内容简介:在做一个Node监控系统的时候要做了一个邮件报警的需求,这时候就需要自定义一套规则来书写触发报警的表达式,本文就介绍一下如何编写一个简易的表达式解析器。 附上界面截图,图中就是一个表达式的例子。参考书籍:《编程语言实现模式》在开始编写之前你需要确定你的表达式需要拥有些什么能力。本文的表达式是判断是否触发报警的条件,表达式的规则不应该过于复杂。同时,由于书写表达式的用户是前端开发或者node开发,所以语法贴近js表达式语法最合适:
在做一个Node监控系统的时候要做了一个邮件报警的需求,这时候就需要自定义一套规则来书写触发报警的表达式,本文就介绍一下如何编写一个简易的表达式解析器。 附上界面截图,图中就是一个表达式的例子。
- 支持变量,这里规定变量以@开头,由字母和数字组成,如: @load15
- 支持常量:布尔值、数字、字符串
- 支持加法(+)、减法(-)、乘法(*)、除法(/)、取余(%)运算
- 支持全等(===)、不等(!==)、大于(>)、小于(<)、大于等于(>=)、小于等于(<=)等比较运算
- 支持与(&&)、或(||)、非(!)等逻辑运算
- 扩展字符串包含include运算
- 支持括号()
构建抽象语法树的目的是设计一种数据结构来说明一个表达式的含义。比如 @var > 5
从图中可以看出,第二个表达式加入括号后改变了原来的运算顺序,对应的抽象语法树也发生了变化,不难看出: 运算的优先级越高,在语法树中的位置越低 。
@load > 1 + 5 复制代码
{ "type": "LOGICAL_EXP", "operator": ">", "left": { "type": "VARIABLE", "value": "load", "raw": "@load" }, "right": { "type": "BINARY_EXP", "operator": "+", "left": { "type": "NUMBER", "value": 1, "raw": "1" }, "right": { "type": "NUMBER", "value": 5, "raw": "5" } } } 复制代码
- 变量词法单元,标志:以"@"开头
- 数字词法单元,标志:以0-9开头或者"."开头
- 字符串词法单元,标志:以单引号或者双引号开头
- 括号词法单元,标志:以左括号为开头
- 一元运算符词法单元,标志:以"!"、"+"、"-"开头
5 * (3 + 2 * (5 + 6)) 复制代码
5 * expression_a 3 + 2 * expression_b // expression_a 5 + 6 // expression_b 复制代码
class ExpressionParser
class ExpressionParser { constructor(expr) { if (typeof expr !== 'string') { throw new Error(`[expression-parser] constructor need a string parameter, but get [${typeof expr}]`); } this.expr = expr; this.parse(); } parse() { this.index = 0; this.tokens = this.eatExpression(); if (this.index < this.expr.length) { this.throwError(`非法字符"${this.charAt()}"`); } } } const expression const parser = new ExpressionParser(expression) 复制代码
this.index // 标记当前遍历的字符的下标 // 获取当前遍历字符 charAt(index = this.index) { return this.expr.charAt(index); } // 获取当前字符的 Unicode 编码 charCodeAt(index = this.index) { return this.expr.charCodeAt(index); } 复制代码
- 有二元运算符的表达式
- 没有二元运算符的表达式
eatExpression() { let left = this.eatToken(); let operator = this.eatBinaryOperator(); // 说明这个运算树只有左侧 if (!operator) { return left; } let operatorInfo = { precedence: this.getOperatorPrecedence(operator), // 获取运算符优先级 value: operator, }; let right = this.eatToken(); if (!right) { this.throwError(`"${operator}"运算符后应该为表达式`); } const stack = [left, operatorInfo, right]; // 获取下一个运算符 while (operator = this.eatBinaryOperator()) { const precedence = this.getOperatorPrecedence(operator); // 如果遇到了非法的yuan fa if (precedence === 0) { break; } operatorInfo = { precedence, value: operator, }; while (stack.length > 2 && precedence < stack[stack.length - 2].precedence) { right = stack.pop(); operator = stack.pop().value; left = stack.pop(); const node = this.createNode(operator, left, right); stack.push(node); } const node = this.eatToken(); if (!node) { this.throwError(`"${operator}"运算符后应该为表达式`); } stack.push(operatorInfo, node); } let i = stack.length - 1; let node = stack[i]; while (i > 1) { node = this.createNode(stack[i - 1].value, stack[i - 2], node); i -= 2; } return node; } 复制代码
const LOGICAL_OPERATORS = ['||', '&&', '===', '!==', '>', '<', '>=', '<=', 'include']; ... createNode(operator, left, right) { const type = LOGICAL_OPERATORS.indexOf(operator) !== -1 ? 'LOGICAL_EXP' : 'BINARY_EXP'; return { type, operator, left, right, }; } 复制代码
