使用9-Patch文件,本质上是用图片作为背景,只是这张图片会在设置的某些像素点上重复绘制达到拉伸的效果。由于Android屏幕的碎片化,一张9-Patch并不能适配所有屏幕,至少需要两张分别适配 xhdpi 和 xxhdpi 。
虽然每张9-Patch不大,但是扩展到 不同场景要求不同的圆角 、 点击气泡时填充交互色变化 、 更加精细的屏幕适配 ,最终需要多款类似而有各自差别的图片集,累计成可观的安装包大小。其次用9-Patch作为消息气泡,气泡描边的视觉效果相当糟糕,这点在我的实战中得到了充分验证。
效果最好,莫过于通过代码实现消息的背景。由于通过xml的 Shape 样式没法绘制箭头,仅能实现描边和填充颜色,所以还得通过代码绘制的方式实现。
设置箭头的朝向,默认定义两个方向: START 为箭头朝左, END 为箭头朝右。
enum class DIRECTION { START, END }
class BubbleShape constructor(var arrowDirection: DIRECTION, @ColorInt var solidColor: Int, @ColorInt var strokeColor: Int, var strokeWidth: Int, var cornerRadius: Int, var arrowWidth: Int, var arrowHeight: Int, var arrowMarginTop: Int) : Shape()
- arrowWidth 是箭头的水平宽度;
- arrowHeight 箭头的垂直高度 ;
- arrowMarginTop 是箭头上角距离(左、右)上方圆角的垂直高度;
// 气泡上部区域的path private val mUpperPath = Path() // 气泡下部区域的path private val mLowerPath = Path() // 修正绘制stroke的偏差 private var mStrokeOffset = (strokeWidth ushr 1).toFloat() // 修正绘制radius的偏差 private var mRadiusOffset = (cornerRadius ushr 1).toFloat() // 预先计算以减少计算量:箭头上角到气泡顶部高度,NA:NoneArrow private val mUpperHeightNA = cornerRadius + arrowMarginTop + mStrokeOffset // 预先计算以减少计算量:箭头上角到气泡顶部高度 + 半个箭头的高度,HA:HalfArrow private val mUpperHeightHA = mUpperHeightNA + (arrowHeight ushr 1).toFloat() // 预先计算以减少计算量:箭头上角到气泡顶部高度 + 整个箭头的高度,FA:FullArrow private val mUpperHeightFA = mUpperHeightNA + arrowHeight
5.1 如何绘制
5.2 onResize()
由于宽度和气泡内部 TextView 文字长度高度有关,所以需要重写方法,实时计算宽高值。此方法中调用的,就是计算 气泡上部path 和 气泡下部path 。此外还有气泡中部,不过中部纯粹为一个的矩形,计算好高度直接绘制即可。
override fun onResize(width: Float, height: Float) { resizeTopPath(width) resizeBottomPath(width, height) }
5.3 resizeTopPath()
private fun resizeTopPath(width: Float) { val cornerRadius = cornerRadius.toFloat() val arrowWidth = arrowWidth.toFloat() val upperHeightNA = mUpperHeightNA val upperHeightHA = mUpperHeightHA val upperHeightFA = mUpperHeightFA mUpperPath.reset() // 设置箭头path mUpperPath.moveTo(arrowWidth, upperHeightFA) mUpperPath.lineTo(0F, upperHeightHA) mUpperPath.lineTo(arrowWidth, upperHeightNA) // 设置箭头到左上角之间的竖线path mUpperPath.lineTo(arrowWidth, cornerRadius) // 设置左上角path val leftTop = RectF(arrowWidth, 0F, arrowWidth + cornerRadius, cornerRadius) mUpperPath.arcTo(leftTop, 180F, 90F) // 设置顶部横线path mUpperPath.lineTo(width - cornerRadius, 0F) // 设置右上角path val rightTop = RectF(width - cornerRadius, 0F, width, cornerRadius) mUpperPath.arcTo(rightTop, 270F, 90F) // 设置右边竖线path mUpperPath.lineTo(width, upperHeightFA) }
5.3 resizeBottomPath()
private fun resizeBottomPath(width: Float, height: Float) { val cornerRadius = cornerRadius.toFloat() val arrowWidth = arrowWidth.toFloat() mLowerPath.reset() // 设置右下角path mLowerPath.moveTo(width, height - cornerRadius) val rightBottom = RectF(width - cornerRadius, height - cornerRadius, width, height) mLowerPath.arcTo(rightBottom, 0F, 90F) // 设置底部横线path mLowerPath.lineTo((arrowWidth + cornerRadius), height) // 设置左下角path val leftBottom = RectF(arrowWidth, height - cornerRadius, (arrowWidth + cornerRadius), height) mLowerPath.arcTo(leftBottom, 90F, 90F) // 设置箭头到底部的竖线path mLowerPath.lineTo(arrowWidth, height - cornerRadius) }
