对于Oracle MFT在前面已经专门有博客文章介绍过,MFT是Oracle本身应用于端到端大文件传输的一个解决方案,支持文件传输加解密,多线程并行传输,支持断点和重试,支持端到端文件传输过程的监控等,底层仍然是基于JMS消息中间件进行。
在对MFT文件传输进行配置和部署后,最近发现一个新问题就是,MFT文件传输本身出现对源目录不进行监听的问题,往往只有重新部署MFT后才能够重传,而且有时候重新部署MFT传输还不行,需要对整个MFT Server服务器进行重启才可以。
对于cannot polling file or pick up file的问题,从Oracle Support网站知识库,可以找到一个类似的问题,里面的描述内容为:
ESS Jobs In MFT Are Stuck In Active State (文档 ID 2369720.1) , 在这篇文章里面有提到,ESS jobs in MFT are stuck in Active state , 和我们遇到的情况类似,涉及到补丁程序,Patch 26798713 ,因为我们还是先对所有的MFT Server服务器增加了该补丁。在12.2.1.3版本上可以打该补丁。
做了以上处理后,感觉还是有问题,最后发现我们认为MFT文件没有传输,而实际情况是由于MFT Server抓取源端服务器的文件流,由于网速太慢导致耗时很长,实际上整个MFT并没有卡死而只是处于了等待状态。
其次,我们查找Oracle官方网站,找到调节MFT Server性能一个关键文章说明:
If MFT is not able to pick up files even after polling frequency is expired, you need to tune the remote FTP/SFTP/FILE type sources. MFT uses the JCA Adapters underneath for all of these source types. Refer to the SOA adapter recommendations listed under "Oracle JCA Adapter Framework Performance and Tuning" in Understanding Technology Adapters.
问题说明:A high priority endpoint is downloading files slowly because of insufficient threads in the global pool. 全局线程池没有可用的线程来进行处理。
问题说明:In rare cases, you may not want to use global threads or allocate a separate thread pool for a low-priority end point. 少数情况,你可能并不想使用全局线程池或分配一个独立线程池给低优先级传输。
The inbound design for File and FTP Adapters is based on a producer/consumer model where each deployment of a composite application (with inbound File/Ftp Adapter service) results in the creation of a single poller thread and an optional number of processor threads.
The following steps highlight the default threading behavior of File and Ftp Adapters:
The poller thread periodically scans for files in the input directory based on a configured polling frequency。轮询线程基于配置的轮询频率对源端目录进行轮询。
For each new file that the poller detects in the inbound directory, the poller enqueues information such as file name, file directory, modified time, and file size into an internal system-wide in-memory queue.
A global pool of processor threads (four in number) wait to process from this in-memory queue.
The items in the in-memory queue are dequeued and processed by these threads; processing includes translation of file content into XML and publishing to SOA infrastructure, followed by post-processing, for example, deletion/archival of the file.
This is the default threading behavior for both the File and FTP Adapters.
However, you can change this behavior by configuring either a ThreadCount or SingleThreadModel property in the inbound jca configuration file. 你可以修改这两个参数来改变默认处理方式。
Because the processor threads themselves come from the SOA Work manager, they consume memory/CPU time and hence this property must be configured carefully. Recommendation is to start with a value of 2 and slowly increase the speed as required; the system, however, sets the upper bound for this configuration of ThreadCount at 40.
Setting SingleThreadModel as true in the JCA configuration results in the poller assuming the role of the processor. In other words, the poller scans the inbound directory and processes the files in the same thread (one after another).
This parameter is particularly useful if you want to throttle the system. You can also use this parameter if you want to process files in a specific order (for example, process files in descending order of last modified time)
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《谈OracleMFT文件传输性能调整(9.3)》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
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