内容简介:Apache Tomcat Connectors 1.2.44 发布了。mod_jk 也叫 JK,这是一款主要更新内容如下:完整更新内容请查看
Apache Tomcat Connectors 1.2.44 发布了。mod_jk 也叫 JK,这是一款 Apache /IIS 用来连接后台 Tomcat 的模块,支持集群和负载均衡。
- update 57946: Apache: Update the documentation to use httpd 2.4.x style access control directives. (markt)
- fix 58287: Common: Use Local, rather than Global, mutexs on Windows to better support multi-user environments. (markt)
- fix 59897: Apache: Use poll rather than select to avoid the limitations of select triggering an httpd crash. Patch provided by Koen Wilde. (markt)
- fix 60745: ISAPI: Remove the check that rejects requests that contain path segments that match WEB-INF or META-INF as it duplicates a check that Tomcat performs and, because ISAPI does not have visibility of the current context path, it is impossible to implement this check without valid requests being rejected. (markt)
- add Clarify the behvaiour of lb workers when all ajp13 workers fail with particular reference to the role of the retries attribute. (markt)
完整更新内容请查看 发布说明 。
转自 https://www.oschina.net/news/99554/apache-tomcat-connectors-1-2-44-released
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Java编程思想 (第4版)
[美] Bruce Eckel / 陈昊鹏 / 机械工业出版社 / 2007-6 / 108.00元
本书赢得了全球程序员的广泛赞誉,即使是最晦涩的概念,在Bruce Eckel的文字亲和力和小而直接的编程示例面前也会化解于无形。从Java的基础语法到最高级特性(深入的面向对象概念、多线程、自动项目构建、单元测试和调试等),本书都能逐步指导你轻松掌握。 从本书获得的各项大奖以及来自世界各地的读者评论中,不难看出这是一本经典之作。本书的作者拥有多年教学经验,对C、C++以及Java语言都有独到......一起来看看 《Java编程思想 (第4版)》 这本书的介绍吧!