const BINARY_OPERATORS = { '||': 1, '&&': 2, '===': 6, '!==': 6, '<': 7, '>': 7, '<=': 7, '>=': 7, '+': 9, '-': 9, '*': 10, '/': 10, '%': 10, include: 11, }; ... getOperatorPrecedence(operator) { return BINARY_OPERATORS[operator] || 0; } 复制代码
const expr = new ExpressionParser('@load > 5'); console.log(expr.valueOf({ load: 8 })); // true 复制代码
const OPEN_PAREN_CODE = 40; // ( const CLOSE_PAREN_CODE = 41; // ) const VARIABLE_BEGIN_CODE = 64; // @,变量开头 const PERIOD_CODE = 46; // '.' const SINGLE_QUOTE_CODE = 39; // single quote const DOUBLE_QUOTE_CODE = 34; // double quotes const SPACE_CODES = [32, 9, 10, 13]; // space // 一元运算符 const UNARY_OPERATORS = { '-': true, '!': true, '+': true }; // 二元运算符 const LOGICAL_OPERATORS = ['||', '&&', '===', '!==', '>', '<', '>=', '<=', 'include']; const BINARY_OPERATORS = { '||': 1, '&&': 2, '===': 6, '!==': 6, '<': 7, '>': 7, '<=': 7, '>=': 7, '+': 9, '-': 9, '*': 10, '/': 10, '%': 10, include: 11, }; // 获取对象键的最大长度 const getMaxKeyLen = function getMaxKeyLen(obj) { let max = 0; Object.keys(obj).forEach((key) => { if (key.length > max && obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { max = key.length; } }); return max; }; const maxBinaryOperatorLength = getMaxKeyLen(BINARY_OPERATORS); const maxUnaryOperatorLength = getMaxKeyLen(UNARY_OPERATORS); class ExpressionParser { constructor(expr) { if (typeof expr !== 'string') { throw new Error(`[expression-parser] constructor need a string parameter, but get [${typeof expr}]`); } this.expr = expr; } parse() { this.index = 0; try { this.tokens = this.eatExpression(); if (this.index < this.expr.length) { throw new Error(`非法字符"${this.charAt()}"`); } } catch (error) { this.tokens = undefined; if (typeof this.onErrorCallback === 'function') { this.onErrorCallback(error.message, this.index, this.charAt()); } else { throw new Error(error.message); } } return this; } eatExpression() { let left = this.eatToken(); let operator = this.eatBinaryOperator(); // 说明这个运算树只有左侧 if (!operator) { return left; } let operatorInfo = { precedence: this.getOperatorPrecedence(operator), // 获取运算符优先级 value: operator, }; let right = this.eatToken(); if (!right) { throw new Error(`"${operator}"运算符后应该为表达式`); } const stack = [left, operatorInfo, right]; // 获取下一个运算符 while (operator = this.eatBinaryOperator()) { const precedence = this.getOperatorPrecedence(operator); // 如果遇到了非法的yuan fa if (precedence === 0) { break; } operatorInfo = { precedence, value: operator, }; while (stack.length > 2 && precedence < stack[stack.length - 2].precedence) { right = stack.pop(); operator = stack.pop().value; left = stack.pop(); const node = this.createNode(operator, left, right); stack.push(node); } const node = this.eatToken(); if (!node) { throw new Error(`"${operator}"运算符后应该为表达式`); } stack.push(operatorInfo, node); } let i = stack.length - 1; let node = stack[i]; while (i > 1) { node = this.createNode(stack[i - 1].value, stack[i - 2], node); i -= 2; } return node; } eatToken() { this.eatSpaces(); const ch = this.charCodeAt(); if (ch === VARIABLE_BEGIN_CODE) { // 变量 return this.eatVariable(); } else if (this.isDigit(ch) || ch === PERIOD_CODE) { // 数字 return this.eatNumber(); } else if (ch === SINGLE_QUOTE_CODE || ch === DOUBLE_QUOTE_CODE) { // 字符串 return this.eatString(); } else if (ch === OPEN_PAREN_CODE) { // 括号 return this.eatGroup(); } else { // 检查单操作符 !