内容简介:Kubernetes 1.10.8 已发布,更新内容如下 —— Changelog since v1.10.7 [fluentd-gcp-scaler addon] Bump fluentd-gcp-scaler to 0.4 to pick up security fixes. (#67691, @loburm) [prometheus-to-sd addon] ...
Kubernetes 1.10.8 已发布,更新内容如下 ——
Changelog since v1.10.7
[fluentd-gcp-scaler addon] Bump fluentd-gcp-scaler to 0.4 to pick up security fixes. (#67691, @loburm)
[prometheus-to-sd addon] Bump prometheus-to-sd to 0.3.1 to pick up security fixes, bug fixes and new features.
[event-exporter addon] Bump event-exporter to 0.2.3 to pick up security fixes.
Fix validation for HealthzBindAddress in kube-proxy when --healthz-port is set to 0 (#66138, @wsong)
Role, ClusterRole and their bindings for cloud-provider is put under system namespace. Their addonmanager mode switches to EnsureExists. (#67224, @grayluck)
Change chain name to IP-MASQ to be compatible with the
Update debian-iptables image for CVEs.
pre-injected masquerade rules.
Fix VMWare VM freezing bug by reverting #51066 (#67825, @nikopen)
support cross resource group for azure file (#68117, @andyzhangx)
Return apiserver panics as 500 errors instead terminating the apiserver process. (#68001, @sttts)
Cluster Autoscaler 1.2.3 (release notes: https://github.com/kubernetes/autoscaler/releases/tag/cluster-autoscaler-1.2.3) (#68348, @losipiuk)
Fix scheduler informers to receive events for all the pods in the cluster. (#63003, @bsalamat)
attachdetach controller attaches volumes immediately when Pod's PVCs are bound (#66863, @cofyc)
PVC may not be synced to controller local cache in time if PV is bound by external PV binder (e.g. kube-scheduler), double check if PVC is not found to prevent reclaiming PV wrongly. (#67062, @cofyc)
kube-apiserver now includes all registered API groups in discovery, including registered extension API group/versions for unavailable extension API servers. (#66932, @nilebox)
下载地址 https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/CHANGELOG-1.10.md#downloads-for-v1108
Kubernetes (通常称为 K8s) 是来自 Google 云平台的开源容器集群管理系统,用于自动部署、扩展和管理容器化(containerized)应用程序。该系统基于 Docker 构建一个容器的调度服务。
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
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N.C.琼斯 / 第1版 (2007年7月1日) / 2007-7 / 45.0
这是一本关于生物信息学算法和计算思想的导论性教科书,原著由国际上的权威学者撰写,经国内知名专家精心翻译为中文,系统介绍推动生物信息学不断进步的算法原理。全书强调的是算法中思想的运用,而不是对表面上并不相关的各类问题进行简单的堆砌。 体现了以下特色: 阐述生物学中的相关问题,涉及对问题的模型化处理并提供一种或多种解决方案: 简要介绍生物信息学领域领军人物; 饶有趣味的小插图使得概念更加具体和形象,方......一起来看看 《生物信息学算法导论》 这本书的介绍吧!