内容简介:在用户中心有视频上传,在视频展示的时候也是视频上传,如何将这个js抽象出来是个关键,现在咱们尝试抽离到公共js中,方便调用。源码https://github.com/limingios/wxProgram.git 中No.15
在用户中心有视频上传,在视频展示的时候也是视频上传,如何将这个js抽象出来是个关键,现在咱们尝试抽离到公共js中,方便调用。源码https://github.com/limingios/wxProgram.git 中No.15
- 新建公共js
- 找到mine中视频上传的代码拷贝到videoUtils.js中,并修改里面的内容
function uploadVideo() { var me = this wx.chooseVideo({ sourceType: ['album', 'camera'], success: function (res) { console.log(res); var tempDuration = res.duration; var tempHeight = res.height; var tempWidth = res.width; var tempSize = res.size; var tempFilePath = res.tempFilePath; var thumbTempFilePath = res.thumbTempFilePath; if (tempDuration > 20) { wx.showToast({ title: "视频太长了老铁不稳~", icon: 'none', duration: 3000 }) } else if (tempDuration < 5) { wx.showToast({ title: "视频太短了不到5秒。老铁不稳~", icon: 'none', duration: 3000 }) } else { wx.navigateTo({ url: '../chooseBgm/chooseBgm?tempDuration=' + tempDuration + '&tempHeight=' + tempHeight + '&tempWidth=' + tempWidth + '&tempSize=' + tempSize + '&tempFilePath=' + tempFilePath + '&thumbTempFilePath=' + thumbTempFilePath }) } } }) } #导出方法,并关联方法名称 module.exports={ uploadVideo: uploadVideo }
var videoUtils = require('../../utils/videoUtils.js') Page({ data: { cover:'cover', videoContext:"" }, showSearch:function(){ wx.navigateTo({ url: '../videoSearch/videoSearch', }) }, onLoad:function(){ var me = this; me.videoContext = wx.createVideoContext('myVideo', me); }, onShow:function(){ var me = this; me.videoContext.play(); }, onHide:function(){ var me = this; me.videoContext.pause(); }, upload:function(){ videoUtils.uploadVideo(); } })
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《「小程序JAVA实战」小程序视频上传方法的抽象复用(56)》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
Reality Is Broken
Jane McGonigal / Penguin Press HC, The / 2011-1-20 / USD 26.95
Visionary game designer Jane McGonigal reveals how we can harness the power of games to solve real-world problems and boost global happiness. More than 174 million Americans are gamers, and......一起来看看 《Reality Is Broken》 这本书的介绍吧!