内容简介:Spring Boot 1.5.17 已发布,包含许多修复、文档改进和依赖更新。 Bug 修复 server.ssl.key-store-provider and server.ssl.trust-store-provider are ignored when configuring Undertow #14713 @AutoConfigureM...
Spring Boot 1.5.17 已发布,包含许多修复、文档改进和依赖更新。
Bug 修复
server.ssl.key-store-provider and server.ssl.trust-store-provider are ignored when configuring Undertow #14713
@AutoConfigureMockMvc does not honor FilterRegistrationBean.enabled=false #14636
WebRequestTraceFilter calls methods on the request and response to retrieve information that then isn't included in the trace #14550
Support escaped characters in BasicJsonParser #14521
Fix broken Asciidoctor syntax in section on sanitizing values #14708
Documentation on using Spock contains references to removed classes #14612
Cassandra auto-configuration requires load balancing policy, reconnection policy and retry policy classes to have a default constructor #14461
Improve documentation of RestTemplateBuilder's additionalMessageConverters #13714
Upgrade to Spring Security 4.2.9.RELEASE #14848
Upgrade to Spring Amqp 1.7.11.RELEASE #14837
Upgrade to Spring Security OAuth 2.0.16 #14832
Upgrade to Rabbit Amqp Client 4.8.3 #14750
Upgrade to Appengine Sdk 1.9.66 #14749
Upgrade to GemFire 8.2.12 #14739
Upgrade to Spring Data Ingalls SR16 #14727
Upgrade to Spring Framework 4.3.20.RELEASE #14721
Upgrade to Spring Web Services 2.4.3.RELEASE #14527
Upgrade to Undertow 1.4.26.Final #13880
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
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林锐、唐勇、石志强 / 电子工业出版社 / 2005-5-1 / 20.00元
Web软件用户界面设计指南,ISBN:9787121010163,作者:林锐等编著一起来看看 《Web软件用户界面设计指南》 这本书的介绍吧!