定义好气泡 气泡上部path 和 气泡下部path ,就轮到 onDraw() 进行绘制了
6.1 onDraw()方法
override fun draw(canvas: Canvas, paint: Paint) { paint.color = solidColor // 填充颜色 paint.style = Paint.Style.FILL // 样式为FILL paint.isAntiAlias = true // 抗锯齿 paint.isDither = true // 开启抖动模式 // 记录画布 canvas.save() // 箭头的方向,通过scale变换画布方向实现 if (arrowDirection == DIRECTION.END) { canvas.scale(-1F, 1F, width / 2, height / 2) } // 绘制顶部分区域 canvas.drawPath(mUpperPath, paint) // 绘制中部分区域(矩形) val rectF = RectF(arrowWidth.toFloat(), mUpperHeightFA, width, height - cornerRadius) canvas.drawRect(rectF, paint) // 绘制底部分区域 canvas.drawPath(mLowerPath, paint) // 绘制描边 drawStroke(canvas, paint) // 还原画布 canvas.restore() }
6.2 绘制描边
private fun drawStroke(canvas: Canvas, paint: Paint) { val strokeOffset = mStrokeOffset val radiusOffset = mRadiusOffset val cornerRadius = cornerRadius val arrowWidth = arrowWidth val upperHeightNA = mUpperHeightNA val upperHeightHA = mUpperHeightHA val upperHeightFA = mUpperHeightFA // 设置画笔 paint.color = strokeColor // 画笔颜色 paint.style = Paint.Style.STROKE // 画笔样式为STROKE paint.strokeCap = Paint.Cap.ROUND // 笔尖绘制样式为圆形 paint.strokeJoin = Paint.Join.ROUND // 拐角绘制样式为圆形 paint.strokeWidth = strokeWidth.toFloat() // 描边的宽度,单位px // 绘制左上角和顶部描边 val leftTop = RectF(arrowWidth + strokeOffset, strokeOffset, arrowWidth + cornerRadius - strokeOffset, cornerRadius - strokeOffset) canvas.drawArc(leftTop, 180F, 90F, false, paint) canvas.drawLine(arrowWidth + cornerRadius - radiusOffset, strokeOffset, width - cornerRadius + radiusOffset, strokeOffset, paint) // 绘制右上角和右边描边 val rightTop = RectF(width - cornerRadius + strokeOffset, strokeOffset, width - strokeOffset, cornerRadius - strokeOffset) canvas.drawArc(rightTop, 270F, 90F, false, paint) canvas.drawLine(width - strokeOffset, cornerRadius - radiusOffset, width - strokeOffset, height - cornerRadius + radiusOffset, paint) // 绘制右下角和底部描边 val rightBottom = RectF(width - cornerRadius + strokeOffset, height - cornerRadius + strokeOffset, width - strokeOffset, height - strokeOffset) canvas.drawArc(rightBottom, 0F, 90F, false, paint) canvas.drawLine(width - cornerRadius + radiusOffset, height - strokeOffset, arrowWidth + cornerRadius - radiusOffset, height - strokeOffset, paint) // 绘制右下角和左边箭头下的描边 val leftBottom = RectF(arrowWidth + strokeOffset, height - cornerRadius + strokeOffset, arrowWidth + cornerRadius - strokeOffset, height - strokeOffset) canvas.drawArc(leftBottom, 90F, 90F, false, paint) canvas.drawLine(arrowWidth + strokeOffset, height - cornerRadius + radiusOffset, arrowWidth + strokeOffset, upperHeightFA, paint) // 绘制箭头和箭头上面的描边 canvas.drawLine(arrowWidth + strokeOffset, upperHeightFA, strokeOffset, upperHeightHA, paint) canvas.drawLine(strokeOffset, upperHeightHA, arrowWidth + strokeOffset, upperHeightNA, paint) canvas.drawLine(arrowWidth + strokeOffset, mUpperHeightNA, arrowWidth + strokeOffset, cornerRadius - radiusOffset, paint) }
override fun clone(): BubbleShape = super.clone() as BubbleShape
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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