+ - let toCheck = this.expr.substr(this.index, maxUnaryOperatorLength); let toCheckLength; while (toCheckLength = toCheck.length) { if ( UNARY_OPERATORS.hasOwnProperty(toCheck) && this.index + toCheckLength <= this.expr.length ) { this.index += toCheckLength; return { type: 'UNARY_EXP', operator: toCheck, argument: this.eatToken(), }; } toCheck = toCheck.substr(0, --toCheckLength); } } } eatGroup() { this.index++; // eat "(" const node = this.eatExpression(); this.eatSpaces(); const ch = this.charCodeAt(); if (ch !== CLOSE_PAREN_CODE) { throw new Error('括号没有闭合'); } else { this.index++; // eat ")" return node; } } eatVariable() { const ch = this.charAt(); this.index++; // eat "@" const start = this.index; while (this.index < this.expr.length) { const ch = this.charCodeAt(); if (this.isVariablePart(ch)) { this.index++; } else { break; } } const identifier = this.expr.slice(start, this.index); return { type: 'VARIABLE', value: identifier, raw: ch + identifier, }; } eatNumber() { let number = ''; // 数字开头 while (this.isDigit(this.charCodeAt())) { number += this.charAt(this.index++); } // '.'开头 if (this.charCodeAt() === PERIOD_CODE) { number += this.charAt(this.index++); while (this.isDigit(this.charCodeAt())) { number += this.charAt(this.index++); } } // 科学计数法 let ch = this.charAt(); if (ch === 'e' || ch === 'E') { number += this.charAt(this.index++); ch = this.charAt(); if (ch === '+' || ch === '-') { number += this.charAt(this.index++); } while (this.isDigit(this.charCodeAt())) { number += this.charAt(this.index++); } // 如果e + - 后无数字,报错 if (!this.isDigit(this.charCodeAt(this.index - 1))) { throw new Error(`非法数字(${number}${this.charAt()}),缺少指数`); } } return { type: 'NUMBER', value: parseFloat(number), raw: number, }; } eatString() { let str = ''; const quote = this.charAt(this.index++); let closed = false; while (this.index < this.expr.length) { let ch = this.charAt(this.index++); if (ch === quote) { closed = true; break; } else if (ch === '\\') { // Check for all of the common escape codes ch = this.charAt(this.index++); switch (ch) { case 'n': str += '\n'; break; case 'r': str += '\r'; break; case 't': str += '\t'; break; case 'b': str += '\b'; break; case 'f': str += '\f'; break; case 'v': str += '\x0B'; break; default: str += ch; } } else { str += ch; } } if (!closed) { throw new Error(`字符"${str}"缺少闭合括号`); } return { type: 'STRING', value: str, raw: quote + str + quote, }; } eatBinaryOperator() { this.eatSpaces(); let toCheck = this.expr.substr(this.index, maxBinaryOperatorLength); let toCheckLength = toCheck.length; while (toCheckLength) { if ( BINARY_OPERATORS.hasOwnProperty(toCheck) && this.index + toCheckLength <= this.expr.length ) { this.index += toCheckLength; return toCheck; } toCheck = toCheck.substr(0, --toCheckLength); } return false; } getOperatorPrecedence(operator) { return BINARY_OPERATORS[operator] || 0; } createNode(operator, left, right) { const type = LOGICAL_OPERATORS.indexOf(operator) !