内容简介:无论是任何程序员,不论是算法,还是其他,都需要掌握一定的数据结构。本文以最优雅的方式,基于Python,完成算法,不要问,背下来就好。代码量更少,更好背。第1篇 查找和排序:二分查找、冒泡排序、选择排序、插入排序、希尔排序、归并排序、快速排序。
第1篇 查找和排序:二分查找、冒泡排序、选择排序、插入排序、希尔排序、归并 排序 、快速排序。
1. 二分查找
def binary_search(alist, item): """ 二分查找,非递归 1. 2个参数,待查找alist和查找项item 2. 声明3个变量,first,last,found(返回值) 3. while条件,first小于等于last,found是false 4. mid是first和last的中值(整除); 5. 三个if条件,相等alist[mid]=item,小于中值换last,大于中值换first; 6. 返回found,13行 :param alist: 待查找alist :param item: 待查找项item :return: 是否找到 """ first = 0 last = len(alist) - 1 found = False while first <= last and not found: mid = (first + last) // 2 if alist[mid] == item: return True else: if item < alist[mid]: last = mid - 1 else: first = mid + 1 return found def binary_search_re(alist, item): """ 二分查找,递归 1. if终止条件,长度为0,返回False; 2. 中点是长度除2,中值判断; 3. 小于递归前半部分,大于递归后半部分,返回递归函数; 4. 11行 :param alist: 待查找alist :param item: 待查找项item :return: 是否找到 """ if len(alist) == 0: return False else: mid = len(alist) // 2 if alist[mid] == item: return True else: if item < alist[mid]: return binary_search_re(alist[:mid], item) else: return binary_search_re(alist[mid + 1:], item) def test_of_binary_search(): test_list = [0, 1, 2, 8, 13, 17, 19, 32, 42] print(binary_search(test_list, 3)) print(binary_search(test_list, 13)) print(binary_search_re(test_list, 3)) print(binary_search_re(test_list, 13)) if __name__ == '__main__': test_of_binary_search() 复制代码
2. 冒泡排序
def bubble_sort(alist): """ 冒泡排序 1. 两次遍历,第1次遍历长度,倒序逐渐减1,每遍历一次,排序一个; 2. 第2次,正常遍历,少1个值,因为i和i+1; 3. 当前位大于下一位,交换当前位和下一位; 4. 4行 :param alist: 待排序列表 :return: None,内部排序 """ for p_num in range(len(alist) - 1, 0, -1): for i in range(p_num): if alist[i] > alist[i + 1]: alist[i], alist[i + 1] = alist[i + 1], alist[i] def short_bubble_sort(alist): """ 短冒泡排序,增加exchange,额外终止参数 1. 初始为True,当为False时终止; 2. 在第2次循环前,设置为False,交换一次就设置为True,一次未交换则触发终止; 3. 9行,增加5行的exchange操作 :param alist: :return: """ exchange = True for p_num in range(len(alist) - 1, 0, -1): if not exchange: break exchange = False for i in range(p_num): if alist[i] > alist[i + 1]: alist[i], alist[i + 1] = alist[i + 1], alist[i] exchange = True def test_of_bubble_sort(): alist = [54, 26, 93, 17, 77, 31, 44, 55, 20] # bubble_sort(alist) # print(alist) alist = [17, 20, 26, 93, 77, 31, 44, 55, 54] short_bubble_sort(alist) print(alist) if __name__ == '__main__': test_of_bubble_sort() 复制代码
3. 选择排序
选择排序,时间复杂度O(n^2),比较次数与冒泡排序相同,交换次数小于冒泡排序。 选择排序6行。
def selection_sort(alist): """ 选择排序,即选择最大值再交换 1. 依然是2次遍历,第1次反序,第2次正序,注意起始为1,末尾+1; 2. max_loc存储最大值,默认第0位; 3. 当loc的值大于max_loc的值时,max_loc重新赋值; 4. 交换loc和max_loc 5. 6行 :param alist: 待排序alist :return: None """ for p_num in range(len(alist) - 1, 0, -1): max_loc = 0 for loc in range(1, p_num + 1): if alist[loc] > alist[max_loc]: max_loc = loc alist[p_num], alist[max_loc] = alist[max_loc], alist[p_num] def tes_of_selection_sort(): alist = [54, 26, 93, 17, 77, 31, 44, 55, 20] selection_sort(alist) print(alist) if __name__ == '__main__': tes_of_selection_sort() 复制代码
4. 插入排序
