内容简介:这次主要看下CICD中的CD功能。源码:https://github.com/limingios/docker/tree/master/No.11通过git clone 克隆到本地
通过git clone 克隆到本地
### 修改.gitlab-ci.yml 增加部署代码
* 修改
stages: - style - test - deploy pep8: stage: style script: - pip install tox - tox -e pep8 tags: - python2.7 unittest-py27: stage: test script: - pip install tox - tox -e py27 tags: - python2.7 unittest-py34: stage: test script: - pip install tox - tox -e py34 tags: - python3/4 docker-deploy: stage: deploy script: - docker build -t flask-demo . - docker run -d -p 5000:5000 flask-demo tags: - demo
- 提交到自建的gitlab上 commit push
- 增加了pipline
#执行这句没问题 docker build -t flask-demo . #执行这句就有问题了,之前已经有一个了之前的端口号就是5000,部署肯定报错的,解决方案,可以先将之前的remove掉,在起一个新的。可以写一些简单的脚本。 docker run -d -p 5000:5000 flask-demo
- 先将刚才创建的remove掉
sudo docker ps sudo docker rm -f 容器名称
>.gitlab-ci.yml 然后commit push到服务器上
stages: - style - test - deploy pep8: stage: style script: - pip install tox - tox -e pep8 tags: - python2.7 unittest-py27: stage: test script: - pip install tox - tox -e py27 tags: - python2.7 unittest-py34: stage: test script: - pip install tox - tox -e py34 tags: - python3/4 docker-deploy: stage: deploy script: - docker build -t flask-demo . - if [ $( docker ps -aq --filter name=web) ]; then docker rm -f web;fi - docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --name web flask-demo tags: - test1
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Sexy Web Design
Elliot Stocks / SitePoint / 2009-03-28 / $39.95
Description A guide to building usable, aesthetically pleasing interfaces for web sites and web applications by applying timeless principles of user-centered design. This book focuses on practical ......一起来看看 《Sexy Web Design》 这本书的介绍吧!