// 现在的时间 val now = System.currentTimeMillis() // 上次启动的时间 val lastStartTime = prefs.getLong(keyLastStartTime, now) // 保存好这次的启动时间,用于下一次使用 editor.putLong(keyLastStartTime, now).apply() // 只有在自动切换打开时才进入逻辑 if (isAutoNightEnabled()) { // 获取自动切换的起始时间和结束时间 val span = getNightSpan() // 将四个毫秒值转换为Date,方便之后的比较 val lastDate = Date(lastStartTime) val nowDate = Date() val startDate = span.startTimeDate() val endDate = span.endTimeDate() // 获取现在是否是夜间模式,省去重复切换 val isNightEnabled = isNightThemeEnabled if (lastDate.before(startDate) && nowDate.after(startDate) && !isNightEnabled) { // 进入夜间 // 当且仅当,上一次启动时间是在夜间开始之前,并且现在时间是在夜间开始时候,同时夜间模式没有被打开 configureNightTheme(true) restartWithFading(intent(this, showAutoNightMsg = true)) } else if (lastDate.before(endDate) && nowDate.after(endDate) && isNightEnabled) { // 进入夜间 // 当且仅当,上一次启动时间是在白天开始之前,并且现在时间是在白天开始时候,同时夜间模式已被打开 configureNightTheme(false) restartWithFading(intent(this, showAutoNightMsg = true)) } } // 通过在Intent中放Boolean,显示一个撤销按钮 if (intent.getBooleanExtra(EXTRA_SHOW_AUTO_NIGHT_MSG, false)) { if (isNightThemeEnabled) { rootLayout.longSnackbar(R.string.auto_night_to_night_done, R.string.action_undo) { configureNightTheme(false) restartWithFading(intent(this)) } } else { rootLayout.longSnackbar(R.string.auto_night_to_day_done, R.string.action_undo) { configureNightTheme(true) restartWithFading(intent(this)) } } }
fun startTimeDate(): Date = Calendar.getInstance().apply { set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, startHour) set(Calendar.MINUTE, startMinute) set(Calendar.SECOND, 0) set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0) }.time
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Design and Analysis of Distributed Algorithms (Wiley Series on P
Nicola Santoro / Wiley-Interscience / 2006-10-27 / USD 140.95
This text is based on a simple and fully reactive computational model that allows for intuitive comprehension and logical designs. The principles and techniques presented can be applied to any distrib......一起来看看 《Design and Analysis of Distributed Algorithms (Wiley Series on P》 这本书的介绍吧!