kali linux 安装keybase并使用root来运行keybase

栏目: 服务器 · 发布时间: 6年前

内容简介:1. keybase 是什么?可以参考这个页面https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/23953972

1. keybase 是什么?



2. 在kali linux上安装keybase

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  1. curl - O https : / / prerelease . keybase . io/keybase_amd64 . deb
  2. dpkg - i keybase_amd64 . deb

3. 使用root来运行需要设置一些配置文件和环境变量。

新加入一行Environment = KEYBASE_ALLOW_ROOT = 1

并且我把 - - log - file = %h/ . cache/keybase/keybase . service . log

修改成了 - - log - file = / tmp/%h/ . cache/keybase/keybase . service . log

点击( 此处 )折叠或打开

  1. #修改配置文件vim /usr/lib/systemd/user/keybase . service
  2. Environment = KEYBASE_ALLOW_ROOT = 1
  3. Environment = KEYBASE_SERVICE_TYPE = systemd
  4. ExecStart = / usr/bin/keybase - - debug - - log - file = / tmp/%h/ . cache/keybase/keybase . service . log service

点击( 此处 )折叠或打开

  1. #启动keybase
  2. root@kali : ~ / Downloads# systemctl - - user daemon - reload
  3. root@kali : ~ / Downloads# systemctl - - user start keybase . service
  4. root@kali : ~ / Downloads#
  5. root@kali : ~ / Downloads# systemctl - - user status keybase . service
  6. ● keybase . service - Keybase core service
  7.    Loaded : loaded ( / usr/lib/systemd/user/keybase . service ; disabled ; vendor prese
  8.    Active : active ( running ) since Fri 2018 - 10 - 05 09 : 40 : 44 CST ; 11s ago
  9.  Main PID : 5010 ( keybase )
  10.     Tasks : 14 ( limit : 4915 )
  11.    Memory : 9 . 8M
  12.    CGroup : /user . slice/user - 0 . slice/user@0 . service/keybase . service
  13.            └─5010 /usr/bin/keybase - - debug - - log - file = / tmp//root/ . cache/keybase/
  14. Oct 05 09 : 40 : 44 kali systemd [ 1182 ] : Starting Keybase core service . . .
  15. Oct 05 09 : 40 : 44 kali keybase [ 5010 ] : 2018 - 10 - 05T09 : 40 : 44 . 641944 + 08 : 00 ? [ DEBU key
  16. Oct 05 09 : 40 : 44 kali systemd [ 1182 ] : Started Keybase core service .

点击( 此处 )折叠或打开

  1. #export 环境变量
  2. export KEYBASE_ALLOW_ROOT = 1
  3. run_keybase
  4. #如果发现报错(此时可以正常launch keybase)
  5. /usr/bin/run_keybase: line 177: /root/.cache/keybase/keybase.redirector.log: No such file or directory

点击( 此处 )折叠或打开

  1. #可以写一个config . json
  2. root@kali : ~ / Downloads# cat /etc/keybase/config . json
  3. {
  4. "disableConfigKey" : true

以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《kali linux 安装keybase并使用root来运行keybase》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!




Elements of Information Theory

Elements of Information Theory

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Base64 编码/解码

SHA 加密
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