存储过程 – 重新编译后,存储过程运行得很快
栏目: 数据库 · SQL Server · 发布时间: 6年前
我在SQL Server 2008 R2上存储过程有一个非常奇怪的问题.有时,每个月大约一次,我有一个程序变得非常慢,大约需要6秒运行而不是几毫秒.但是,如果我只是重新编译它,而不改变任何东西,它会再次运行.
我希望也许有些人已经面临这种问题,或者至少可以指出我在正确的方向,像SQL Server或IIS的配置可能会影响存储过程缓存?
USE [MyBaseName] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[Publication_getByCriteria] Script Date: 05/29/2013 12:11:07 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Publication_getByCriteria] @id_sousTheme As int = null, @id_theme As int = null, @nbPubli As int = 1000000, @bActuSite As bit = null, @bActuPerso As bit = null, @bActuNewsletter As bit = null, @bActuChronique As bit = null, @bActuVideo As bit = null, @bActuVideoBuzz As bit = null, @bActuOpportunite As bit = null, @id_contact As int = null, @bOnlyPublished As bit = 0, @bOnlyForHomePage as bit = 0, @id_contactForTheme As int = null, @id_newsletter As int = null, @ID_ActuChronique As int = null, @sMotClef As varchar(500) = null, @sMotClefForFullText as varchar(500) = '""', @dtPublication As datetime = null, @bParlonsFinance As bit = null, @bPartenaires as bit = null, @bUne As bit = null, @bEditoParlonsFinance As bit = null, @bEditoQuestionFonds as bit = null, @dtDebPublication As datetime = null, @dtFinPublication As datetime = null, @bOnlyActuWithDroitReponse As bit = 0, @bActuDroitReponse As bit = null AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE @dtNow As datetime SET @dtNow = GETDATE() SELECT TOP (@nbPubli) p.id_publication, p.sTitre, p.sTexte, p.sTexteHTML, p.dtPublication, p.id_linkedDroitReponse, si.id_actusite, pe.id_actuPerso, ne.id_actuNewsletter, ac.id_actuChronique, av.id_actuVideo, ap.id_actuOpportunite, ad.id_actuDroitReponse, c.ID_Contact, c.sPhotoCarre, NULL As sTypePubli, n.id_newsletter, dbo.Publication_get1Theme(p.id_publication) As theme, CAST(CASE WHEN ad.id_actuDroitReponse IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END As bit) As bIsDroitReponse, coalesce(Personne.sNom, Societe.sNom) as sNom, Personne.sPrenom FROM Publication p LEFT OUTER JOIN ActuSite si ON p.id_publication = si.id_publication LEFT OUTER JOIN ActuPerso pe ON p.id_publication = pe.id_publication LEFT OUTER JOIN ActuNewsletter ne ON p.id_publication = ne.id_publication LEFT OUTER JOIN ActuChronique ac ON p.id_publication = ac.id_publication LEFT OUTER JOIN ActuVideo av ON p.id_publication = av.id_publication LEFT OUTER JOIN ActuOpportunite ap ON p.id_publication = ap.id_publication LEFT OUTER JOIN ActuDroitReponse ad ON p.id_publication = ad.id_publication LEFT OUTER JOIN Contact c ON p.id_contact = c.ID_Contact LEFT OUTER JOIN Personne ON Personne.id_contact = c.id_contact LEFT OUTER JOIN Societe ON Societe.id_contact = c.id_contact LEFT OUTER JOIN Newsletter n ON ne.id_actuNewsletter = n.id_actuNewsletter WHERE p.bSupp = 0 AND (@bOnlyPublished = 0 Or (@bOnlyPublished = 1 AND p.dtPublication IS NOT NULL AND p.dtPublication < @dtNow)) AND (@id_sousTheme IS NULL Or p.id_publication IN(SELECT id_publication FROM PubliSousTheme WHERE id_soustheme = @id_sousTheme)) AND (@id_theme IS NULL Or p.id_publication IN(SELECT id_publication FROM PubliTheme WHERE id_theme = @id_theme)) AND ((@bActuSite = 1 AND si.id_actusite IS NOT NULL) OR (@bActuPerso = 1 AND pe.id_actuPerso IS NOT NULL) OR (@bActuNewsletter = 1 AND