- 以选举日为例,一般的组件写法
<template> <div> <h1>Election day!</h1> <button @click="voteForRed">Vote for :red_circle:</button> <button @click="voteForBlue">Vote for :large_blue_circle:</button> <h2>Results</h2> <results :red="red" :blue="blue" /> <total-votes :total="red + blue" /> </div> </template> <script> const TotalVotes = { props: ['total'], render (h) { return h('div', `Total votes: ${this.total}`) } } const Results = { props: ['red', 'blue'], render (h) { return h('div', `Red: ${this.red} - Blue: ${this.blue}`) } } export default { components: { TotalVotes, Results, }, data: () => ({ red: 0, blue: 0 }), methods: { voteForRed () { this.red++ }, voteForBlue () { this.blue++ }, } } </script> 复制代码
- 隔离状态 让我们创建一个state对象,并从那里管理我们的整转态。
const state = { red: 0, blue: 0, } const TotalVotes = { render: h => h('div', `Total votes: ${state.red + state.blue}`) } const Results = { render: h => h('div', `Red: ${state.red} - Blue: ${state.blue}`), } // ...and, inside our main component,... methods: { voteForRed () { state.red++ }, voteForBlue () { state.blue++ }, }, 复制代码
<template> <div> <h1>Election day!</h1> <button @click="voteForRed">Vote for :red_circle:</button> <button @click="voteForBlue">Vote for :large_blue_circle:</button> <h2>Results</h2> <results/> <total-votes/> </div> </template> <script> const state = { red: 0, blue: 0, } const TotalVotes = { data () { return state }, render (h) { return h('div', `Total votes: ${this.red + this.blue}`) }, } const Results = { data () { return state }, render (h) { return h('div', `Red: ${this.red} - Blue: ${this.blue}`) }, } export default { components: { TotalVotes, Results }, data () { return state }, methods: { voteForRed () { this.red++ }, voteForBlue () { this.blue++ }, }, } </script> 复制代码
import Vue from 'vue' const state = new Vue({ data () { return { red: 0, blue: 0 } }, methods: { voteForRed () { this.red++ }, voteForBlue () { this.blue++ }, }, }) const TotalVotes = { render: h => h('div', `Total votes: ${state.red + state.blue}`), } const Results = { render: h => h('div', `Red: ${state.red} - Blue: ${state.blue}`), } export default { components: { TotalVotes, Results }, methods: { voteForRed () { state.voteForRed() }, voteForBlue () { state.voteForBlue() }, }, } 复制代码
- 封装
<!--模板--> <template> <div> <h1>Election day!</h1> <button @click="voteForRed">Vote for :red_circle:</button> <button @click="voteForBlue">Vote for :large_blue_circle:</button> <h2>Results</h2> <results :red="red" :blue="blue" /> <total-votes :total="red + blue" /> </div> </template> <!--js--> <script> import Vue from 'vue' const createStore = ({state, mutations}) => { return new Vue({ data () { return {state} }, methods: { commit (mutationName) { mutations[mutationName](this.state) } } }) } const store = createStore({ state: { red: 0, blue: 0 }, mutations: { voteForRed (state) { state.red++ }, voteForBlue (state) { state.blue++ } } }) const TotalVotes = { render: h => h('div', `Total votes: ${store.state.red + store.state.blue}`) } const Results = { render: h => h('div', `Red: ${store.state.red} - Blue: ${store.state.blue}`) } export default { components: { TotalVotes, Results }, methods: { voteForRed () { store.commit('voteForRed') }, voteForBlue () { store.commit('voteForBlue') } } } </script> 复制代码
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《vue状态管理演进》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
A Common-Sense Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms
Jay Wengrow / Pragmatic Bookshelf / 2017-8-13 / USD 45.95
If you last saw algorithms in a university course or at a job interview, you’re missing out on what they can do for your code. Learn different sorting and searching techniques, and when to use each. F......一起来看看 《A Common-Sense Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms》 这本书的介绍吧!