内容简介:在对Cassandra进行维护的时候,通常需要扩集群或者迁移数据,涉及到添加、移除节点。Virtual nodes (vnodes) greatly simplify adding nodes to an existing cluster:Calculating tokens and assigning them to each node is no longer required.
Cassandra Version: Apache Cassandra 3.0.6
Add Nodes
Virtual nodes (vnodes) greatly simplify adding nodes to an existing cluster:
Calculating tokens and assigning them to each node is no longer required.
Rebalancing a cluster is no longer necessary because a node joining the cluster assumes responsibility for an even portion of the data.
确保新加节点和现有集群的Cassandra 版本一致
通常都是从现有集群的一台机器上scp cassandra目录到新机器
基于现有集群所用的 snitch
cassandra-topology.properties or the cassandra-rackdc.properties
算法配置:cassandra-topology.properties -
, andGoogleCloudSnitch
ps: 这两个配置与机架和多数据中心有关,如果是同机架单数据中心则不用配置
修改配置 cassandra.yaml
name | desc |
auto_bootstrap | 默认文件中是没有这个参数的,如果没有默认为true;如果有且为false修改为true |
cluster_name | 需要加入的集群名称 |
listen_address/broadcast_address | 用来与集群内其他节点通信的ip,通常为本机真实ip,不要填写127.0.0.1或localhost |
endpoint_snitch | 用于定位节点和路由请求的算法,与现有集群保持一致 |
num_tokens | 节点中vnodes的数量,与现有集群配置保持一致,如果当前机器配置更高可以按比例增加这个值,可以有更好的性能 |
seed_provider | 种子节点,至少保证有一个现有集群的节点,-seeds列表表示了新节点与现有集群通过哪些节点通信(种子节点无法引导,所以不要仅仅把要加入的新节点配置进去,也不要将集群所有节点配置成种子节点) |
- 初始化system相关信息
...... INFO 06:14:41 Initializing system.IndexInfo INFO 06:14:42 Initializing system.batches INFO 06:14:42 Initializing system.paxos INFO 06:14:42 Initializing system.local INFO 06:14:42 Initializing system.peers INFO 06:14:42 Initializing system.peer_events INFO 06:14:42 Initializing system.range_xfers INFO 06:14:42 Initializing system.compaction_history INFO 06:14:42 Initializing system.sstable_activity INFO 06:14:42 Initializing system.size_estimates INFO 06:14:42 Initializing system.available_ranges INFO 06:14:42 Initializing system.views_builds_in_progress INFO 06:14:42 Initializing system.built_views INFO 06:14:42 Initializing system.hints INFO 06:14:42 Initializing system.batchlog ......
- 寻找现有集群节点
INFO 06:14:44 Node /xx.xxx.xx.xx is now part of the cluster INFO 06:14:44 Node /xx.xxx.xx.xx is now part of the cluster INFO 06:14:44 Node /xx.xxx.xx.xx is now part of the cluster INFO 06:14:44 Handshaking version with /xx.xxx.xx.xx INFO 06:14:44 Handshaking version with /xx.xxx.xx.xx INFO 06:14:44 InetAddress /xx.xxx.xx.xx is now UP INFO 06:14:44 InetAddress /xx.xxx.xx.xx is now UP INFO 06:14:44 InetAddress /xx.xxx.xx.xx is now UP
- 新节点加入集群
INFO 06:14:45 JOINING: waiting for ring information INFO 06:14:45 Updating topology for all endpoints that have changed
- 同步schema
INFO 06:14:49 Initializing system_traces.events INFO 06:14:49 Initializing system_traces.sessions INFO 06:14:49 Initializing system_distributed.parent_repair_history INFO 06:14:49 Initializing system_distributed.repair_history INFO 06:14:49 Initializing system_auth.resource_role_permissons_index INFO 06:14:49 Initializing system_auth.role_members INFO 06:14:49 Initializing system_auth.role_permissions INFO 06:14:49 Initializing system_auth.roles INFO 06:14:49 JOINING: waiting for schema information to complete
- Copy Schema数据