def insert_sort(alist): """ 插入排序, 1. 遍历列表,存储当前值cur_val,设置游标pos 2. 游标大于0和游标的值大于当前值,则移位,同时游标减1; 3. 将当前值赋予游标的终止位置; 4. 7行 :param alist: 待排序alist :return: None """ for idx in range(1, len(alist)): cur_val = alist[idx] pos = idx # 游标 while pos > 0 and alist[pos - 1] > cur_val: alist[pos] = alist[pos - 1] pos -= 1 alist[pos] = cur_val # 最后游标的位置 def test_of_insert_sort(): alist = [54, 26, 93, 17, 77, 31, 44, 55, 20] insert_sort(alist) print(alist) if __name__ == '__main__': test_of_insert_sort() 复制代码
5. 希尔排序
def shell_sort(alist): """ 希尔排序 1. 两部分,第1部分,计算增量gap和起始位置s_pos; 2. 增量是累除2,s_pos是增量的遍历 3. 增量插入排序,额外传入起始位置和增量; 4. range的起始由起始位置+增量; 5. 循环条件为大于等于增量,差值为增量 6. 12行,增量部分5行,插入部分7行 :param alist: 待排序alist :return: None """ gap = len(alist) // 2 while gap > 0: for s_pos in range(gap): gap_insert_sort(alist, s_pos, gap) gap = gap // 2 def gap_insert_sort(alist, s_pos, gap): """ 带增量的插入排序 :param alist: 待排序alist :param s_pos: 起始位置 :param gap: 增量 :return: None """ for idx in range(s_pos + gap, len(alist), gap): cur_val = alist[idx] pos = idx while pos >= gap and alist[pos - gap] > cur_val: alist[pos] = alist[pos - gap] pos -= gap alist[pos] = cur_val def test_of_shell_sort(): alist = [54, 26, 93, 17, 77, 31, 44, 55, 20] shell_sort(alist) print(alist) if __name__ == '__main__': test_of_shell_sort() 复制代码
6. 归并排序
def merge_sort(alist): """ 归并排序 1. 递归,结束条件,只有1个元素,return; 2. mid中心,左右两部分,递归调用merge_sort; 3. 遍历左右,添加较小的值;遍历其余部分; 4. 20行 :param alist: :return: """ if len(alist) < 2: return mid = len(alist) // 2 left_half = alist[:mid] right_half = alist[mid:] merge_sort(left_half) merge_sort(right_half) i, j, k = 0, 0, 0 while i < len(left_half) and j < len(right_half): if left_half[i] < right_half[j]: alist[k] = left_half[i] i += 1 else: alist[k] = right_half[j] j += 1 k += 1 while i < len(left_half): alist[k:] = left_half[i:] while j < len(right_half): alist[k:] = right_half[i:] def test_of_merge_sort(): alist = [54, 26, 93, 17, 77, 31, 44, 55, 20] merge_sort(alist) print(alist) if __name__ == '__main__': test_of_merge_sort() 复制代码
7. 快速排序
def quick_sort(alist, fst, lst): """ 快速排序 1. 确定终止条件,起始等于终止; 2. 起始fst和终止lst的位置,枢轴的值pivot; 3. 遍历i和j, :param alist: 待排序列表 :param fst: 起始idx :param lst: 终止idx :return: None """ if fst >= lst: return i, j = fst, lst pivot = alist[fst] while i <= j: while alist[i] < pivot: i += 1 while alist[j] > pivot: j -= 1 if i <= j: alist[i], alist[j] = alist[j], alist[i] i, j = i + 1, j - 1 quick_sort(alist, fst, j) quick_sort(alist, i, lst) def quick_sort_v2(alist): """ 快速排序 :param alist: :return: """ if len(alist) < 2: return alist pivot = alist[0] small = [i for i in alist if i < pivot] medium = [i for i in alist if i == pivot] large = [i for i in alist if i > pivot] return quick_sort_v2(small) + medium + quick_sort_v2(large) def test_of_quick_sort(): alist = [54, 26, 93, 17, 77, 31, 44, 55, 20] # quick_sort(alist, 0, len(alist) - 1) # print(alist) alist = quick_sort_v2(alist) print(alist) if __name__ == '__main__': test_of_quick_sort() 复制代码
OK, that's all! Enjoy it!
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