内容简介:很久不看docker的东西了,之前了解的一些基本命令都忘得差不多了,适逢工作需要,再来复习巩固下。今天想完成的是:借助docker不部署下自己的服务。都说“巧妇难为无米之炊”,所以还是需要先准备下的。OS:Ubuntu 16.04, 2G内存
很久不看 docker 的东西了,之前了解的一些基本命令都忘得差不多了,适逢工作需要,再来复习巩固下。今天想完成的是:借助docker不部署下自己的服务。
OS:Ubuntu 16.04, 2G内存
coding language: golang (gin web framework)
- app.go
package main import ( "os" "log" "github.com/gin-gonic/gin" "net/http" "time" ) func GetHostName() string { hostname, err := os.Hostname() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } return hostname } func GetCurrentTime() string { timer := time.Now() return timer.String() } func startGinApp() { app := gin.Default() app.GET("/ping", func(context *gin.Context) { context.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{ "message": "当前为您服务的主机为:" + GetHostName(), }) }) app.GET("/", func(context *gin.Context) { context.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{ "message": "当前时间为:" + GetCurrentTime(), }) }) app.Run(":8080") } func main() { startGinApp() }
- 把服务跑起来
go run app.go
- curl一下看看服务是否正确跑起来了
➜ gin curl http://localhost:8080 {"message":"当前时间为:2018-10-14 11:31:23.016121853 +0800 CST m=+0.254631109"}% ➜ gin curl http://localhost:8080/ping {"message":"当前为您服务的主机为:BiaodeMacBook-Pro.local"}% ➜ gin
- Makefile
# 这个是注释 # 开头可以声明一大堆变量名 BUILD_NAME ?= httpserver COMPILER ?= go BUILD ?= build # 上方留一个空格,区分变量区和构建区 all: build test deploy clean build: CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 $(COMPILER) $(BUILD) -o $(BUILD_NAME) test: echo "test over." deploy: echo "deploy over." clean: echo "clean over." .PHONY: build test deploy clean
- 构建服务
➜ gin ls Makefile app.go ➜ gin make all go build -o httpserver echo "test over." test over. echo "deploy over." deploy over. echo "clean over." clean over. ➜ gin ls Makefile app.go httpserver ➜ gin ./httpserver & [1] 6450 ➜ gin [GIN-debug] [WARNING] Creating an Engine instance with the Logger and Recovery middleware already attached. [GIN-debug] [WARNING] Running in "debug" mode. Switch to "release" mode in production. - using env: export GIN_MODE=release - using code: gin.SetMode(gin.ReleaseMode) [GIN-debug] GET /ping --> main.startGinApp.func1 (3 handlers) [GIN-debug] GET / --> main.startGinApp.func2 (3 handlers) [GIN-debug] Listening and serving HTTP on :8080 ➜ gin curl http://localhost:8080/ping [GIN] 2018/10/14 - 11:50:23 | 200 | 214.161µs | ::1 | GET /ping {"message":"当前为您服务的主机为:BiaodeMacBook-Pro.local"}% ➜ gin
好了基本没什么问题,然后就可以通过scp命令将文件拷贝到 linux 服务器上了。
- Dockerfile
FROM ubuntu:latest MAINTAINER guopu marksinoberg@gmail.com WORKDIR /app EXPOSE 8080 ADD . /app CMD ["./httpserver"]
- 构建自己的镜像
root@Server218 /h/d/g/d/httpserver# docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE ginserver latest 6277a0180f4f 19 hours ago 101 MB flaskindocker latest 170c6c0a41db 22 hours ago 131 MB python 2.7-slim 14dad3ead5f4 4 days ago 120 MB docker/compose 1.23.0-rc2 dc59a0b5e981 5 days ago 45.6 MB ubuntu latest cd6d8154f1e1 5 weeks ago 84.1 MB root@Server218 /h/d/g/d/httpserver# docker build -t httpserver . Sending build context to Docker daemon 17.07 MB Step 1/6 : FROM ubuntu:latest ---> cd6d8154f1e1 Step 2/6 : MAINTAINER guopu marksinoberg@gmail.com ---> Running in 7106748df3ad ---> 0ae808029537 Removing intermediate container 7106748df3ad Step 3/6 : WORKDIR /app ---> 7278bf9659e7 Removing intermediate container f7fdc76b19a8 Step 4/6 : EXPOSE 8080 ---> Running in bedfabcb4b16 ---> edf4c123f72f Removing intermediate container bedfabcb4b16 Step 5/6 : ADD . /app ---> 36390e554a2f Removing intermediate container b14cce9da53e Step 6/6 : CMD ./httpserver ---> Running in 6682c8364717 ---> b490fef8a9ca Removing intermediate container 6682c8364717 Successfully built b490fef8a9ca root@Server218 /h/d/g/d/httpserver# docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE httpserver latest b490fef8a9ca 4 seconds ago 101 MB ginserver latest 6277a0180f4f 19 hours ago 101 MB flaskindocker latest 170c6c0a41db 22 hours ago 131 MB python 2.7-slim 14dad3ead5f4 4 days ago 120 MB docker/compose 1.23.0-rc2 dc59a0b5e981 5 days ago 45.6 MB ubuntu latest cd6d8154f1e1 5 weeks ago 84.1 MB root@Server218 /h/d/g/d/httpserver#
- 让服务在docker中跑起来
