内容简介:Gradle 3.3 发布,Groovy构建工具
Gradle 3.3 发布了。Gradle就是可以使用Groovy来书写构建脚本的构建系统,支持依赖管理和多项目,类似Maven,但比之简单轻便。本次更新如下:
增加 的内容:
[ #1000 ] - Gradle 3.2.1 - Caused by: org.gradle.api.InvalidUserDataException: A dependency must not be empty
[ #734 ] - Scope Zinc cache by version
[ #740 ] - Ensure calculated durations are always non-negative
[ #753 ] - Support for Native build with Visual Studio 2015
[ #769 ] - addAllSuccessorsRecursively throws StackOverflowException in presence of a long dependsOn chain on a finalizer task
[ #770 ] - :platformNative:integTest failures
[ #825 ] - Support OS distributions with ncurses 6.x
[ #833 ] - Improved performance of tasks report
[ #841 ] - enforceWithDependencies throws StackOverflowException in presence of a long dependsOn chain on a finalizer task
[ #855 ] - Checkstyle classpath is set incorrectly for multi-project builds
[ #892 ] - CUnitSamplesIntegrationTest.cunit fails with VS2015 due to snprintf
[ #893 ] - (GoogleTest | CUnit)SamplesIntegrationTest fails due to object version mismatch
[ #897 ] - When vm_stat fails when starting a daemon, the entire build fails
[ #913 ] - Classpath task properties also annotated with InputFiles are not always recognized properly
[ #933 ] - Local cache corruption when using `GradleBuild` type task
[ #968 ] - "null value in entry: destinationDir=null" when building apache/groovy under Windows7
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
Christopher Bishop / Springer / 2007-10-1 / USD 94.95
The dramatic growth in practical applications for machine learning over the last ten years has been accompanied by many important developments in the underlying algorithms and techniques. For example,......一起来看看 《Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning》 这本书的介绍吧!