内容简介:何时何地在Clojure代码中输入注释?显然,当性能计数.但是有没有什么规则可以在何时(仅当做Java Interop?)和哪里添加它们(函数定义参数)?http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2569069/when-and-where-do-you-put-type-annotations-in-clojure-code
何时何地在Clojure代码中输入注释?显然,当性能计数.但是有没有什么规则可以在何时(仅当做Java Interop?)和哪里添加它们(函数定义参数)?
在 clojure.org 的 java 互操作部分有一个 description .在这些评论中:
Clojure supports the use of type hints to assist the compiler in avoiding reflection in performance-critical areas of code. Normally, one should avoid the use of type hints until there is a known performance bottleneck. … Once a type hint has been placed on an identifier or expression, the compiler will try to resolve any calls to methods thereupon at compile time. In addition, the compiler will track the use of any return values and infer types for their use and so on, so very few hints are needed to get a fully compile-time resolved series of calls. Note that type hints are not needed for static members (or their return values!) as the compiler always has the type for statics.
关于你的问题“只为java互操作?” – 没有.即使在纯粹的clojure应用程序中,类型提示也很有用.反思放慢性能的问题是JVM上的一个生命的事实,是动态语言一般要处理的问题.
They can be placed on function parameters, let-bound names, var names (when defined), and expressions:
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