内容简介:Jenkins 2.141(每周更新版) 和 2.138.1(LTS 版) 已发布。下载地址:
Jenkins 2.141(每周更新版) 和 2.138.1(LTS 版) 已发布。
What's new in 2.141(Weekly)
Update Winstone-Jetty from 4.4 to 5.0 to fix HTTP/2 support and threading problems on hosts with 30+ cores. ( issue 53239 , issue 52804 , issue 51136 , issue 52358 )
Update Remoting from 3.25 to 3.26 to remove some unhelpful warnings. ( issue 42533 , issue 52945 )
Wait up to two minutes for process termination before killing it (typically when aborting a build). ( issue 17116 )
Reduce logging level of restart and shutdown related notifications from SEVERE to INFO. ( issue 53282 )
What's new in 2.138.1 (LTS)
Changes since 2.138:
A configured quiet period was interpreted as milliseconds, instead of seconds. (Regression in 2.82) ( issue 48770 )
Notable changes since 2.121.3:
Redesigned login, signup, and Jenkins is (re)starting pages. Existing page decorators like Simple Theme Plugin will no longer work with these redesigned pages. ( issue 50447 , announcement blog post )
Replace single per-user API token with new system of multiple, revocable, unrecoverable API tokens with usage tracking. ( issue 32442 , issue 32776 , blog post )
The deprecated Jenkins CLI Protocol versions 1 and 2, and Java Web Start Agent Protocol versions 1, 2, and 3 have been disabled. If you still use these protocols (e.g. remoting-based CLI, or old
s on agents), you need to re-enable these protocols after upgrade, or upgrade the clients. The same recommendations as in The 2.121.x upgrade guide for remoting changes apply here. ( issue 48480 ) -
Check SHA-512 or SHA-256 checksums of update site and tool installer metadata and core and plugin downloads if the update site provides them. ( pull 3356 )
Optional extensions are now loaded without requiring to restart Jenkins after installing an optional dependency. ( issue 50336 )
Upgrade Winstone from 4.2 to 4.4 to update Jetty from 9.4.8.v20171121 to 9.4.11.v20180605, adding an option to enable JMX when running Jenkins using
java -jar jenkins.war
. ( pull 3422 , pull 3497 , full changelog , Jetty 9.4.11 changelog , Jetty 9.4.10 changelog , Jetty 9.4.9 changelog , JMX Documentation for Jetty , full list of options ) -
Upgrade Remoting from 3.21.1 to 3.25 to have agents check availability of the master's TCP Agent Listener port when connecting over TCP. ( issue 51818 , issue 52204 , Remoting 3.22 changelog )
Upgrade Bytecode Compatibility Transformer from 1.8 to 2.0-beta-2, upgrading ASM from 5.0.1 to 6.2 to improve support of Java 9+ runtimes. ( issue 51837 , supported Java versions )
Update Executable WAR from 1.39 to 1.41 to allow running Jenkins with incompatible (too new) Java versions by setting the
flag. ( issue 51155 , issue 51994 , issue 46622 , Executable WAR 1.40 changelog , Executable WAR 1.41 changelog , supported Java versions ) -
Update instance identity module from 2.1 to 2.2 to improve Java 11 compatibility. ( issue 51965 , full changelog )
Update JNA from 4.2.1 to 4.5.2 to add support for s390x. ( issue 52771 )
Add a new CLI command
to enable one or more installed plugins and optionally restart Jenkins. ( issue 52822 ) -
Add support for Zip files larger than 4 GB (Zip64). ( issue 52356 )
Add modification timestamp to files in directory browser views such as archived artifacts and workspaces. ( issue 20998 )
Export path to agent file system root directory in remote API. ( pull 3206 )
Jenkins remote API: Export fingerprints for builds which do not derive from
, like Pipeline builds. ( issue 51667 ) -
Some deserialization rejections are now logged on WARNING log level, instead of only on FINER. ( issue 51666 )
Instances of some item types could not be renamed (regression in 2.110). ( issue 52164 )
Don't fail to archive artifacts when attributes cannot be preserved, instead log a message and proceed without preserving attributes (regression in 2.120). ( issue 52325 )
Some types of builds, like pipelines, would sometimes run concurrently even when that was disabled. ( issue 41127 )
Developer: Introduce
extension point, which allows decorating the redesigned login page. ( announcement blog post ) -
Internal: Update parent POM. Jenkins now requires Maven 3.5.4 or newer to build. ( pull 3567 )
Internal: Various improvements related to incremental Maven releases. ( issue 51187 , issue 51247 , pull 3430 , JEP-305 )
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《持续集成引擎 Jenkins 2.138.1 和 2.141 发布》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
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戴特尔 / 电子工业出版社 / 2005-8 / 95.00元
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