JavaScript类型转换:(true \u0026\u0026 1)vs(true | | 1)
栏目: JavaScript · 发布时间: 6年前
JavaScript是非严格类型的 Java 语言,例如.
真实&& 1结果1
真|| 1个结果是真的
The && operator is commonly called logical and. It can also be called guard. If the first operand is false, null, undefined, “” (the empty string), or the number 0 then it returns the first operand. Otherwise, it returns the second operand. This provides a convenient way to write a null-check:
var value = p &&; /* The name value will only be retrieved from p if p has a value, avoiding an error. */
The || operator is commonly called logical or. It can also be called default. If the first operand is false, null, undefined, “” (the empty string), or the number 0, then it returns the second operand. Otherwise, it returns the first operand. This provides a convenient way to specify default values:
value = v || 10; /* Use the value of v, but if v doesn't have a value, use 10 instead. */
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《JavaScript类型转换:(true \u0026\u0026 1)vs(true | | 1)》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
Beginning iPhone and iPad Web Apps
Chris Apers、Daniel Paterson / Apress / 2010-12-15 / USD 39.99
It seems that everyone and her sister has developed an iPhone App—everyone except you, the hard-working web professional. And now with the introduction of the iPad, you may even feel farther behind. B......一起来看看 《Beginning iPhone and iPad Web Apps》 这本书的介绍吧!