内容简介:Thymeleaf 3.0.10 发布,Thymeleaf 是一个 XML/XHTML/HTML5 模板引擎,可用于 Web 与非 Web 环境中的应用开发。它是一个开源的 Java 库,基于 Apache License 2.0 许可,由 Daniel Fernández 创建。 新版本基于 ...
Thymeleaf 3.0.10 发布,Thymeleaf 是一个 XML/XHTML/HTML5 模板引擎,可用于 Web 与非 Web 环境中的应用开发。它是一个开源的 Java 库,基于 Apache License 2.0 许可,由 Daniel Fernández 创建。
新版本基于 JDK 11 构建,采用了新的 Java 11 JavaDoc 格式。
Changes to the Thymeleaf CORE:
Fixed StackOverflowError when inserting content before first element of model in a model processor.
Improved restricted expression evaluation mode to forbid output of textual data from context variables inside JavaScript event handlers in HTML templates.
Improved HTML event handler attributes (th:on*) in order to allow processing of their values as fragments of inlined JavaScript (using JAVASCRIPT template mode).
Improved use of template name abbreviation in logs and exceptions.
Added "Automatic-Module-Name" to MANIFEST.MF for Java 9+ JPMS.
Updated AttoParser dependency to 2.0.5.RELEASE
Updated Unbescape dependency to 1.1.6.RELEASE
Changes to the Thymeleaf SPRING integration packages:
Fixed th:field executing before th:remove and therefore potentially executing the ConversionService and the RequestDataValueProcessor for values that are not meant to be displayed in the HTML result, which could lead to unnecessary exceptions.
Fixed bean validation path not correctly binding expressions with brackets ([...]) when BindStatus was being obtained with optional = true.
Added a "renderHiddenMarkersBeforeCheckboxes" flag to SpringStandardDialect (also configurable from SpringTemplateEngine) in order to instruct th:field to render the <input type="hidden" ...> associated with checkbox fields before the checkbox itself and not after, in order to improve compatibility with several CSS-based frameworks.
Added a "producePartialOutputWhileProcessing" flag (default: true) to ThymeleafView and ThymeleafViewResolver in order to be able to specify whether Thymeleaf should start producing output as soon as possible during template processing (as is default) or on the contrary it should only start sending results to the web server's output buffers when processing of the template has completely finished and output is rendered in memory.
Added "Automatic-Module-Name" to MANIFEST.MF for Java 9+ JPMS.
Specific for thymeleaf-spring5:
[thymeleaf-spring5] Added support for non-blocking resolution (before View rendering) of specific reactive variables specified by dialects as execution attributes with "ThymeleafReactiveModelAdditions:" prefixed to their name.
[thymeleaf-spring5] Avoided blocking in the (reactive) resolution of the WebSession returned by the SeverWebExchange in WebFlux apps.
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《Thymeleaf 3.0.10 发布,XML/XHTML/HTML5 模板引擎》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
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