内容简介:Kotlin 1.3 RC 版发布了,这是 1.3 的最新预览版和候选版,更新内容主要包含与新语言功能相关的关键错误修复,值得注意的变化包括: Ktor is wrapping up its API and looking forward to your feedback. Ktor i...
Kotlin 1.3 RC 版发布了,这是 1.3 的最新预览版和候选版,更新内容主要包含与新语言功能相关的关键错误修复,值得注意的变化包括:
Ktor is wrapping up its API and looking forward to your feedback. Ktor is a framework for building web applications, HTTP services, mobile and browser applications. It’s elegant, asynchronous and built on coroutines.
The official code style is now used for all new projects. We also encourage you to migrate old projects to the official style.
entrypoint can now take no parameters and also can be a suspending function.Experimental support for scripting introduced in version 1.2.50 has been reworked and improved.
An experimental
plugin has been merged to the main Kotlin project. Now it’s a bundled compiler plugin.There are new deprecations in the standard library, as well as errors for some old deprecations.
Annotations in the
package were extracted from the standard library to separate artifacts.
此外,Kotlin 1.3 协同程序已达到稳定状态。现在是使用旧的实验协同程序进行迁移库的好时机,官方也提供了 工具 帮助我们迁移代码。详情请查看发布说明。
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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