== -1 ? 'LOGICAL_EXP' : 'BINARY_EXP'; return { type, operator, left, right, }; } isVariablePart(ch) { return (ch >= 65 && ch <= 90) || // A...Z (ch >= 97 && ch <= 122) || // a...z (ch >= 48 && ch <= 57); // 0...9 } isDigit(ch) { return ch >= 48 && ch <= 57; // 0...9 } eatSpaces() { let ch = this.charCodeAt(); while (SPACE_CODES.indexOf(ch) !== -1) { ch = this.charCodeAt(++this.index); } } onError(callback) { this.onErrorCallback = callback; return this; } charAt(index = this.index) { return this.expr.charAt(index); } charCodeAt(index = this.index) { return this.expr.charCodeAt(index); } valueOf(scope = {}) { if (this.tokens == null) { return undefined; } const value = this.getNodeValue(this.tokens, scope); return !!value; } getNodeValue(node, scope = {}) { const { type, value, left, right, operator } = node; if (type === 'VARIABLE') { return scope[value]; } else if (type === 'NUMBER' || type === 'STRING') { return value; } else if (type === 'LOGICAL_EXP') { const leftValue = this.getNodeValue(left, scope); // 如果是逻辑运算的&&和||,那么可能不需要解析右边的值 if (operator === '&&' && !leftValue) { return false; } if (operator === '||' && !!leftValue) { return true; } const rightValue = this.getNodeValue(right, scope); switch (node.operator) { case '&&': return leftValue && rightValue; case '||': return leftValue || rightValue; case '>': return leftValue > rightValue; case '>=': return leftValue >= rightValue; case '<': return leftValue < rightValue; case '<=': return leftValue <= rightValue; case '===': return leftValue === rightValue; case '!==': return leftValue !== rightValue; case 'include': return leftValue.toString && rightValue.toString && leftValue.toString().indexOf(rightValue.toString()) !== -1; // skip default case } } else if (type === 'BINARY_EXP') { const leftValue = this.getNodeValue(left, scope); const rightValue = this.getNodeValue(right, scope); switch (node.operator) { case '+': return leftValue + rightValue; case '-': return leftValue - rightValue; case '*': return leftValue * rightValue; case '/': return leftValue - rightValue; case '%': return leftValue % rightValue; // skip default case } } else if (type === 'UNARY_EXP') { switch (node.operator) { case '!': return !this.getNodeValue(node.argument, scope); case '+': return +this.getNodeValue(node.argument, scope); case '-': return -this.getNodeValue(node.argument, scope); // skip default case } } } } const expression = new ExpressionParser('@load + 3'); expression.onError((message, index, ch) => { console.log(message, index, ch); }).parse(); console.log(expression.valueOf({ load: 5 })); 复制代码
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望本文的内容对大家的学习或者工作能带来一定的帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
Java 8实战
厄马(Raoul-Gabriel Urma)、弗斯科(Mario Fusco)、米克罗夫特(Alan Mycroft) / 陆明刚、劳佳 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2016-4-1 / CNY 79.00
本书全面介绍了Java 8 这个里程碑版本的新特性,包括Lambdas、流和函数式编程。有了函数式的编程特性,可以让代码更简洁,同时也能自动化地利用多核硬件。全书分四个部分:基础知识、函数式数据处理、高效Java 8 编程和超越Java 8,清晰明了地向读者展现了一幅Java 与时俱进的现代化画卷。一起来看看 《Java 8实战》 这本书的介绍吧!