INFO 06:15:22 [Stream #317a30b0-d29d-11e8-aa92-e9ebc9b827d4] Executing streaming plan for Bootstrap INFO 06:15:22 [Stream #317a30b0-d29d-11e8-aa92-e9ebc9b827d4] Starting streaming to /xx.xxx.xx.xx INFO 06:15:22 [Stream #317a30b0-d29d-11e8-aa92-e9ebc9b827d4] Starting streaming to /xx.xxx.xx.xx INFO 06:15:22 [Stream #317a30b0-d29d-11e8-aa92-e9ebc9b827d4] Starting streaming to /xx.xxx.xx.xx INFO 06:15:22 [Stream #317a30b0-d29d-11e8-aa92-e9ebc9b827d4, ID#0] Beginning stream session with /xx.xxx.xx.xx INFO 06:15:22 [Stream #317a30b0-d29d-11e8-aa92-e9ebc9b827d4, ID#0] Beginning stream session with /xx.xxx.xx.xx INFO 06:15:22 [Stream #317a30b0-d29d-11e8-aa92-e9ebc9b827d4, ID#0] Beginning stream session with /xx.xxx.xx.xx INFO 06:15:22 [Stream #317a30b0-d29d-11e8-aa92-e9ebc9b827d4 ID#0] Prepare completed. Receiving 48 files(358160851 bytes), sending 0 files(0 bytes) INFO 06:15:22 [Stream #317a30b0-d29d-11e8-aa92-e9ebc9b827d4 ID#0] Prepare completed. Receiving 35 files(132483825 bytes), sending 0 files(0 bytes) INFO 06:15:23 [Stream #317a30b0-d29d-11e8-aa92-e9ebc9b827d4 ID#0] Prepare completed. Receiving 46 files(174538642 bytes), sending 0 files(0 bytes) INFO 06:16:54 [Stream #317a30b0-d29d-11e8-aa92-e9ebc9b827d4] Session with /xx.xxx.xx.xx is complete INFO 06:17:38 [Stream #317a30b0-d29d-11e8-aa92-e9ebc9b827d4] Session with /xx.xxx.xx.xx is complete INFO 06:20:28 [Stream #317a30b0-d29d-11e8-aa92-e9ebc9b827d4] Session with /xx.xxx.xx.xx is complete INFO 06:20:28 [Stream #317a30b0-d29d-11e8-aa92-e9ebc9b827d4] All sessions completed
- 节点切换成NORMAL
INFO 06:20:29 Node /xx.xxx.xx.xx state jump to NORMAL INFO 06:20:29 Waiting for gossip to settle before accepting client requests...
./bin/nodetool status
- 数据同步期间节点的状态:
Datacenter: dc1 =============== Status=Up/Down |/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving -- Address Load Tokens Owns (effective) Host ID Rack UN xx.xxx.xx.xx 1.53 GB 256 100.0% 30ed942d-6827-469b-aab9-7fb649c6c3d7 rack1 UN xx.xxx.xx.xx 1.38 GB 256 100.0% 96736106-e95d-4c54-aabf-41666071bc59 rack1 UN xx.xxx.xx.xx 1.07 GB 256 100.0% 4351af17-2e68-4b46-a78f-fad900e44d13 rack1 UJ 新加节点 57.87 MB 256 ? f3f590ac-9835-47bb-b4d8-6e17ea2916ac rack1
- 数据同步结束后的状态:
Datacenter: dc1 =============== Status=Up/Down |/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving -- Address Load Tokens Owns (effective) Host ID Rack UN xx.xxx.xx.xx 1.53 GB 256 69.2% 30ed942d-6827-469b-aab9-7fb649c6c3d7 rack1 UN xx.xxx.xx.xx 1.38 GB 256 79.3% 96736106-e95d-4c54-aabf-41666071bc59 rack1 UN xx.xxx.xx.xx 1.07 GB 256 78.0% 4351af17-2e68-4b46-a78f-fad900e44d13 rack1 UN xx.xxx.xx.xx 581.43 MB 256 73.5% f3f590ac-9835-47bb-b4d8-6e17ea2916ac rack1
运行nodetool cleanup
nodetool options cleanup [keyspace_name [table_name] […] ]
在所有新节点都加入集群并且数据同步完成后,在之前旧的每一个节点上运行nodetool cleanup操作删除keys。
Reomve Nodes
在要下线的节点运行 nodetool decommission
nodetool <options> decommission
在任何存活的节点运行 nodetool removenode
- 查看节点状态:
Datacenter: DC1 =============== Status=Up/Down |/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving -- Address Load Tokens Owns (effective) Host ID Rack UN 112.82 KB 256 31.7% 420129fc-0d84-42b0-be41-ef7dd3a8ad06 RAC1 DN 91.11 KB 256 33.9% d0844a21-3698-4883-ab66-9e2fd5150edd RAC1 UN 124.42 KB 256 32.6% 8d5ed9f4-7764-4dbd-bad8-43fddce94b7c RAC1
> nodetool <options> removenode -- <status> | <force> | <ID>
> nodetool removenode d0844a21-3698-4883-ab66-9e2fd5150edd
nodetool assassinate
nodetool [options] assassinate <ip_address>
nodetool -u cassandra -pw cassandra assassinate
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望本文的内容对大家的学习或者工作能带来一定的帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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Open Data Structures
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