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/** * 下载简历 (struts2 下载 一个流、 两个头信息) * * @return */ public String download() { UserService userService = new UserService(); user = userService.findById(user.getUserID()); return "downloadSUCCESS"; } // 返回文件流 public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException { if (user == null || user.getPath() == null) { return null; } File file = new File(ServletActionContext.getServletContext() .getRealPath(user.getPath())); return new FileInputStream(file); } // 返回简历 MIME类型 public String getContentType() { if (user == null || user.getFilename() == null) { return null; } return ServletActionContext.getServletContext().getMimeType( user.getFilename()); } // 返回编码后的文件名 public String getDownloadFilename() throws IOException { if (user == null || user.getFilename() == null) { return null; } return encodeDownloadFilename(user.getFilename(), ServletActionContext .getRequest().getHeader("user-agent")); } /** * 下载文件时,针对不同浏览器,进行附件名的编码 * * @param filename * 下载文件名 * @param agent * 客户端浏览器 * @return 编码后的下载附件名 * @throws IOException */ public String encodeDownloadFilename(String filename, String agent) throws IOException { if (agent.contains("Firefox")) { // 火狐浏览器 filename = "=?UTF-8?B?" + new BASE64Encoder().encode(filename.getBytes("utf-8")) + "?="; } else { // IE及其他浏览器 filename = URLEncoder.encode(filename, "utf-8"); } return filename; }
<result name="downloadSUCCESS" type="stream"> <!-- 下载流 getInputStream --> <param name="contentType">${contentType}</param> <param name="contentDisposition">attachment;filename=${downloadFilename}</param> </result>就此,我们就实现了文件下载的功能。
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Hundreds of millions of people use Apple products every day; several thousand work on Apple's campus in Cupertino, California; but only a handful sit at the drawing board. Creative Selection recounts ......一起来看看 《Creative Selection》 这本书的介绍吧!