.grid { display: flex; flex-direction: column; flex-wrap: wrap; } .grid .head { width: 25%; background: orange; border-bottom: thin dotted; } .grid .data { width: 25%; background: yellow; border-bottom: thin dotted; } /* my attempt to solve this */ .grid { height: 76px; }
<div class="grid"> <div class="head">Column 1 (3 items)</div> <div class="data">item 1-1</div> <div class="data">item 1-2</div> <div class="data">item 1-3</div> <div class="head">Column 2 (4 items)</div> <div class="data">item 2-1</div> <div class="data">item 2-2</div> <div class="data">item 2-3</div> <div class="data">item 2-4</div> <div class="head">Column 3 (2 items)</div> <div class="data">item 3-1</div> <div class="data">item 3-2</div> <div class="head">Column 4 (1 items)</div> <div class="data">item 4-1</div> </div>
or break-after
A break is forced wherever the CSS2.1 07001/07002 [CSS21] or the CSS3 07003/07004 [CSS3-BREAK] properties specify a fragmentation break.
在撰写本文时,大多数浏览器都会错误地实现* -break- *属性,或者根本不实现它们.在此之前考虑这个答案.
> FF33
.grid { display: flex; flex-direction: column; flex-wrap: wrap; } .grid .head { width: 25%; background: orange; border-bottom: thin dotted; } .grid .data { width: 25%; background: yellow; border-bottom: thin dotted; } /* force column breaks */ .grid .head:nth-child(n + 2) { page-break-before: always; /* FF33 */ }
<div class="grid"> <div class="head">Column 1 (3 items)</div> <div class="data">item 1-1</div> <div class="data">item 1-2</div> <div class="data">item 1-3</div> <div class="head">Column 2 (4 items)</div> <div class="data">item 2-1</div> <div class="data">item 2-2</div> <div class="data">item 2-3</div> <div class="data">item 2-4</div> <div class="head">Column 3 (2 items)</div> <div class="data">item 3-1</div> <div class="data">item 3-2</div> <div class="head">Column 4 (1 items)</div> <div class="data">item 4-1</div> </div>
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《css – 如何在flex列换行布局中启动一个新列》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
猜你喜欢:- css经典布局系列三——三列布局(圣杯布局、双飞翼布局)
- 四种方法实现──三栏布局(圣杯布局、双飞翼布局)
- 浅谈CSS三栏布局(包括双飞翼布局和圣杯布局)
- css经典布局——圣杯布局
- CSS布局基础——(三栏布局)
- Grid布局 - 一键布局尝试总结~
The Algorithm Design Manual
Steve S. Skiena / Springer / 1998-8-1 / GBP 53.91
Contents u Techniques u Introduction to Algorithms u Correctness and Efficiency u Correctness u Efficiency u Expressing Algorithms u Keeping Score u The RAM Model of Computatio......一起来看看 《The Algorithm Design Manual》 这本书的介绍吧!