Fabric.js 非常的强大,但是国内的资源教程很少,最近想加个功能给元素添加辅助参考线(类似 http://jsfiddle.net/elin/A6CpP/ )。这样某个元素移动缩放都会根据其他元素有个参考,就行ps里面的功能一样。虽然类似的功能我其他的项目有单独实现过,但是我本着能懒就懒的原则,于是乎我google了一下,官方的bug里有提到,安利给大家。
export default initAligningGuidelines;
function initAligningGuidelines(canvas) { var ctx = canvas.getSelectionContext(), aligningLineOffset = 5, aligningLineMargin = 4, aligningLineWidth = 1, aligningLineColor = 'rgb(255,255,0)', viewportTransform, zoom = 1; function drawVerticalLine(coords) { drawLine( coords.x + 0.5, coords.y1 > coords.y2 ? coords.y2 : coords.y1, coords.x + 0.5, coords.y2 > coords.y1 ? coords.y2 : coords.y1); } function drawHorizontalLine(coords) { drawLine( coords.x1 > coords.x2 ? coords.x2 : coords.x1, coords.y + 0.5, coords.x2 > coords.x1 ? coords.x2 : coords.x1, coords.y + 0.5); } function drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2) { ctx.save(); ctx.lineWidth = aligningLineWidth; ctx.strokeStyle = aligningLineColor; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(((x1+viewportTransform[4])*zoom), ((y1+viewportTransform[5])*zoom)); ctx.lineTo(((x2+viewportTransform[4])*zoom), ((y2+viewportTransform[5])*zoom)); ctx.stroke(); ctx.restore(); } function isInRange(value1, value2) { value1 = Math.round(value1); value2 = Math.round(value2); for (var i = value1 - aligningLineMargin, len = value1 + aligningLineMargin; i <= len; i++) { if (i === value2) { return true; } } return false; } var verticalLines = [], horizontalLines = []; canvas.on('mouse:down', function () { viewportTransform = canvas.viewportTransform; zoom = canvas.getZoom(); }); canvas.on('object:moving', function(e) { var activeObject = e.target, canvasObjects = canvas.getObjects(), activeObjectCenter = activeObject.getCenterPoint(), activeObjectLeft = activeObjectCenter.x, activeObjectTop = activeObjectCenter.y, activeObjectBoundingRect = activeObject.getBoundingRect(), activeObjectHeight = activeObjectBoundingRect.height / viewportTransform[3], activeObjectWidth = activeObjectBoundingRect.width / viewportTransform[0], horizontalInTheRange = false, verticalInTheRange = false, transform = canvas._currentTransform; if (!transform) return; // It should be trivial to DRY this up by encapsulating (repeating) creation of x1, x2, y1, and y2 into functions, // but we're not doing it here for perf. reasons -- as this a function that's invoked on every mouse move for (var i = canvasObjects.length; i--; ) { if (canvasObjects[i] === activeObject) continue; var objectCenter = canvasObjects[i].getCenterPoint(), objectLeft = objectCenter.x, objectTop = objectCenter.y, objectBoundingRect = canvasObjects[i].getBoundingRect(), objectHeight = objectBoundingRect.height / viewportTransform[3], objectWidth = objectBoundingRect.width / viewportTransform[0]; // snap by the horizontal center line if (isInRange(objectLeft, activeObjectLeft)) { verticalInTheRange = true; verticalLines.push({ x: objectLeft, y1: (objectTop < activeObjectTop) ? (objectTop - objectHeight / 2 - aligningLineOffset) : (objectTop + objectHeight / 2 + aligningLineOffset), y2: (activeObjectTop > objectTop) ? (activeObjectTop + activeObjectHeight / 2 + aligningLineOffset) : (activeObjectTop - activeObjectHeight / 2 - aligningLineOffset) }); activeObject.setPositionByOrigin(new fabric.Point(objectLeft, activeObjectTop), 'center', 'center'); } // snap by the left edge if (isInRange(objectLeft - objectWidth / 2, activeObjectLeft - activeObjectWidth / 2)) { verticalInTheRange = true; verticalLines.push({ x: objectLeft - objectWidth / 2, y1: (objectTop < activeObjectTop) ? (objectTop - objectHeight / 2 - aligningLineOffset) : (objectTop + objectHeight / 2 + aligningLineOffset), y2: (activeObjectTop > objectTop) ? (activeObjectTop + activeObjectHeight / 2 + aligningLineOffset) : (activeObjectTop - activeObjectHeight / 2 - aligningLineOffset) }); activeObject.setPositionByOrigin(new fabric.Point(objectLeft - objectWidth / 2 + activeObjectWidth / 2, activeObjectTop), 'center', 'center'); } // snap by the right edge if (isInRange(objectLeft + objectWidth / 2, activeObjectLeft + activeObjectWidth / 2)) { verticalInTheRange = true; verticalLines.push({ x: objectLeft + objectWidth / 2, y1: (objectTop < activeObjectTop) ? (objectTop - objectHeight / 2 - aligningLineOffset) : (objectTop + objectHeight / 2 + aligningLineOffset), y2: (activeObjectTop > objectTop) ? (activeObjectTop + activeObjectHeight / 2 + aligningLineOffset) : (activeObjectTop - activeObjectHeight / 2 - aligningLineOffset) }); activeObject.setPositionByOrigin(new fabric.Point(objectLeft + objectWidth / 2 - activeObjectWidth / 2, activeObjectTop), 'center', 'center'); } // snap by the vertical center line if (isInRange(objectTop, activeObjectTop)) { horizontalInTheRange = true; horizontalLines.push({ y: objectTop, x1: (objectLeft < activeObjectLeft) ? (objectLeft - objectWidth / 2 - aligningLineOffset) : (objectLeft + objectWidth / 2 + aligningLineOffset), x2: (activeObjectLeft > objectLeft) ? (activeObjectLeft + activeObjectWidth / 2 + aligningLineOffset) : (activeObjectLeft - activeObjectWidth / 2 - aligningLineOffset) }); activeObject.setPositionByOrigin(new fabric.Point(activeObjectLeft, objectTop), 'center', 'center'); } // snap by the top edge if (isInRange(objectTop - objectHeight / 2, activeObjectTop - activeObjectHeight / 2)) { horizontalInTheRange = true; horizontalLines.push({ y: objectTop - objectHeight / 2, x1: (objectLeft < activeObjectLeft) ? (objectLeft - objectWidth / 2 - aligningLineOffset) : (objectLeft + objectWidth / 2 + aligningLineOffset), x2: (activeObjectLeft > objectLeft) ? (activeObjectLeft + activeObjectWidth / 2 + aligningLineOffset) : (activeObjectLeft - activeObjectWidth / 2 - aligningLineOffset) }); activeObject.setPositionByOrigin(new fabric.Point(activeObjectLeft, objectTop - objectHeight / 2 + activeObjectHeight / 2), 'center', 'center'); } // snap by the bottom edge if (isInRange(objectTop + objectHeight / 2, activeObjectTop + activeObjectHeight / 2)) { horizontalInTheRange = true; horizontalLines.push({ y: objectTop + objectHeight / 2, x1: (objectLeft < activeObjectLeft) ? (objectLeft - objectWidth / 2 - aligningLineOffset) : (objectLeft + objectWidth / 2 + aligningLineOffset), x2: (activeObjectLeft > objectLeft) ? (activeObjectLeft + activeObjectWidth / 2 + aligningLineOffset) : (activeObjectLeft - activeObjectWidth / 2 - aligningLineOffset) }); activeObject.setPositionByOrigin(new fabric.Point(activeObjectLeft, objectTop + objectHeight / 2 - activeObjectHeight / 2), 'center', 'center'); } } if (!horizontalInTheRange) { horizontalLines.length = 0; } if (!verticalInTheRange) { verticalLines.length = 0; } }); canvas.on('before:render', function() { canvas.clearContext(canvas.contextTop); }); canvas.on('after:render', function() { for (var i = verticalLines.length; i--; ) { drawVerticalLine(verticalLines[i]); } for (var i = horizontalLines.length; i--; ) { drawHorizontalLine(horizontalLines[i]); } verticalLines.length = horizontalLines.length = 0; }); canvas.on('mouse:up', function() { verticalLines.length = horizontalLines.length = 0; canvas.renderAll(); }); } export default initAligningGuidelines;
import initAligningGuidelines from '@/libs/guidelines.js'; let canvas = new fabric.Canvas('canvas'); initAligningGuidelines(canvas)
看到没各位。。。一根黄色的辅助线就有了,辅助线的颜色,宽度等都可以调节,具体看代码aligningLineColor 等变量。
有个有趣的事情说一下:这个竟然价值 $200 美元。Google一下,迎娶白富美靠你了。 我下一篇会写一下有关添加背景表格的方法,如上图的表格。最近一直在用Fabricjs做相关项目,如果有Fabricjs的问题的小伙伴,可以留下你的问题,我们一起探讨。么么哒。:)
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
潘爱民 / 电子工业出版社 / 2010年4月 / 99.00元
本书从操作系统原理的角度,详细解析了Windows如何实现现代操作系统的各个关键部件,包括进程、线程、物理内存和虚拟内存的管理,Windows中的同步和并发性支持,以及Windows的I/O模型。在介绍这些关键部件时,本书直接以Windows的源代码(WRK, Windows Research Kernel)为参照,因而读者可以了解像Windows这样的复杂操作系统是如何在x86处理器上运行的。 ......一起来看看 《Windows内核原理与实现》 这本书的介绍吧!