高性能图数据库 Neo4j 3.3.7 发布,更新 Bouncy Castle

栏目: ASP.NET · 发布时间: 6年前

内容简介:Neo4j 3.3.7 已发布,Neo4j 是世界领先的高性能图数据库,具备成熟和健壮的数据库的所有特性,如友好的查询语言和事务的 ACID 原则。主要更新内容如下:KernelCypher

Neo4j 3.3.7 已发布,Neo4j 是世界领先的高性能图数据库,具备成熟和健壮的数据库的所有特性,如友好的查询语言和事务的 ACID 原则。主要更新内容如下:


  • : Fixing bug that could cause checkpoint to hang forever if recovery cleanup job fails with OutOfMemoryError .

  • Reuse threads between cleanup jobs during recovery. This fixes an issue where user would see java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread caused by Neo violating the number of allowed tasks per process, set by system.

  • Upgrade the Bouncy Castle dependency to version 1.60.


  • Fix a bug where predicates inside pattern comprehensions could end up not being correctly planned which could lead to incorrect results

  • Take Query Parameters over default arguments. If you don't provide actual arguments, but query parameters instead (like in CALL org.neo4j.aNodeWithLabel params =  Map("label" -> "Cat") ) this will from now on use the provided parameters and override any default arguments. It was preferring default arguments before, if they existed.

  • Reverts the restriction on passing unknown keys to the point function. Behaviour is now as it was before, allowing complex maps. Users need to take note of the fact that this means a map like {x:1,y:2,z:3} will create a 2D point in Neo4j 3.1-3.3, but a 3D point in Neo4j 3.4 and later.

  • Pattern comprehensions in other expressions were not planned correctly. Example:

    size([ (a)-->(b:B) WHERE (b)-->(:C) b.foo ]). This is now fixed.

  • Fixed issues with WRITE procedures interacting badly with their enclosing Cypher read queries by allowing authors to add an eager attribute to the  @Procedure annotation.

  • Fixes https://github.com/neo4j/neo4j/issues/12017 so when solving an OR predicate, other predicates are only considered solved if they were solved in both underlying operators.


  • Add support for multi-statement execution

  • Show the total number of nodes and relationships in db meta sidebar

  • Fix issue where neo4j-browser kept allocating more and more disk space

  • Switch to React 16.4

  • Fix meta query to be more performant

  • Handle changelog url building in disconnected state

  • Fix crashing favorites sidebar when using non latin1 characters

  • Add toggle for multi statement cypher editor

  • Fix editor to handle string literals that contain new lines

  • Add :history clear command

  • Add pagecache hits and misses to plan output

  • Add complete support for bolt+routing://

  • Add Neo4j Community Forum link to sidebar

  • Enable users with non reader roles to connect


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