root@Server218 /h/d/g/d/httpserver# docker run -d -p 8000:8080 httpserver ebb1926206cdaf16eae9f4e13d5a7e70dd695da91463b438f77e45c6f65d3323 root@Server218 /h/d/g/d/httpserver# docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES ebb1926206cd httpserver "./httpserver" 4 seconds ago Up 3 seconds>8080/tcp nostalgic_wright root@Server218 /h/d/g/d/httpserver# curl http://localhost:8000/ping {"message":"当前为您服务的主机为:ebb1926206cd"}~ root@Server218 /h/d/g/d/httpserver# curl http://localhost:8000/ {"message":"当前时间为:2018-10-14 04:14:29.116207751 +0000 UTC"}~ root@Server218 /h/d/g/d/httpserver#
一个容器跑一个服务,有些服务访问峰差很大的场景,就需要做下弹性适配,于是需要用一下docker swarm服务。这个在linux环境下需要进行安装。具体可以参考官网链接: https://github.com/docker/compose/releases
- docker-compose.yml
version: "3" services: web: image: httpserver:latest deploy: replicas: 5 resources: limits: cpus: "0.1" memory: 50M restart_policy: condition: on-faliure ports: - "8000:8080" networks: - webnet networks: webnet:
- 初始化swarm
root@Server218 /h/d/g/d/httpserver# docker swarm init Swarm initialized: current node (atiuy6c8k1qcig5w3br1bwf0n) is now a manager. To add a worker to this swarm, run the following command: docker swarm join \ --token SWMTKN-1-5e0sj0glbwl5w5rqytyqokeg91n7piwdyw9ik598x0poiz5s20-do445zhrdr5io93lplov42c2y \ To add a manager to this swarm, run 'docker swarm join-token manager' and follow the instructions. root@Server218 /h/d/g/d/httpserver#
- 发布服务到swarm中
root@Server218 /h/d/g/d/httpserver# docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml httpserver Creating service httpserver_web root@Server218 /h/d/g/d/httpserver# root@Server218 /h/d/g/d/httpserver# root@Server218 /h/d/g/d/httpserver# root@Server218 /h/d/g/d/httpserver# docker stack ps httpserver ID NAME IMAGE NODE DESIRED STATE CURRENT STATE ERROR PORTS kvpvwptlj44c httpserver_web.1 httpserver:latest Server218 Running Running 14 seconds ago 6549g79dz5iz httpserver_web.2 httpserver:latest Server218 Running Running 14 seconds ago xkz42mnetmws httpserver_web.3 httpserver:latest Server218 Running Running 14 seconds ago rpziwzmpogn2 httpserver_web.4 httpserver:latest Server218 Running Running 14 seconds ago y2kfe8bp09ld httpserver_web.5 httpserver:latest Server218 Running Running 6 seconds ago root@Server218 /h/d/g/d/httpserver# curl http://localhost:8000/ping {"message":"当前为您服务的主机为:a5419e3d3f9c"}~ root@Server218 /h/d/g/d/httpserver# curl http://localhost:8000/ping {"message":"当前为您服务的主机为:f636819bd9c4"}~ root@Server218 /h/d/g/d/httpserver# curl http://localhost:8000/ping {"message":"当前为您服务的主机为:97a6e3c9a064"}~ root@Server218 /h/d/g/d/httpserver# curl http://localhost:8000/ping {"message":"当前为您服务的主机为:7f1b28e14970"}~ root@Server218 /h/d/g/d/httpserver# curl http://localhost:8000/ping {"message":"当前为您服务的主机为:0ce251661188"}~ root@Server218 /h/d/g/d/httpserver# curl http://localhost:8000/ping {"message":"当前为您服务的主机为:a5419e3d3f9c"}~ root@Server218 /h/d/g/d/httpserver#
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml httpserver
- 关停服务
root@Server218 /h/d/g/d/httpserver# docker stack ls NAME SERVICES httpserver 1 root@Server218 /h/d/g/d/httpserver# docker stack rm httpserver Removing service httpserver_web Removing network httpserver_webnet root@Server218 /h/d/g/d/httpserver# docker stack ls NAME SERVICES root@Server218 /h/d/g/d/httpserver#
- 关掉swarm
root@Server218 /h/d/g/d/httpserver# docker swarm leave --force Node left the swarm. root@Server218 /h/d/g/d/httpserver#
root@Server218 /h/d/g/d/httpserver# ls -al total 16688 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 14 12:20 ./ drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 Oct 14 12:00 ../ -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 121 Oct 14 12:11 Dockerfile -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 362 Oct 14 12:01 Makefile -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 682 Oct 14 12:01 app.go -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 385 Oct 14 12:27 docker-compose.yml -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 17063672 Oct 14 12:03 httpserver* root@Server218 /h/d/g/d/httpserver#
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
Michael Bowers / 刘申 朱瑜敏 鲁奇 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2008-9 / 69.00元
本书是一部非常实用的CSS 与HTML(XHTML)解决方案手册。书中包含了350 多种可以立即使用的设计模式(涉及文本、背景、边框、图片、表格、布局等多方面),并介绍了每种模式的原理和使用。每种设计模式、示例和源代码都经过了精心设计,易于实现和使用。通过阅读此书,可大大提高读者在 Web 设计和开发中的效率和创造力。 本书结构清晰,示例丰富,实践性强,适用于所有Web 开发和设计人员......一起来看看 《精通CSS与HTML设计模式》 这本书的介绍吧!