
栏目: ASP.NET · 发布时间: 6年前


我目前正在调整一份新工作,我与大家分享的大部分工作都是通过MS Excel.我经常使用枢轴表,因此需要“堆叠”数据,正是我所依赖的R中的reshape(reshape2)包中的melt()函数的输出.





>宏将创建一个提示符“输入ID列数”,您可以在其中输入前面列出的标识信息. (例如,下面的代码是4).





melt(your.unstacked.dataframe, id.vars = 1:4)


# unstacked data
> df1
  Year Month Country  Sport No_wins No_losses High_score Total_games
2 2010     5     USA Soccer       4         3          5           9
3 2010     6     USA Soccer       5         3          4           8
4 2010     5     CAN Soccer       2         9          7          11
5 2010     6     CAN Soccer       4         8          4          13
6 2009     5     USA Soccer       8         1          4           9
7 2009     6     USA Soccer       0         0          3           2
8 2009     5     CAN Soccer       2         0          6           3
9 2009     6     CAN Soccer       3         0          8           3

# stacking the data
> require(reshape)
> melt(df1, id.vars=1:4)

  Year Month Country  Sport    variable value
1  2010     5     USA Soccer     No_wins     4
2  2010     6     USA Soccer     No_wins     5
3  2010     5     CAN Soccer     No_wins     2
4  2010     6     CAN Soccer     No_wins     4
5  2009     5     USA Soccer     No_wins     8
6  2009     6     USA Soccer     No_wins     0
7  2009     5     CAN Soccer     No_wins     2
8  2009     6     CAN Soccer     No_wins     3
9  2010     5     USA Soccer   No_losses     3
10 2010     6     USA Soccer   No_losses     3
11 2010     5     CAN Soccer   No_losses     9
12 2010     6     CAN Soccer   No_losses     8
13 2009     5     USA Soccer   No_losses     1
14 2009     6     USA Soccer   No_losses     0
15 2009     5     CAN Soccer   No_losses     0
16 2009     6     CAN Soccer   No_losses     0
17 2010     5     USA Soccer  High_score     5
18 2010     6     USA Soccer  High_score     4
19 2010     5     CAN Soccer  High_score     7
20 2010     6     CAN Soccer  High_score     4
21 2009     5     USA Soccer  High_score     4
22 2009     6     USA Soccer  High_score     3
23 2009     5     CAN Soccer  High_score     6
24 2009     6     CAN Soccer  High_score     8
25 2010     5     USA Soccer Total_games     9
26 2010     6     USA Soccer Total_games     8
27 2010     5     CAN Soccer Total_games    11
28 2010     6     CAN Soccer Total_games    13
29 2009     5     USA Soccer Total_games     9
30 2009     6     USA Soccer Total_games     2
31 2009     5     CAN Soccer Total_games     3
32 2009     6     CAN Soccer Total_games     3

我有两个帖子,有可用的代码和可下载的工作簿,在我的博客上的Excel / VBA中进行此操作:




'List: The range to be normalized.
'RepeatingColsCount: The number of columns, starting with the leftmost,
'   whose headings remain the same.
'NormalizedColHeader: The column header for the rolled-up category.
'DataColHeader: The column header for the normalized data.
'NewWorkbook: Put the sheet with the data in a new workbook?
'NOTE: The data must be in a contiguous range and the
'rows that will be repeated must be to the left,
'with the rows to be normalized to the right.

Sub NormalizeList(List As Excel.Range, RepeatingColsCount As Long, _
    NormalizedColHeader As String, DataColHeader As String, _
    Optional NewWorkbook As Boolean = False)

Dim FirstNormalizingCol As Long, NormalizingColsCount As Long
Dim ColsToRepeat As Excel.Range, ColsToNormalize As Excel.Range
Dim NormalizedRowsCount As Long
Dim RepeatingList() As String
Dim NormalizedList() As Variant
Dim ListIndex As Long, i As Long, j As Long
Dim wbSource As Excel.Workbook, wbTarget As Excel.Workbook
Dim wsTarget As Excel.Worksheet

With List
    'If the normalized list won't fit, you must quit.
   If .Rows.Count * (.Columns.Count - RepeatingColsCount) > .Parent.Rows.Count Then
        MsgBox "The normalized list will be too many rows.", _
               vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, "Sorry"
        Exit Sub
    End If

    'You have the range to be normalized and the count of leftmost rows to be repeated.
   'This section uses those arguments to set the two ranges to parse
   'and the two corresponding arrays to fill
   FirstNormalizingCol = RepeatingColsCount + 1
    NormalizingColsCount = .Columns.Count - RepeatingColsCount
    Set ColsToRepeat = .Cells(1).Resize(.Rows.Count, RepeatingColsCount)
    Set ColsToNormalize = .Cells(1, FirstNormalizingCol).Resize(.Rows.Count, NormalizingColsCount)
    NormalizedRowsCount = ColsToNormalize.Columns.Count * .Rows.Count
    ReDim RepeatingList(1 To NormalizedRowsCount, 1 To RepeatingColsCount)
    ReDim NormalizedList(1 To NormalizedRowsCount, 1 To 2)
End With

'Fill in every i elements of the repeating array with the repeating row labels.
For i = 1 To NormalizedRowsCount Step NormalizingColsCount
    ListIndex = ListIndex + 1
    For j = 1 To RepeatingColsCount
        RepeatingList(i, j) = List.Cells(ListIndex, j).Value2
    Next j
Next i

'We stepped over most rows above, so fill in other repeating array elements.
For i = 1 To NormalizedRowsCount
    For j = 1 To RepeatingColsCount
        If RepeatingList(i, j) = "" Then
            RepeatingList(i, j) = RepeatingList(i - 1, j)
        End If
    Next j
Next i

'Fill in each element of the first dimension of the normalizing array
'with the former column header (which is now another row label) and the data.
With ColsToNormalize
    For i = 1 To .Rows.Count
        For j = 1 To .Columns.Count
            NormalizedList(((i - 1) * NormalizingColsCount) + j, 1) = .Cells(1, j)
            NormalizedList(((i - 1) * NormalizingColsCount) + j, 2) = .Cells(i, j)
        Next j
    Next i
End With

'Put the normal data in the same workbook, or a new one.
If NewWorkbook Then
    Set wbTarget = Workbooks.Add
    Set wsTarget = wbTarget.Worksheets(1)
    Set wbSource = List.Parent.Parent
    With wbSource.Worksheets
        Set wsTarget = .Add(after:=.Item(.Count))
    End With
End If

With wsTarget
    'Put the data from the two arrays in the new worksheet.
   .Range("A1").Resize(NormalizedRowsCount, RepeatingColsCount) = RepeatingList
    .Cells(1, FirstNormalizingCol).Resize(NormalizedRowsCount, 2) = NormalizedList

    'At this point there will be repeated header rows, so delete all but one.
   .Range("1:" & NormalizingColsCount - 1).EntireRow.Delete

    'Add the headers for the new label column and the data column.
   .Cells(1, FirstNormalizingCol).Value = NormalizedColHeader
    .Cells(1, FirstNormalizingCol + 1).Value = DataColHeader
End With
End Sub


Sub TestIt()
NormalizeList ActiveSheet.UsedRange, 4, "Variable", "Value", False
End Sub



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