集成开发环境 IntelliJ IDEA 2018.2.5 发布

栏目: 软件资讯 · 发布时间: 6年前

内容简介:IntelliJ IDEA 2018.2.5 发布,更新如下: No subsystem Bug IDEA-198187 Gnome-Shell crashes upon replace in path confirmation action Compiling Project Bug IDEA-196903 Enabling debug level logging for...

IntelliJ IDEA 2018.2.5 发布,更新如下:

No subsystemBugIDEA-198187Gnome-Shell crashes upon replace in path confirmation action
Compiling ProjectBugIDEA-196903Enabling debug level logging for build process triggers full rebuild
DebuggerBugIDEA-199236JDWP: some debugger features incorrectly disabled when debugging android.
UsabilityIDEA-184725edit breakpoint paste from history issue
DockerBugIDEA-199410NPE while selecting "pull image" from docker tool window
Flash_FlexBugIDEA-198937Strange [""] folder item as the first choice in ActionScript code completion
GradlePerformanceIDEA-198816IDE hangs for 30+ seconds when editing build.gradle script
GroovyBugIDEA-198667Newlines in Groovy class generic definition causes incorrect inspection
IndicesBugIDEA-197296deadlock between FileBasedIndex Vfs Event Processor and EDT
JavaUsabilityIDEA-199809Don't treat 11 language level as experimental since 25.09
Java. InspectionsBugIDEA-199108False positive: "Collection empty" when initialized statically inside abstract class implementation
Plugin ManagementCosmeticsIDEA-193887IDEA refreshes plugin description page when hovering a link
Quick DocumentationBugIDEA-189315QuickDocumentation popup flicker for some libs
SpringPerformanceIDEA-197953Spring: speedup spring.factories access
User InterfaceBugIDEA-199024GUI stack overflow with "Find in Path" action
User Interface. FocusBugIDEA-198588Find in Path dialog becomes unresponsive sometimes
Version Control. GitBugIDEA-198120Cannot create github token when one with the name already exists
CoffeeScriptBugWEB-34887support coffeescript re-export statement
BugWEB-34889wrong autoformatting in coffeescript with exports
TypeScriptPerformanceWEB-34669Intellij Idea is freezing every couple of seconds, blocked threads in the dump
IDE GeneralBugDBE-7116Publish GitHub Integration plugin along with Git Integration


【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]

以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网






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UNIX 时间戳转换
UNIX 时间戳转换

UNIX 时间戳转换

