGB2: case TextureFormat.PVRTC_RGBA2: blcokBytes = 4; data = new byte[length / 4 * length]; break; case TextureFormat.PVRTC_RGB4: case TextureFormat.PVRTC_RGBA4: blcokBytes = 8; data = new byte[length / 2 * length]; break; default: Debug.Log("Not supported."); return null; } //填充左下角 256 CombineBlocks(tex.GetRawTextureData(), data, tex.width, 4, blcokBytes, 0); //填充左上角 256 CombineBlocks(tex.GetRawTextureData(), data, tex.width, 4, blcokBytes, BlcokOffset(tex.width,blcokBytes)); //填充右下角 256 CombineBlocks(tex.GetRawTextureData(), data, tex.width, 4, blcokBytes, 2 * BlcokOffset(tex.width,blcokBytes)); //填充右上角区域 //左下角 128 CombineBlocks(tex1.GetRawTextureData(), data, tex1.width, 4, blcokBytes, 3 * BlcokOffset(tex.width,blcokBytes)); //左上角 128 CombineBlocks(tex1.GetRawTextureData(), data, tex1.width, 4, blcokBytes, 3 * BlcokOffset(tex.width,blcokBytes) + BlcokOffset(tex1.width,blcokBytes)); //右下角 128 CombineBlocks(tex1.GetRawTextureData(), data, tex1.width, 4, blcokBytes, 3 * BlcokOffset(tex.width,blcokBytes) + 2 * BlcokOffset(tex1.width, blcokBytes)); //右上角 128 CombineBlocks(tex1.GetRawTextureData(), data, tex1.width, 4, blcokBytes, 3 * BlcokOffset(tex.width,blcokBytes) + 3 * BlcokOffset(tex1.width, blcokBytes)); var combinedTex = new Texture2D(length, length, tex.format, false); combinedTex.LoadRawTextureData(data); combinedTex.Apply(false,true); return combinedTex; } int BlcokOffset(int length, int blcokBytes) { return length / (16 / blcokBytes) * length; } void CombineBlocks(byte[] src, byte[] dst, int length, int block, int bytes, int blockOffest) { int cell = length / block; for (int i = 0; i < cell; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < cell; j++) { int srcindex = ((i * cell) + j) * bytes; int dstindex = srcindex + blockOffest; Buffer.BlockCopy(src, srcindex, dst, dstindex, bytes); } } } }
iPhone 5SE 真机测试大概合并一张512的贴图需要1毫秒,如果游戏中适合一帧只显示一个角色,如果有建议或者意见欢迎在下面留言。
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