内容简介:Dubbo 2.6.3 正式版发布了,带来了功能增强、新特性、bug 修复、性能优化和 Hessian-lite。 功能增强/新特性 Support implicit delivery of attachments from provider to consumer, #889 Support inject Spring...
Dubbo 2.6.3 正式版发布了,带来了功能增强、新特性、bug 修复、性能优化和 Hessian-lite。
Support implicit delivery of attachments from provider to consumer, #889
Support inject Spring bean to SPI by bean type, #1837
Add generic invoke and attachments support for http&hessian protocol, #1827
Get the real methodname to support consistenthash for generic invoke, #1872
Remove validation key from provider url on Consumer side, config depedently, #1386
Introducing the Bootstrap module as a unified entry for Dubbo startup and resource destruction, #1665
Open TCP_NODELAY on Netty 3, #1746
Graceful shutdown optimization (unified to the lifecycle to Servlet or Spring), #1820, #2126
Enable thread pool on Consumer side, #2013
Support specify proxy type on provide side, #1873
Support dbindex in redis, #1831
Upgrade tomcat to 8.5.31, #1781
ChannelState branch prediction optimization. #1643
Optimize AtomicPositiveInteger, less memory and compute cost, #348
Introduce embeded Threadlocal to replace the JDK implementation, #1745
详情请查看 https://github.com/apache/incubator-dubbo/releases/tag/dubbo-2.6.3
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
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