blast的 -outfmt
参数,使 blastp -help
*** Formatting options -outfmt <String> alignment view options: 0 = Pairwise, 1 = Query-anchored showing identities, 2 = Query-anchored no identities, 3 = Flat query-anchored showing identities, 4 = Flat query-anchored no identities, 5 = BLAST XML, 6 = Tabular, 7 = Tabular with comment lines, 8 = Seqalign (Text ASN.1), 9 = Seqalign (Binary ASN.1), 10 = Comma-separated values, 11 = BLAST archive (ASN.1), 12 = Seqalign (JSON), 13 = Multiple-file BLAST JSON, 14 = Multiple-file BLAST XML2, 15 = Single-file BLAST JSON, 16 = Single-file BLAST XML2, 18 = Organism Report Options 6, 7 and 10 can be additionally configured to produce a custom format specified by space delimited format specifiers. The supported format specifiers are: qseqid means Query Seq-id qgi means Query GI qacc means Query accesion qaccver means Query accesion.version qlen means Query sequence length sseqid means Subject Seq-id sallseqid means All subject Seq-id(s), separated by a ';' sgi means Subject GI sallgi means All subject GIs sacc means Subject accession saccver means Subject accession.version sallacc means All subject accessions slen means Subject sequence length qstart means Start of alignment in query qend means End of alignment in query sstart means Start of alignment in subject send means End of alignment in subject qseq means Aligned part of query sequence sseq means Aligned part of subject sequence evalue means Expect value bitscore means Bit score score means Raw score length means Alignment length pident means Percentage of identical matches nident means Number of identical matches mismatch means Number of mismatches positive means Number of positive-scoring matches gapopen means Number of gap openings gaps means Total number of gaps ppos means Percentage of positive-scoring matches frames means Query and subject frames separated by a '/' qframe means Query frame sframe means Subject frame btop means Blast traceback operations (BTOP) staxid means Subject Taxonomy ID ssciname means Subject Scientific Name scomname means Subject Common Name sblastname means Subject Blast Name sskingdom means Subject Super Kingdom staxids means unique Subject Taxonomy ID(s), separated by a ';' (in numerical order) sscinames means unique Subject Scientific Name(s), separated by a ';' scomnames means unique Subject Common Name(s), separated by a ';' sblastnames means unique Subject Blast Name(s), separated by a ';' (in alphabetical order) sskingdoms means unique Subject Super Kingdom(s), separated by a ';' (in alphabetical order) stitle means Subject Title salltitles means All Subject Title(s), separated by a '<>' sstrand means Subject Strand qcovs means Query Coverage Per Subject qcovhsp means Query Coverage Per HSP qcovus means Query Coverage Per Unique Subject (blastn only)
其实我们一般常用的就是 -outfmt 5
或者 -outfmt 6
,前者输出XML格式,后者输出TAB分割格式;前者在早期一篇博文Blast+ xml格式解读中提起过(信息比较全,用处也相对比较广),而后者则是平时最为常用的格式(也是一些软件喜欢调用的格式)
qseqid sseqid pident length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore
但我们有时想要的并不止上述12列信息,比如我还想知道比对结果的覆盖度信息(qcovs:Query Coverage Per Subject)
其实只要在blast比对命令中先事先加上需要增加的列ID即可,如在 outfmt 6
-outfmt "6 qseqid sseqid pident length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore qcovs"
之前分割NR子库选用的是早期一篇博文 创建NR子库以及从NR库提取特定物种分类的序列
- Support for a new version of the BLAST database that allows you to limit search by taxonomy as well some other improvements.
当然如果用这个版本的话,NR库也要重新下载了 ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/db/v5/
blastp –db nr –query query.fasta –taxids 9606 –outfmt 6 –out blast.outfm6
get_species_taxids.sh -t 40674 > 40674.txids
blastp –db nr –query query.fasta –taxidlist 40674.txids –outfmt 6 –out blast.outfm6
具体说明可看: https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/db/v5/blastdbv5.pdf
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以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《Blast+ 使用补充笔记》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
金华、胡书敏、周国华、吴倍敏 / 北京大学出版社 / 2018-9-1 / 59.00
本书根据大多数软件公司对高级开发的普遍标准,为在Java 方面零基础和开发经验在3 年以下的初级程序员提供了升级到高级工程师的路径,并以项目开发和面试为导向,精准地讲述升级必备的技能要点。具体来讲,本书围绕项目常用技术点,重新梳理了基本语法点、面向对象思想、集合对象、异常处理、数据库操作、JDBC、IO 操作、反射和多线程等知识点。 此外,本书还提到了对项目开发很有帮助的“设计模式”和“虚拟......一起来看看 《Java核心技术及面试指南》 这本书的介绍吧!