内容简介:Memcached 1.5.11 已发布,Memcached 是一个高性能多线程基于事件的键/值缓存存储,旨在用于分布式系统。 该版本没有新特性,仅包含两项修复: extstore: balance IO thread queues t/lru-maintainer.t: check f...
Memcached 1.5.11 已发布,Memcached 是一个高性能多线程基于事件的键/值缓存存储,旨在用于分布式系统。
extstore: balance IO thread queues
t/lru-maintainer.t: check for WARM item earlier, fixing race condition on some platforms
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
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High Performance JavaScript
Nicholas C. Zakas / O'Reilly Media / 2010-4-2 / USD 34.99
If you're like most developers, you rely heavily on JavaScript to build interactive and quick-responding web applications. The problem is that all of those lines of JavaScript code can slow down your ......一起来看看 《High Performance JavaScript》 这本书的介绍吧!