内容简介:Neo4j 3.3.8 已发布,Neo4j 是世界领先的高性能图数据库,具备成熟和健壮的数据库的所有特性,如友好的查询语言和事务的 ACID 原则。更新内容如下:下载地址:
Neo4j 3.3.8 已发布,Neo4j 是世界领先的高性能图数据库,具备成熟和健壮的数据库的所有特性,如友好的查询语言和事务的 ACID 原则。
Remove cursor pooling on a page cache level.
Upgrade the Bouncy Castle dependency to version 1.60.
Consistency-checker PropertyReader detects circular property chains
Fixes an issue in IndexHits#getSingle() where it would miss an item when called after a previous call to IndexHits#hasNext().
Remove property key tokens limit from BatchInserterImpl.
Fix $12011 by providing the wanted functionality under a feature toggle.
Remove browser warnings when using temporal and spatial property accessors e.g.
. -
Fix 12029 where combining multiple
a IN
with AND and OR could lead to the wrong result. -
Ensure renamed timezones are always returned the same way.
RETURN datetime("2018-04-05T12:34:00[Canada/East-Saskatchewan]") MATCH (n) WHERE n.date = datetime("2018-04-05T12:34:00[Canada/East-Saskatchewan]") RETURN n.date
Will now return the same object with timezone set to
, whichCanada/East-Saskatchewan
has been renamed to. Previously only the value read from store would beCanada/Saskatchewan
Fix bug in queries containing
clauses including both a star and a pattern comprehesion (e.g.... RETURN *, [ (a)-[:HAS_BUREAU]->(bureau:Bureau) | bureau.CREDIT_ACTIVE = "Active"] AS bureauStatus
), which would previously fail withWITH/RETURN should note its Scope in the SemanticState
. -
Fix bug which would cause
FunctionInvocation(...) has to type from semantic analysis
errors for some complexWITH
-clauses in a write query. -
Fix planner regression in which HashJoin + AllNodeScan was preferred
over OptionalExpand in certain cases.
Properly handle multiple authorization providers. Fixes an issue where if one provider failed (e.g. connection to ldap failed) the user would end up un-authorized even though another provider had succeeded.
Causal Clustering
Check recovery status of store when bootstrapping cluster
Revert mistakenly enabling NEO4J_DEBUG by default for neo4j-admin
:history clear
command -
Add pagecache hits and misses to plan output
Add complete support for bolt+routing://
Add Neo4j Community Forum link to sidebar
Enable users with non reader roles to connect
:server switch
bug in Neo4j Desktop environment -
Fix username not updating in sidebar when disconnecting
Improve Cypher result rendering performance
Prepare for Neo4j Desktop distribution
Fix issue where editor buttons would overflow the viewport
Fetch fresh version of remote guides on every request
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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Sanjoy Dasgupta、Christos Papadimitriou、Umesh Vazirani / 钱枫 注、邹恒明 注 / 机械工业出版社 / 2009-1 / 55.00元
《算法概论(注释版)》源自加州大学伯克利分校和加州大学圣迭戈分校本科生的算法课讲义,以独特的视角展现了算法设计的精巧技术及魅力。在表达每一种技术时,强调每个算法背后的简洁数学思想,分析其时间和空间效率,运用与其他技术类比的方法来说明特征,并提供了大量实例。《算法概论(注释版)》以人类最古老的算法(算术运算)为起点,将各种算法中优美而有代表性的内容囊括书中,并以最前沿的理论(量子算法)结束,构成了较......一起来看看 《算法概论》 这本书的介绍吧!