Kotlin 1.3 RC 版发布:迁移你的 coroutines 程序吧!

栏目: 软件资讯 · 发布时间: 6年前

内容简介:Kotlin 1.3 RC 版发布了,这是 1.3 的最新预览版和候选版,更新内容主要包含与新语言功能相关的关键错误修复,值得注意的变化包括: Ktor is wrapping up its API and looking forward to your feedback. Ktor i...

Kotlin 1.3 RC 版发布:迁移你的 coroutines 程序吧!

Kotlin 1.3 RC 版发布了,这是 1.3 的最新预览版和候选版,更新内容主要包含与新语言功能相关的关键错误修复,值得注意的变化包括:

  • Ktor is wrapping up its API and looking forward to your feedback. Ktor is a framework for building web applications, HTTP services, mobile and browser applications. It’s elegant, asynchronous and built on coroutines.

  • The official code style is now used for all new projects. We also encourage you to migrate old projects to the official style.

  • The main entrypoint can now take no parameters and also can be a suspending function.

  • Experimental support for scripting introduced in version 1.2.50 has been reworked and improved.

  • An experimental kotlinx.serialization plugin has been merged to the main Kotlin project. Now it’s a bundled compiler plugin.

  • There are new deprecations in the standard library, as well as errors for some old deprecations.

  • Annotations in the org.jetbrains.annotations package were extracted from the standard library to separate artifacts.

此外,Kotlin 1.3 协同程序已达到稳定状态。现在是使用旧的实验协同程序进行迁移库的好时机,官方也提供了 工具 帮助我们迁移代码。详情请查看发布说明

【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]

以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网






【美】Michael J. Kavis(迈克尔 J.凯维斯) 著 / 陈志伟、辛敏 / 电子工业出版社 / 2016-3 / 65.00元

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