内容简介:Go 语言开发工具 LiteIDE X34.3 发布, 新版本修复 BUG,提供了 Go modules 的代码自动完成、代码查询和跳转支持。
Go 语言开发工具 LiteIDE X34.3 发布, 新版本修复 BUG,提供了 Go modules 的代码自动完成、代码查询和跳转支持。
### 2018.10.05 Ver X34.3 * LiteIDE * fix support go1.11 modules * GolangEdit * fix jump import line * fix find usages for import line * LiteEditor * fix gocode completer item kind update * GolangCode * enviroment changed to reset gocode * gotools & gocode * types: fix module-based project with several subpackages https://github.com/visualfc/liteide/issues/977 * types: fix redeclared file parser cursor first * types: fix source file update check in stdin * types: fix x test files check * gomod: fix lookup module for go list * gocode * fix gocode crash https://github.com/visualfc/liteide/issues/978
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- LiteIDE X33.3 发布,Go 语言开发工具
Rapid Web Applications with TurboGears
Mark Ramm、Kevin Dangoor、Gigi Sayfan / Prentice Hall PTR / 2006-11-07 / USD 44.99
"Dear PHP, It's over between us. You can keep the kitchen sink, but I want my MVC. With TurboGears, I was able to shed the most heinous FileMaker Pro legacy 'solu-tion' imaginable. It has relationshi......一起来看看 《Rapid Web Applications with TurboGears》 这本书的介绍吧!