ne.id_actuNewsletter IS NOT NULL) OR (@bActuChronique = 1 AND ac.id_actuChronique IS NOT NULL) OR (@bActuVideo = 1 AND av.id_actuVideo IS NOT NULL) OR (@bActuVideoBuzz = 1 AND av.id_actuVideo IS NOT NULL and coalesce(av.sBuzz, '') <> '' ) OR (@bActuOpportunite = 1 AND ap.id_actuOpportunite IS NOT NULL) OR (@bActuDroitReponse = 1 AND ad.id_actuDroitReponse IS NOT NULL)) AND (@id_contact IS NULL Or p.id_contact = @id_contact) AND (@id_contactForTheme IS NULL Or (p.id_publication IN(SELECT id_publication FROM PubliSousTheme WHERE id_soustheme IN(SELECT id_soustheme FROM ContactSousTheme WHERE id_contact = @id_contactForTheme))) Or (p.id_publication IN(SELECT id_publication FROM PubliTheme WHERE id_theme IN(SELECT id_theme FROM ContactTheme WHERE id_contact = @id_contactForTheme))) ) AND (@ID_ActuChronique is NULL or id_actuChronique = @ID_ActuChronique) AND (@id_newsletter IS NULL Or p.id_publication IN(SELECT id_publication FROM ListActuNewsletter WHERE id_newsletter = @id_newsletter)) AND (@sMotClef IS NULL or contains((p.sTexte, p.sTitre), @sMotClefForFullText) Or Personne.sNom LIKE '%' + @sMotClef + '%' COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI Or Personne.sPrenom LIKE '%' + @sMotClef + '%' COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI Or Societe.sNom LIKE '%' + @sMotClef + '%' COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI ) AND (@dtPublication IS NULL Or p.dtPublication >= @dtPublication) AND ( @bParlonsFinance IS NULL Or (@bParlonsFinance = 0 AND p.id_publication NOT IN(SELECT id_publication FROM PubliTheme WHERE id_theme IN(SELECT id_theme FROM Theme WHERE bParlonsFinance = 1))) Or (@bParlonsFinance = 1 AND p.id_publication IN(SELECT id_publication FROM PubliTheme WHERE id_theme IN(SELECT id_theme FROM Theme WHERE bParlonsFinance = 1)))) AND ( @bPartenaires IS NULL Or (@bPartenaires = 0 AND p.id_publication NOT IN(SELECT id_publication FROM PubliTheme WHERE id_theme IN(SELECT id_theme FROM Theme WHERE 0 = 1))) Or (@bPartenaires = 1 AND p.id_publication IN(SELECT id_publication FROM PubliTheme WHERE id_theme IN(SELECT id_theme FROM Theme WHERE 0 = 1)))) AND ( @bUne IS NULL Or p.bUne = @bUne) AND (@bEditoParlonsFinance IS NULL Or p.bEditoParlonsFinance = @bEditoParlonsFinance) AND (@bEditoQuestionFonds IS NULL Or p.bEditoQuestionFonds = @bEditoQuestionFonds) AND (@dtDebPublication IS NULL Or p.dtPublication >= @dtDebPublication) AND (@dtFinPublication IS NULL Or p.dtPublication <= @dtFinPublication) AND (@bOnlyActuWithDroitReponse = 0 Or (@bOnlyActuWithDroitReponse = 1 AND p.id_linkedDroitReponse IS NOT NULL)) and (@bOnlyForHomePage = 0 or (@bOnlyForHomePage = 1 and ac.bHomePage = 1)) ORDER BY coalesce(p.dtPublication, p.dtCreate) DESC, p.id_publication DESC END
通过这样做,每当调用该过程时,将会生成一个新的计划.如果重新编译时间使用错误的缓存计划时间损失,这是值得使用WITH RECOMPILE.在您的情况下,它还会节省您每次发现其执行缓慢时手动重新编译此过程所需的时间/计划.
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望本文的内容对大家的学习或者工作能带来一定的帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
萧秋水、秋叶、南方锈才 / 电子工业出版社 / 2014-8-1 / 55.00元
《移动社交时代的互动搜索营销(全彩)》跳出搜索引擎的局限,告诉读者如何利用互联网找到客户的思维。《移动社交时代的互动搜索营销(全彩)》只谈如何有效利用搜索引擎(包括移动端搜索)、电商网站、新媒体,不传播所谓的一夜暴红、一夜暴富的神话。《移动社交时代的互动搜索营销(全彩)》作者利用其丰富的实战经验,结合大量国内不同行业的实际应用案例,生动地告诉读者,怎样正确地利用搜索引擎,以很小的投资获得巨大的回报......一起来看看 《移动社交时代的互动搜索营销(全彩)》 这本书的介绍吧!