https://github.com/durban89/typescript_demo.git tag: 1.1.1
上篇文章【 Go基础学习记录 - 编写Web应用程序 - 博客编辑功能完善 】我们只是将需要的文章从数据库读取出来,然后在前端展示,那么如果要修改的话,改如何操作,今天的分享继续上篇文章
既然更新,就涉及到了更新的逻辑,即如何将更新写入数据库,这里我将之前的Update函数进行完善操作,将Update改为了UpdateData,主要原因是我在另外要给 sqlite 库中也写了一个Update的函数,go工具提示我重复了,这个不知道是不是 go 的机制的问题,同一个包下面不应该有相同的函数,暂时修改为UpdateData,不过这里也应该是设计的问题,后面再完善下,首先先将编辑更新的逻辑完善,UpdateData的函数实现如下
// UpdateData 更新数据 func (b *Blog) UpdateData() (int64, error) { var updateString = strings.Join(b.MergeUpdate(), " , ") var whereString = strings.Join(b.MergeWhere(), " AND ") sql := fmt.Sprintf("UPDATE %s SET %s WHERE %s", tableName, updateString, whereString) stmt, err := Conn.Prepare(sql) if err != nil { return 0, err } res, err := stmt.Exec() if err != nil { return 0, err } affect, err := res.RowsAffected() if err != nil { return 0, err } return affect, nil }
当然这里也是有问题的,推荐将要修改的参数放入Exec中,这样应该可以预防 SQL 注入。
// ArticleEdit 编辑文章 func ArticleEdit(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { id := r.URL.Query().Get("id") if id == "" { http.NotFound(w, r) return } where := []db.Where{} update := []db.UpdateSection{} if strings.ToLower(r.Method) == "get" { where = append(where, db.Where{ Name: "autokid", Value: id, }) blogModel := &models.Blog{ Select: []string{"*"}, Where: where, } p, err := blogModel.QueryOne() if err != nil { http.NotFound(w, r) return } crutime := time.Now().Unix() h := md5.New() io.WriteString(h, strconv.FormatInt(crutime, 10)) token := fmt.Sprintf("%x", h.Sum(nil)) p.Token = token helpers.RenderTemplate(w, "edit", p) } else if strings.ToLower(r.Method) == "post" { title := r.FormValue("title") if title == "" { http.Redirect(w, r, fmt.Sprintf("/edit?id=%s", id), http.StatusFound) return } update = append(update, db.UpdateSection{ Name: "title", Value: title, }) where = append(where, db.Where{ Name: "autokid", Value: id, }) blogModel := &models.Blog{ Update: update, Where: where, } _, err := blogModel.UpdateData() if err != nil { http.NotFound(w, r) return } http.Redirect(w, r, fmt.Sprintf("/edit?id=%s", id), http.StatusFound) return } }
<form action="/save/{{.Title}}" method="POST">
<form action="/edit/?id={{.ID}}" method="POST">
https://github.com/durban89/typescript_demo.git tag: 1.1.2
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Web Security, Privacy and Commerce, 2nd Edition
Simson Garfinkel / O'Reilly Media / 2002-01-15 / USD 44.95
Since the first edition of this classic reference was published, World Wide Web use has exploded and e-commerce has become a daily part of business and personal life. As Web use has grown, so have ......一起来看看 《Web Security, Privacy and Commerce, 2nd Edition》 这本书的介绍吧!