原文链接: Codehaus Manifesto PS: Codehaus下线前最近的存档 2015-02-17
先简单介绍一下 Codehaus
:协作构建开源项目的社区,强烈强调现代语言,并开发聚焦于满足实际需求的高质量组件。 Groovy
、 Jetty
、 Gradle
、 XStream
、 Jackson
、 Drools
、 jMock
、 EasyMock
、 Grails
、 XDoclet
、 QDox
、 Esper
、 Mule
、 Janino
、 JBehave
、 Stomp
以及其他数以百计开源项目,都得感谢 Codehaus
很多项目听起来都是如雷贯耳吧,而这份精小的 Codehaus
宣言是 Codehaus
向 Codehaus
PS: Codehaus
大约于2015年4月下线,更多关于 Codehaus
: 伟大的代码之屋轰然倒塌 - zhuanlan.zhihu.com -
: The once great house of code has fallen - javaworld.com
Codehaus Codehaus Codehaus Codehaus Codehaus Codehaus Codehaus Codehaus
点评来自 @ ShawnQianx 2018年9月的技术分享。
Qian Sir 之点评一字未动,貌似随性又犀利劲到的点评让内容更多了一分神采飞扬!
Codehaus Manifesto
- The Codehaus recognizes that some committers, based upon metrics, longevity and appointed management, have greater say on a project than others.
(谁贡献的多,谁说了算) - The Codehaus is a place where people are encouraged to get on with code rather than tie their projects up with bureaucracy.
(代码甚于流程) - The Codehaus encourages projects to strive for quality and for frequent small releases.
(讲求质量,小步快跑) - The Codehaus encourages committers to be respectful friends, meet up with each other as often as possible. Face-to-face is superior to email.
(交流靠吼,优于电邮) - The Codehaus stands in favour of diversity (where appropriate) over enforced convergence and homogeneity.
(要百花齐放,不要千篇一律) - The Codehaus places a high bar on entry for committers. Referral is a common means. A new committer is expected to show strong character elements as well as a talent for code. Maturity and wisdom (possibly in advance of years if a youngster) should be demonstrated.
(严选成员,推荐制,有实力的入) - New committers to an existing project are expected to ease themselves in with small and deferrent commits to start, and greater free-will may be assumed later.
(项目中的新客,从提交 bug fix 开始,别一上来就重构优化) - The Codehaus places a high bar on entry for projects. They should be released or near it.
(严选项目,成熟的入 v0.1 的滚) - The Codehaus encourages people to be brief in email and to honor internet etiquette. Ten furlongs of text justifying a position is poor form; better would be a (failing) unit test.
(高效沟通,能用代码绝不文字) - In case of disagreement, The Despots are right.
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《[译] Codehaus 宣言:技术管理与开源项目运营之道》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
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