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- kamyu104的Github
- 数据结构与算法/leetcode/lintcode题解
- visualgo算法可视化网站
- Data Structure Visualization
- HiredInTech System Design 的总结特别适合入门
- mitcc的Github
- 小土刀的面试刷题笔记
- nonstriater/Learn-Algorithms
- 剑指 Offer 题解
- https://github.com/liuchuo/LeetCode
- 公瑾的Github
- shejie1993
- 编程之法:面试和算法心得
- 算法/NLP/深度学习/机器学习面试笔记
- CS-Notes
- OI Wiki
- Lisanaaa
- jiangzhonglian
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- wizardforcel
- Stuming
- GaofanHu
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- xshahq
you can make a pull request if you are not in the list above
Pull Request
If you feel your PR is satisfied with one of the conditions below, we are glad to merge it. Welcome to contributions, open to suggestions!
- Different thinking
- Time & Space complexity optimization
- Follow up solutions
- Unsubmitted questions
Feel free to get our PR template
If you are a newbie of Git, please check this tutorial we have made.
- GitHub issues for bug reports and new feature requests.
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to ask questions, discuss features, and for general discussion.
Please note, this repository is inspired from KrisYu , and here is the approve letter . However, it has been modified, added and improved to reflect our knowledge, wisdom and efforts.
- Aug 2017, I started to brush leetcode questions using Python .
- Oct 2017, I saw Kris Yu's algorithm project on Github, but he has not updated it. I decided to build new one on my own and got his permission successfully.
- Dec 2017, this project was only considered as my record of question solutions.
- Mar 2018, the project continued to have dozens of stars. I felt that my thinking and funny words were helpful to others, determined to persist, and never stop.
- May 2018, I had to start my internship, less update, but the number of stars reached 200.
- Sep 2018, since I was also looking for a domestic job, I would send my own code link on the nowcoder.com every time I finished the online tech test. The strategy for attracting traffic was very successful, the number of stars reached 1.7k in a rush way. At this moment, I found that my thinking and description styles are very popular, but the power of one person is limited, so I would like to recruit some like-minded people to contribute to the project like myself.
The current positioning of this project is to implement the basic algorithm in different programming languages, refining the boilerplate, and summarize the ideas.
Two words: boilerplate + ideas
GPL-3.0 © ApacheCN
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《Awesome LeetCode》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
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本书是作者几年来网络营销实战的总结,与其他网络营销书籍最大不同之处是:只专注于实战,不谈理论。本书分三部分详细介绍了网络营销实用策略和技巧,并分析了大量实战案例。第一部分介绍市场与产品研究,包括用户、市场和竞争对手的调查;产品、目标市场的确定;价格策略;赢利模式等。第二部分讨论以网络营销为导向的网站设计,包括怎样在网站上卖东西、提高转化率,以及网站目标设定等。第三部分研究怎样给网站带来流量,详细讨......一起来看看 《网络营销实战密码》 这本书的介绍吧!