
栏目: JavaScript · 发布时间: 6年前


原文地址: Sencha Roadmap Update


  • 支持最新JavaScript标准的全面的核心框架
  • 用于打造美观的企业应用所需的全新的美丽的组件和主题
  • 可打造优化过的、高性能和通用的应用程序的现代 工具
  • 可通过可视化构建应用程序、可通过可视化创建应用程序的主题和IDE插件等生产力工具
  • 单一来源的源框架、组件、主题和工具
  • 用于创建企业级品质及可长期运行的应用程序的质量和测试工具
  • 可升级的标准化Web组件


  • 用于开源框架React、Angular和Vue的综合组件集
  • 具有可扩展的API、布局、可视化主题和易于定制的美观的现代组件
  • 支持最新的Web工具和Web组件的现代工具链
  • 用于构建增量式移动应用程序开发的可优化的组件


  • 最全面的框架 :用于创建长寿命Web应用程序的单一的维护源。不再需要去集成和维护多个库、组件、插件和工具。
  • 跨平台单一代码库 :最大线都提高代码的可重用性,以便构建通用的增量式的Web应用程序。不再需要针对桌面、平板和手机去编写多个应用程序
  • 能提高开发效率的开发的工具 :通过使用线都的开放工具来改进开发人员的生产力。不再需要担心“每周的web工具(web tool-of-the-week)”
  • 现代跨平台组件 :基于所选框架的美观的和可主题化的组件。不再需要为每个新框架重写数以百计的组件。
  • Web标准的最佳化 :支持JavaScript ES8和标准化Web组件。紧跟浏览器和平台技术的变化。
  • 高质量的Web开发工具:错误最小化,减少Bug补丁,并在不同的浏览器中自动进行Web应用程序测试。不再需要搜索不同的质量工具。


在过去的几个月,已经发布了支持npm包和开发工具的Ext JS 6.6,而ExtReact 6.6已经支持最新版本的React框架,Sencha Test则发布了带有监测、代码视图和页对象功能的2.2版本,Gxt则发布了带有100个以上客户所需增强功能的版本。






Ext JS框架、组件、白金包

Ext JS长期以来一直是企业级Web应用程序开发的首选前端框架。以下是正在努力实现的功能:

  • 现代工具包的新组件
  • 集成高端组件,如Froala
  • 增强、修复Bug并提高现代和经典包的稳定性
  • 通过修复和增加新功能来增强现代和经典包中Grid和其他组件
  • 继续改进Graphite这个可访问主题以及经典包的可访问组件
  • 使用Web组件模型来实现组件的标准化
  • 探索下一代JavaScript,以便在未来的Ext JS框架中使用ECMAScript标准中的新功能
  • 为所有用户提供易于访问的Ext JS,以便于创建应用程序


Ext JS开放工具、构建工具、Fiddle和文档

开发工具将Sencha Cmd演变为npm、webpack和基于node的工具集。这些工具的初始版本是一个名为ExtGen的用于创建新应用程序的工具,还有一个名为ExtBuild的支持工具用来在node中替换Sencha Cmd的功能。初始版本工具主要用于创建基于node的应用程序,而其他方面(生成、监视、ext)则依赖于先有的Sencha Cmd工具。开放工具的初始版本目前主要集中在应用程序的生成的创建上,而其他方法则依然使用Sencha CMd。

未来版本的开放工具将继续基于node替换Sencha Cmd的功能。另外,许多Sencha Cmd 的附加功能将会由基于node的ext-build模块代替。




Ext JS Visual Dev Tooling – Architect, Themer, Inspector, Plugins

The main goal for the visual tools roadmap is to keep up with the incredible features and integrations planned for Ext JS, as well keeping plugins compatible with new IDE versions. A main focus will be around Sencha Themer, supporting ExtAngular and Ext Web Components, so you can still create beautiful themes for your applications, regardless of the underlying framework you choose.

In addition, a few long awaited features will be added to Themer, in particular, Custom Font Icons. It can be difficult adding custom font icon sets to your Ext JS applications. The goal is to make configuring your Ext JS themes to use custom icon fonts easy, as well as finally add support for changing glyph icons within the Themer application.

We are also looking at spending some effort to give Sencha Architect a much needed overhaul. One of the biggest complaints about Architect is the limitations around modifying the Ext JS code generated outside of the Architect application. The architect overhaul will likely come as a new product that will remove issues related to metadata requirement, which means you will be able to seamlessly switch in and out of this new ‘Visual Builder’ without worrying about breaking the tool.


Sencha Test

Comprehensive automated testing has become an indispensable part of the modern DevOps toolchain, and it is our goal to make Sencha Test an indispensable part of our customers’ application development workflow.

