内容简介:Chef 14.5.15 发布了,Chef 是一个系统集成框架,为整个架构提供配置管理功能。 更新内容如下 Rename windows_ad_join's newname to be new_hostname #7643 (tas50) Update libarchive to 3.3.3 #7641 (tas50) w...
Chef 14.5.15 发布了,Chef 是一个系统集成框架,为整个架构提供配置管理功能。
Rename windows_ad_join's newname to be new_hostname #7643 (tas50)
windows_workgroup Resource for joining Windows Workgroups #7564 (derekgroh)
windows_ad_join resource - add newname property #7637 (derekgroh)
Add locale resource more managing the system's locale #7633 (vincentaubert)
paludis_package: Make sure timeout property is an Integer #7625 (tas50)
Fix remote_directory does not obey removal of file specificity #7551 (thechile)
Add required properties to the resource inspector output #7631 (tas50)
Properly capitalize PowerShell in descriptions and errors #7630 (tas50)
Add introduced versions for properties and more descriptions #7627 (tas50)
Remove unnecessary declare_resource usage in build_essential #7624 (tas50)
Remove the CBGB #7619 (nathenharvey)
Shorten the resource collision deprecation message #7601 (lamont-granquist)
Update property descriptions and remove extra nil types #7604 (tas50)
Allow resource_inspector be used outside the binary #7609 (tas50)
windows_auto_run: Avoid declare_resource where it's not needed #7608 (tas50)
Build chef omnibus package with Chef 14 / Berkshelf 7 #7603 (tas50)
Simplify the rake task to updating gem dependencies #7602 (lamont-granquist)
Add additional property docs + update existing docs #7600 (tas50)
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
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小米生态链谷仓学院 / 中信出版集团 / 2017-5 / 56.00
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