We released Sencha Test 2.2 earlier this year, which added new features like Page Objects for managing locators centrally, a code tree view to help visualize test suites, new Futures APIs for interacting with HTML tables and Ext JS Slider component, enhanced the Inspect tool by adding a DOM Tree and also use DOM locators along with Ext JS Component locators. And finally, we added support for end-to-end testing of ExtReact applications.

Future targeted improvements include:

Allowing automatic minor updates to occur within the app – ensuring that our users always have access to the latest and greatest, and saving everyone the time and pain of downloading and manually upgrading their installs.

Enhancing the Sencha Test Futures API to include support for more high-level components and interactions, while keeping the ability to interact with low-level DOM elements. The event recorder will also be able to output scripts leveraging the elegance of the ST Futures API, which translates into scripts that are easier to read and maintain.

Enhancing the Inspect tool to improve our customers’ ability to easily, graphically create test cases quickly.

Extending the Sencha Test API to allow testing of ExtAngular applications.



The ExtReact product is an offering for the React developer community to provide access to the Ext JS components in familiar React/JSX syntax, access to the Ext JS layout system, a component theming environment through the use of Sencha Themer, and integration with Sencha Test for the development of unit and end to end tests.

The current version of ExtReact, version 6.6, focuses on the ability to support React v16x, Webpack 4 and Babel 7, which are the latest releases of these products. ExtReact also supports Ext JS 6.6 components.

Future versions of ExtReact will continue to support upgrades to the latest React releases, as well as tooling updates and innovations. Future support for the Web Components standard is also a consideration.



The ExtAngular product will be an offering to the Angular developer community with access to Ext JS components in a familiar Angular template syntax, access to the Ext JS layout system, a component theming environment through the use of Sencha Themer, and integration with Sencha Test for the development of unit and end to end tests.

The first version of ExtAngular is currently being architected, and will appear with the release of Ext JS v6.7. It will focus on integration with the latest 6.x release of Angular, as well as tooling in the form of Webpack 4 and Babel 7, which are the latest releases of these products. ExtAngular will also support the Ext JS 6.7 component set.

Future versions of ExtAngular will continue to support upgrades to the latest Angular releases, as well as tooling updates and innovations. Future support for the Web Components standard is also a consideration.


GXT has an exciting roadmap ahead. We’re continuing to phase in better integration with our sister product, Ext JS, making it easier to interop with Ext JS. This makes it easier to write Javascript with Java, allowing you to take advantage of the rich features Ext JS has. Features like the comprehensive data charts, Calendar, Pivot grid and more. Currently the import system is harder to use, but we’ve got plans to make it even easier to use with build systems like Maven, so it’s simple to set up and use Sencha Ext JS and Froala libraries.

You’re going to see more of our examples with different configurations show up for GXT. It’s our goal to make it even easier to use GXT to write your structured web applications. Our goal is to continue to show all the potential features from the Sencha libraries you could use to build your scalable web application for your enterprise.

We’re planning on fixing over 50 issues in the next release, focused on addressing key customer issues. Our goal is to tighten up the testing and aim for better regression testing, so you have low impact on changes when you upgrade between minor versions. We want to make the highest quality Java web framework out there, aiming for better reliability and easier to use.

We won’t be stopping with just that. We will also start work on the Ext JS Javascript bridge, so you don’t have to wire up JsInterop by hand. This will make it even easier to plugin to rich features from Ext JS when you need them. We’re also planning on tooling upgrades, which we plan on enhancing so they work faster with the GWT sdk. We’re aiming to provide simple enhancements that should make enterprise development with large amounts of services even easier to do.

Note: These plans and roadmap represent our intentions as of this date, but our development plans and priorities are subject to change. Accordingly, we can’t offer any commitments or other forms of assurance that we’ll ultimately release any or all of the described products on the schedule or in the order described, or at all. These general indications of development schedules or “product roadmaps” should not be interpreted or construed as any form of a commitment, and our customers’ rights to upgrades, updates, enhancements and other maintenance releases will be set forth only in the applicable software license agreement.


Thank You

On behalf of the entire Sencha team, we’d like to thank all of our customers and the growing Sencha community for their continued support and feedback. We look forward to our continued partnership. If you have any feedback you’re welcome to share at feedback@sencha.com .

Written by Sandeep Adwankar

Sandeep is a Sr. Product Manager at Sencha and is passionate about innovations in mobile and web technologies. He has experience working for startups in Silicon Valley as well as large companies including Motorola and Time Warner Cable. He has an MBA from DePaul University in Chicago and a Masters in Technology from IIT Bombay.

Robert Warmack

Robert is a Director at Sencha focused on improving the process and procedure around how software is created and delivered. In addition to his time spent at several large software companies including Google, Robert has consulted extensively with companies both large and small focusing on best-practices and operational excellence.

以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《[译]【翻译】更新Sencha路线图》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!






[美] Paul E.Mckenney(保罗·E·麦肯尼) / 谢宝友 鲁阳 / 电子工业出版社 / 2017-7-1 / 129

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